Research/art/teacher profile of a person
Name and surname prof. JUDr. Mária Srebalová, PhD.
Document type: Research/art/teacher profile of a person
The name of the university Comenius University Bratislava
The seat of the university Šafárikovo námestie 6, 818 06 Bratislava
The name of the faculty Faculty of Law
The seat of the faculty Šafárikovo námestie 6, P.O.BOX 313, 81000 Bratislava

I. - Basic information

I.1 - Surname
I.2 - Name
I.3 - Degrees
prof., JUDr., PhD.
I.4 - Year of birth
I.5 - Name of the workplace
Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law
I.6 - Address of the workplace
Šafárikovo nám. 6, Bratislava
I.7 - Position
I.8 - E-mail address
I.9 - Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Register of university staff
I.10 - Name of the study field in which a person works at the university
I.11 - ORCID iD

II. - Higher education and further qualification growth

II.1 - First degree of higher education
II.2 - Second degree of higher education
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
II.3 - Third degree of higher education
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
Administrative Law
II.4 - Associate professor
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
Administrative Law
II.5 - Professor
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
Administrative Law
II.6 - Doctor of Science (DrSc.)

III. - Current and previous employment

III.a - Occupation-position III.b - Institution III.c - Duration
Professor Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law from 2018
Associate professor Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law from 2009
Assistant professor Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law from 1997
researcher Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law from 1994
referent Tax office Bratislava V. from 1993

V. - Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

V.1 - Overview of the profile courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.1.a - Name of the profile course V.1.b - Study programme V.1.c - Degree V.1.d - Field of study
Substantive Administrative Law Law first law
Administrative procedural Law Law first law
Administrative law 1 Economics and Law first law
Administrative law 1 Economics and Law first law
Evidence (Law of Evidence) Law second law
Administrative justice Law first Law
V.4 - Overview of supervised final theses
V.4.1 - Number of currently supervised theses
V.4.a - Bachelor's (first degree)
V.4.b - Diploma (second degree)
V.4.c - Dissertation (third degree)
V.4.2 - Number of defended theses
V.4.a - Bachelor's (first degree)
V.4.b - Diploma (second degree)
V.4.c - Dissertation (third degree)
V.5 - Overview of other courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.5.a - Name of the course V.5.b - Study programme V.5.c - Degree V.5.d - Field of study
Land law Law second law
Applied administrative law and social security law Law second law
Theory of administrative Law I. Law third law
Theory of administrative Law II. Law third law
The science of Administrative Law Law third law

VI. - Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

VI.1 - Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs and the corresponding citations
VI.1.1 - Number of the research/artistic/other outputs
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.2 - Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.3 - Number of citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.4 - Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.5 - Number of invited lectures at the international, national level
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.2 - The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

AAB01 Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (100%) : Rýchlosť správneho konania a nečinnosť správneho orgánu. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Právnická fakulta, Vydavateľské oddelenie, 2008. - 120 s. - (Studia Iuridica Bratislavensia; Nr. 29)

Lit. 78 zázn.


AAA01 Hrnčárová, Nataša (40%) - Meššová, Barbora (34%) - Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (12% [3,00 AH]) - Macková, Darina (14%): Zákon o azyle : komentár. - 1. vyd. - Praha : C.H. Beck, 2012. - 430 s. - (Komentované zákony)

Lit. 58 zázn.

ISBN 978-80-7400-264-9


(A) Peráček, Tomáš [UKOMAKIS] (51%) -Vojtech, František (16%) - Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (16% )-Pekár, Bernard [UKOPASP] (7%) -Mikušová Meričková, Beáta (5%) -Horvat, Matej [UKOPASP] (5%): Restriction on the re-export of medicinal products and the supervision of compliance with it by public administration bodies, Lit. 12 zázn. In: European Pharmaceutical Journal [elektronický zdroj]. -Roč. 64, č. 1 (2017), s. 1-7 [online]. -eISSN 1338-6786, Registrované v: scopus


Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (70%) - Peráček, Tomáš [UKOMAKIS] (30%)Challenges and Perspectives of Effective Land Consolidation The Case of Slovak Republic

Vykazovacie obdobie CREPČ 2022, Kategória EPC, V2 Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka

Vyd. údaje Developments in information and knowledge management for business applications. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-3-030-95813-8. - Cham : Springer Nature, 2022. - S. 179-202

Online: Autor: Srebalová, Mária 1969- UKOPASP (autor) (70%)


Skóra, Agnieszka (autor) (40%) Srebalová, Mária 1969- [UKOPASP] (autor) (40%) Papáčová, Ingrida 1990- (autor) (20%): Administrative judiciary is looking for a balance in a crisis

·    Bib-ID vtls000387891

Vykazovacie obdobie CREPČ 2022

Kategória EPC V3 Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu

Vyd. údaje Juridical Tribune - Tribuna Juridica. - Roč. 12, č. 1, March (2022), s. 5-20

Registrované v scopus, wos

Impakt časopisu

CiteScore - SCOPUS: 2021 - 0,1

Recenzované [rec.]

