Description of the study programme
Study programme dMKS/x - mediálne a komunikačné štúdiá
Study Grade of study - III. - doctoral, study form - external, study type - Single degree study
Document type: Description of the study programme
The name of the university Comenius University Bratislava
The seat of the university Šafárikovo námestie 6, 818 06 Bratislava
The name of the faculty Faculty of Arts
The seat of the faculty Gondova 2, 81102 Bratislava
Institution body for approving the study programme:
Accreditation Council, Comenius University in Bratislava
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification:
Reference to the assessment report of the application for accreditation of the study programme under § 30 of Act no. 269/2018 Coll.:
1. - Basic information about the study programme
a) - Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
media and communication studies
b) - Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
3rd degree, code 864
c) - Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Gondova 2, 811 02 Bratislava 1
d) - Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
23. media and communication studies, 0321, 0322, 0414
e) - Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
academically oriented
Awarded academic degree after the name
g) - Form of study.
i) - Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
Slovak, English
j) - Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
5 years
k) - Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
Planned number of students: 5. The actual number of applicants: 7. The actual number of students: 8.
2. - Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) - The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The aim of the study programme Media and Communication Studies on the 3rd level is to create a platform for raising and education of experts specialised in one of the departments in media intercessed communication, information, promotion, journalism and advertising activity particularly in digital environment. Media communication concerns all spheres of social life and the need to educate qualified experts for its expansion and growth focused on the axiological dimension and values of media communication is very topical. The graduate of the Media and Communication Studies programme on the 3rd level is familiar with academic methods of research and development with the orientation on media communication, marketing communication and library and information science. The graduate has the potential to become a top-level expert for media, information and marketing system analysis. The aim is to raise inventive professionals and researchers.

Theoretical knowledge and abilities: the graduate student is able to explore and to bring new knowledge in the field of academic research in media, communication and information. The graduate is able to acquire basic methodology and to exert it creatively while solving complex academic problems in media communication on theoretical and applied research level. The graduate is familiar with theoretical frameworks and principles of creating media, information and communication products and systems. He/she is able to creatively use expert knowledge and applies these within the formation of new methods and scientific knowledge in the field and is contributing to progress of research. He/she is able to to elaborate conceptual and analytical materials and is able to creatively enrich the field by publishing in high-class international magazines and publishers. He/she can critically assess professional works on an international level, administrate teams, employees and media and information institutions. The graduate creatively uses information systems and works in digital space. He/she can apply methods and techniques in research and projecting of media, information and marketing systems, products and services. He/she is familiar with the basics of psychology, sociology, ethics, law, history, aesthetics and management of media, marketing and information activities and is able to provide consulting and advice services in media practice.

Subsidiary knowledge and abilities: the graduate student of the 3rd level in the programme Media and Communication Studies will acquire values and principles of academic work, methods of academic problem formulations, language communication, promotion and communication with public, applying conclusions of the research into routine and ethical principles of the academic information, media and promotion activity.

b) - The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

Graduates are employed in the academic sphere, research and management positions in media, information and marketing institutions and companies. Such positions may include research employee, a higher education institution teacher, methodology specialist, media and advertising analyst, data analyst, media expert, editor, commentator, speaker, agency journalist, chief editor, data journalist, information manager, digital curator, marketing communication specialist, director and manager of media, marketing and information institutions, publishing director, creative director, digital librarian, information analyst, public relations manager etc. Graduates can find employment in government domain (government departments, public affairs offices), diplomacy and media politics, non-profit sector, culture, business sector, social marketing, and also in libraries, media and in institutions supporting science, research, education, culture, media. 

c) - Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

The given study programme does not have regulated professions in accordance with the requirements for obtaining professional competence according to a special regulation.