Predmet článok

Oblasť výskumu / Štud. odbor: 070 Právo a medzinárodné vzťahy, 6835 sociálne, ekonomické a právne vedy

Prístupnosť v DB SCOPUS, Web of Science Core Collection

ISSN ISSN (print) 2247-7195 ISSN (online) 2248-0382

Grant: Vplyv vzájomného uznávania prostriedkov elektronickej identifikácie na elektronické služby verejnej správy [APVV-17-0403] - APVV

Kód afiliácie UKOAP22

Pracovisko: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. Právnická fakulta UK. Katedra správneho a environmentálneho práva. Bratislava ; UKOPASP


VI.3 - The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

ABA01 Fečík, Marián (48%) - Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (6%) - Baricová, Jana (3%) - Filová, Anita (43%): Správna žaloba vo veciach správneho trestania : § 194-198

Lit.: 32 zázn.

In: Správny súdny poriadok : komentár. - Praha : C.H. Beck, 2018. - S. 965-1025. - ISBN 978-80-7400-678-4


ADF37 Meričková Mikušová, Beáta (30%) - Štrangfeldová, Jana (30%) - Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (20%) - Peráček, Tomáš [UKOMAKIS] (20%): Vybrané ekonomicko-právne aspekty dostupnosti liekov v Slovenskej republike = Selected economic and legal aspects ofavailability of drugs

Lit. 22 zázn.

In: Farmaceutický obzor. - Roč. 86, č. 1-2 (2017), s. 12-21. - ISSN 0014-8172


(A) Peráček, Tomáš [UKOMAKIS] (51%) -Vojtech, František (16%) - Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (16% )-Pekár, Bernard [UKOPASP] (7%) -Mikušová Meričková, Beáta (5%) -Horvat, Matej [UKOPASP] (5%): Restriction on the re-export of medicinal products and the supervision of compliance with it by public administration bodies, Lit. 12 zázn. In: European Pharmaceutical Journal [elektronický zdroj]. -Roč. 64, č. 1 (2017), s. 1-7 [online]. -eISSN 1338-6786, Registrované v: scopus


Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (70%) - Peráček, Tomáš [UKOMAKIS] (30%)Challenges and Perspectives of Effective Land Consolidation The Case of Slovak Republic

Vykazovacie obdobie CREPČ 2022, Kategória EPC, V2 Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka

Vyd. údaje Developments in information and knowledge management for business applications. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-3-030-95813-8. - Cham : Springer Nature, 2022. - S. 179-202

Online: Autor: Srebalová, Mária 1969- UKOPASP (autor) (70%)


Skóra, Agnieszka (autor) (40%) Srebalová, Mária 1969- [UKOPASP] (autor) (40%) Papáčová, Ingrida 1990- (autor) (20%): Administrative judiciary is looking for a balance in a crisis

·    Bib-ID vtls000387891

Vykazovacie obdobie CREPČ 2022

Kategória EPC V3 Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu

Vyd. údaje Juridical Tribune - Tribuna Juridica. - Roč. 12, č. 1, March (2022), s. 5-20

Registrované v scopus, wos

Impakt časopisu

CiteScore - SCOPUS: 2021 - 0,1

Recenzované [rec.]

Predmet článok

Oblasť výskumu / Štud. odbor: 070 Právo a medzinárodné vzťahy, 6835 sociálne, ekonomické a právne vedy

Prístupnosť v DB SCOPUS, Web of Science Core Collection

ISSN ISSN (print) 2247-7195 ISSN (online) 2248-0382

Grant: Vplyv vzájomného uznávania prostriedkov elektronickej identifikácie na elektronické služby verejnej správy [APVV-17-0403] - APVV

Kód afiliácie UKOAP22

Pracovisko: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. Právnická fakulta UK. Katedra správneho a environmentálneho práva. Bratislava ; UKOPASP


VI.4 - The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

Meričková Mikušová, Beáta (30%) - Štrangfeldová, Jana (30%) - Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (20%) - Peráček, Tomáš [UKOMAKIS] (20%): Vybrané ekonomicko-právne aspekty dostupnosti liekov v Slovenskej republike = Selected economic and legal aspects ofavailability of drugs

Lit. 22 zázn.

In: Farmaceutický obzor. - Roč. 86, č. 1-2 (2017), s. 12-21. - ISSN 0014-8172

Ohlasy (2):

[o1] 2018 Strážovská, Ľubomíra - Ďuriš, Marcel: Digitalization of society and e-government. In: Hradec economic days 2018 vol.8(2). Hradec Králové : University of Hradec Králové, 2018, S. 324-332 - CPCI-SSH

[o1] 2018 Ďuriš, Marcel - Olvecká, Viera - Strážovská, Ľubomíra - Sulíková, Rozália: Influence of the globalization on doing business in Slovakia. In: Vision 2020: sustainable economic development and application of innovation management fromregional expansion to global growth. Norristown : International business information management association, 2018, S. 7317 - SCOPUS UKOMAKN


Horvat, Matej [UKOPASP] (34%) - Magurová, Hana (33%) - Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (33%): Protection of consumers' rights in railway in the Slovak Republic

Lit. 5 zázn.

In: Yearbook of antitrust and regulatory studies. - Roč. 10, č. 16 (2017), s. 177-190. - ISSN 1689-9024

Registrované v: scopus

Ohlasy (3):

[o1] 2019 Peráček, Tomáš - Mucha, Boris - Brestovanská, Patrícia: Comparative analysis of Slovak and Czech constitutional law on favorable environment. In: SGEM 2019 conference proceedings : 5 : Ecology, economics, education and legislation :Roč. 19. Sofia : STEP92 Technology, 2019, S. 427-433 - SCOPUS

[o1] 2019 Peráček, Tomáš: Selected issues of electronic delivery in the Slovak public administration. In: Education excellence and innovation management through Vision 2020 [elektronický dokument]. Norristown : International businessinformation management association, 2019, S. 3255-3263 [online] - SCOPUS

[o1] 2020 Peráček, Tomáš Vilčeková, Lucia Mucha, Boris Nosková, Milena: An objective view of government policy on access to information in years 1948-2020. In: Education excellence and innovation management : a 2025 vision to sustaineconomic development during global challenges : proceedings of the 35th IBIMA conference 2020. Norristown : IBIMA, 2020, S. 1347-1355 - CPCI-SSH


Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (20%) - Horvat, Matej [UKOPASP] (20%) - Vačok, Juraj [UKOPASP] (20%) - Vojtech, František (20%) - Filip, Stanislav (20%): Legal obstacles to freedom to conduct a business: experience of the Slovak Republic [elektronický dokument]

Lit.: 12 zázn.

In: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 7, č. 4 (2020), s. 3385-3394 [online]. - ISSN (online) 2345-0282


Registrované v: scopus

Indikátor časopisu:

SJR (SCOPUS) 2019=1,171

SNIP (SCOPUS) 2019=5,681

CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2019=7,0

Kvartil Q:

scimago-sjr -- Q1 [Business and international management] -- 2019

scimago-sjr -- Q1 [Economics, econometrics and finance (miscellaneous)] -- 2019

scimago-sjr -- Q1 [Management, monitoring, policy and law] -- 2019

scimago-sjr -- Q1 [Management of technology and innovation] -- 2019

Ohlasy (6):

[o1] 2020 Peráček, Tomáš: The perspectives of European society and the European cooperative as a form of entrepreneurship in the context of the impact of European economic policy. In: Online Journal Modelling the New Europe, roč. 34, 2020, s.56 - SCOPUS

[o3] 2020 Sidak, Mykola - Hajnišová, Edita - Fabuš, Michal: European Central Bank: security, sustainable and efficient aspects. In: Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues [elektronický dokument], roč. 10, č. 2, 2020, s. 411 [online]

[o1] 2020 Peráček, Tomáš: Human resources and their remuneration : managerial and legal background. In: RELIK 2020 : Reproduction of human capital - mutual links and connections. Praha : Prague University of Economics and Business, 2020, S.454-465 - CPCI-SSH

[o1] 2021 Nováčková, Daniela - Peráček, Tomáš: The common European investment policy and its perspectives in the context of the Achmea case law. In: TalTech journal of European studies [elektronický dokument], roč. 11, č. 1, 2021, s. 164[online] - SCOPUS

[o1] 2021 Peráček, Tomáš: A few remarks on the (im)perfection of the term securities : a theoretical study. In: Juridical Tribune - Tribuna Juridica, roč. 11, č. 2, 2021, s. 137 - ESCI

[o1] 2021 Peráček, Tomáš: Flexibility of creating and changing employment in the options of the Slovak Labor Code. In: Problems and Perspectives in Management, roč. 19, č. 3, 2021, s. 373-382 - SCOPUS


Peráček, Tomáš [UKOMAKIS] (51%) - Vojtech, František (16%) - Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (16%) - Pekár, Bernard [UKOPASP] (7%) - Horvat, Matej [UKOPASP] (5%) - Mikušová Meričková, Beáta (5%): Restriction on the re-export of medicinal products andthe supervision of compliance with it by public administration bodies [elektronický dokument]

Lit.: 15 zázn.