3. - Employability
a) - Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

Graduates of the study programme Media and Communication Studies will gain theoretical knowledge essential for practical implementation of the activities on the spectre of professions of information, journalistic, advertising and promotional character with an emphasis placed on the analysis of information, data operations and information, product and consumer strategies and open electronic sources. Graduates will also achieve abilities needed for independent analysis of data, projecting and directing of institutional, medial and informational strategies and politics, research tasks and interpretation of results. They also have abilities to research academically and to contribute creatively into the development of their fields. They can find employment in various spheres of social practice, the basis of which is working with information, from its acquisition to analysis and spread. They are able to contribute to the theoretical and methodological development of the field, to media and information policy, they master the basics of media, advertising and information ethics. They apply academic knowledge to media, information, marketing and journalistic practice, also in the field of public relations.

Graduates of the study programme can find employment in a wide range of media and information institutions in the broadest sense, including radio, television, press, press and advertising agencies, libraries, new media, cultural institutions (galleries, museums, archives, libraries), publishing houses, diplomacy and international organizations, in the non-profit and private sector (communications departments, consulting and advisory firms, banks, media, internet companies, technology companies).

b) - If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

Successful graduates of previous study programmes, which combine to create the programme Media and Communication Studies, include media celebrities of culture, electronic media, advertising and libraries. Successful graduates in the journalistic field: Mgr. Ľubomír Bajaník, PhD., Radio and Television of Slovakia, Mýtna 1, 817 55 Bratislava 15, Mgr. Jana Pazderová, PhD.,TV Markíza, external cooperation, Bratislavská 1/a, 843 56 Bratislava 48, Mgr. Simona Mikušová, PhD., TV Markíza, broadcaster, Bratislavská 1/a, 843 56 Bratislava 48, Mgr. Olívia Strapeková, PhD., Investment Banking manager, J&T IB and Capital Markets, a. s., Dvořákovo nábrežie 10, Bratislava 811 02.

Successful graduates in the field of library and information science: PhDr. Marcela Katuščáková, PhD. (Faculty of Social and Economic Science, Comenius University Bratislava, assistant professor), PhDr. Ladislava Suchá, PhD., (Masaryk University Brno, Department of Information and Library Studies, assistant professor), Mgr. Andrea Fojtů, PhD. (Chief Information Specialist, Institute of Computer Science, Charles University Prague), Mgr. Andrej Chudý, PhD. (Social Media Analyst, WML London). Successful graduates in marketing communication field: Mgr. Lucia Kubinská, PhD. - Senior Product Designer (Algolia), Mgr. Filip Púchovský, PhD. - Public Relations Manager (Radio and Television of Slovakia), Mgr. Josef Kocourek, PhD. – Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, director of the Institute of Marketing Communications.

c) - Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

The study programme Media Communication Studies provides a broadly designed knowledge base for the graduate's orientation in those branches of social practice that require understanding for working with media, information, and for creative creation, communication and evaluation of information and media products. He/she therefore bases the theoretical foundation in library and information science, marketing communication and journalism and their 3rd degree study programmes. Employers evaluate the quality of the study program positively. The statements of selected employers are in Annexes (Radio and Television of Slovakia, University Library in Bratislava, advertising agencies).

4. - Structure and content of the study programme
a) - The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

Study in the doctoral study programme takes place according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor. The condition for the proper completion of doctoral studies is the completion of the dissertation examination, which belongs to the state examinations, and the defense of the dissertation, which is the final work. The studies consist of a study component and an independent creative activity in the field of academia and research. The study component consists mainly of lectures, seminars and individual study of specialized literature. The academic component consists of individual or team academic work of the student, which is related to the topic of the dissertation. Part of full-time doctoral studies is the performance of pedagogical activities or other professional activities related to pedagogical activities for a maximum of four hours per week on average for the academic year in which the teaching takes place.

The study is based on a credit system. The student must obtain at least 40 credits for the study component, at least 70 credits for the academic component, and at least 30 credits for the pedagogical component. The study component of the programme must be finished by the end of the 2nd year of study, or until passing the dissertation examination. Credits for other components of the programme can be obtained by the student continuously throughout the duration of the study.