In: European Pharmaceutical Journal [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 65, č. 1 (2018), s. 24-30 [online]. - ISSN (print) 2453-6725


Registrované v: scopus

Indikátor časopisu:

SJR (SCOPUS) 2018=0,128

SNIP (SCOPUS) 2018=0,336

CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2018=0,9

Kvartil Q:

scimago-sjr -- Q3 [Pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutics (miscellaneous)] -- 2018

Ohlasy (3):

[o1] 2018 Milošovičová, Petra - Treľová, Silvia: A new type of business in Slovakia. In: Innovation management and education excellence vision 2020. Norristown : International business information management association (IBIMA), 2018, S.3092-3098 - CPCI-SSH ; SCOPUS

[o1] 2018 Ďuriš, Marcel - Ölvecká, Viera - Strážovská, Ľubomíra - Sulíková, Rozália: Influence of the globalization on doing business in Slovakia. In: Vision 2020: sustainable economic development and application of innovation management fromregional expansion to global growth. Norristown: International business information management association, 2018, S. 7310-7318 - SCOPUS ; CPCI-SSH

[o1] 2021 Androniceanu, A.: Transparency in public administration as a challenge for a good democratic governance. In: Administratie si Management Public, vol. 2021, iss. 36, 2021, s. 149-164 - SCOPUS


Srebalová, Mária [UKOPASP] (100%) : Reformy verejnej správy a štátna správaLit. 6 zázn. In: Organizace státní správy -vývojové tendence. -Praha : Leges, 2014. -S. 90-97. -ISBN 978-80-7502-048-2 Ohlasy (2): [o2] 2017 Mikušová Meričková, B. -Bašteková, A. -Stejskal, J. -Pekár, B.: Economic, political, social factor of corruption in the Slovak Republic. In: The NISPAcee journalof public administration and policy, roč. 10, č. 1, 2017, s. 102,118 –SCOPUS [o2] 2017 Mikušová Meričková, Beáta -Nemec, Juraj -Svidroňová Murray, Mária -Pischko, Viliam: Analysis of the relationship between the size and structure of public expenditure and socio-economic development. In: Ekonomický časopis, roč. 65,č. 4, 2017, s. 322, 333 -SSCI ; SCOPUS

VI.5 - Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

Project APVV – 0448-10, title: Legal regulation of administrative justice in the Slovak republic, duration: 2011-2014, position: member of the research team


Vega project no. 1/1036/15, title: Legal regulation of administrative punishment, duration: 2015 -2017, position: project manager


Vega project no. 1/0557/17, title: Legal aspects of optimizing the performance of public administration by municipalities as subject of public administration, duration: 2017 – 2019, position: member of the research team


Vega project no. 1/0686/18, title: Survey of valid individual administrative acts in the context of legal certainty and justice, duration: 2018 -2020, position: member of the research team


Project APVV-18-0534, title: Legal regulation of Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel, duration: 2019 – 2022, position: project manager

VII. - Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

VII.a - Activity, position VII.b - Name of the institution, board VII.c - Duration
Membership in the Scientific Board Comenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Law from 2017
Deputy Head of the Department, Department of Administrative and Environmental Law Department of Administrative and Environmental Law, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law 2014 - 2015

VIII. - Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

VIII.a - Name of the institution VIII.b - Address of the institution VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe)
Mykolas Romeris, Faculty of Law Vilnius, Lithuania 17. 11. - 31.11. 2004 study stay for the purposes of the habilitation procedure

IX. - Other relevant facts

IX.a - If relevant, other activities related to higher education or research/artistic/other activities are mentioned

Assessor of VEGA projects from 2015.

National expert guarantor in the international research initiative „No asylum and then...“, organized by the Institute for Social Law KU Leuven – Faculty of Law in 2016.

From 2003 to 2011 a member of the Standing Appeals Commission of the Minister of Finance of the Slovak Republic and subsequently until 2012 as a member of the ad hoc appeals commissions of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, in 2005 – 2009 a member of the Appeals Commission of the Public Procurement Office from 2009 to 2013 she provided professional advice and was a member of the appeals commissions of the Health Care Supervision Office. Since 2016 a member of the Administrative College of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic. Since 2017 she has been providing professional advice to the Office for Slovaks living abroad and in 2022 - 2023 she was a member of an interdepartmental working group for the preparation of a new law on Slovaks living abroad. Since 2018 a member of the Appeals Commission of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic. Since 2022 she is a member of the Appeals Commision of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.

From 2017 to 2021 she regularly held professional seminars for employees of public administration bodies in the Slovak Republic at the Institute for Public Administration in Bratislava. In 2022 she led professional seminars for the Bratislava Self-Governing Region and for the Slovak Environmental Inspection.

Date of last update