For successful completion of the dissertation examination, the student will receive 20 credits; for the second part of the state exam, which is a successful defense of the dissertation, the student will receive 30 credits. Credits for the dissertation examination must be obtained by the postgraduate student in the full-time form of study no later than the end of the third year; the period of interruption of the postgraduate student's studies is not included in this time limit. The student is obliged to request in written form to take the dissertation examination no later than 24 months from the beginning of the study; the condition for granting consent to take the dissertation examination is to obtain at least 60 credits.

The total number of credits required for the proper completion of doctoral studies is 240, with a four-year standard length of full-time study and a five-year standard length of part-time study.

The standard workload of a full-time postgraduate student during the academic year is considered to be the performance of activities corresponding to 60 credits. In the full-time form of doctoral study, the postgraduate student must obtain at least 40 credits for his/her progression to each subsequent year.

The study component of the programme consists of an offer of compulsory (3) and compulsory-optional courses. The student completes all three compulsory courses according to the recommended schedule (semesters 1 - 2, a total of 15 credits) and chooses a minimum of 4 courses from the offer of compulsory-optional courses (ideally in semesters 3 - 4, a total of 20 credits). The remaining 5 credits for the study component will be obtained by completing some other course from the offer of compulsory-optional and/or optional courses of the study programme, or from the offer of other study programmes of the 3rd degree of study at the faculty, or from the offer of whole-faculty doctoral study courses.

The student selects compulsory-optional and optional courses on the basis of the recommendation/with the consent of a supervisor and in accordance with the focus of the dissertation topic.

b) - The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

The complete content of the study programme with all the required information and course descriptions is available at The study plan contains blocks of compulsory and compulsory-optional courses with the recommended year and semestre, applied educational methods, teachers’ names, credit donation, extent, and eventual pre-requisits. Each block of compulsory-optional courses is completed with the instruction on how to select the courses, so that the students could create their own study trajectory. Course descriptions to individual courses provide, among others:

  • detailed conditions for completing the course,
  • classification scale set-up in accordance with VSK UK to ensure the minimum 60% level for the sucessfull finishing of the course,
  • course syllabus,
  • outputs of education,
  • compulsory literature available online or via faculty Central Library.
c) - The study plan generally states:

The study component of the programme consists of an offer of compulsory (3) and compulsory-optional courses, the list of the courses is available on the study programme webpage The student completes all three compulsory courses according to the recommended schedule (semesters 1 - 2, a total of 15 credits) and chooses a minimum of 4 courses from the offer of compulsory-optional courses (ideally in semesters 3 - 4, a total of 20 credits). The remaining 5 credits for the study component (an optional course) will be obtained by completing some other course from the offer of other study programmes of the 3rd degree of study at the faculty, or from the offer of whole-faculty doctoral study courses (the courses Academic Writing, Information Resources and Scientific Communication, and Methodology of Science are a permanent part of the offer of faculty-wide courses; the rest of the offer is changed in each academic year).

Profile courses are all compulsory (3) and compulsory-optional courses of the study programme. The choice of actual compulsory-optional courses (4) out of the offer for the actual student is conditioned with his/her academic profile and the topic of his/her dissertation.

-      Methodology of research in Media and Communication Studies

-      Theory of Social and Media Communication

-      Creation of Media and Information Products and Systems

-      Information and Knowledge-Based Society

-      Theory of Information Systems and Planning

-      Theory of Information Science and Information Ethics

-      History of Book Culture

-      Bibliometrics and Support of Academic Communication

-      History of Marketing Communication

-      History of Journalistic Communication

-      Tools of Marketing Communication

-      Ethics of Marketing Communication

-      Applied Public Relations

-      Post-Factual Society and Truth in the Media

-      Research of Media Texts

-      Ethical Aspects of Journalistic Communication

-      Media as a Part of Authority Distribution and Online Control

The learning outputs and evaluation criteria are described in more detail in the course descriptions, within subject information sheets .

Prerequisites and co-requisites are described in more detail in the course descriptions.

The educational activities used are further characterized in the course descriptions.

Educational activities are carried out in the on-site and combined method - they are specified in the course descriptions.

Outlines/syllabi are described in more detail in the course descriptions.

The student's workload is further defined in the course descriptions.


Credits allocated to each part based on the learning output achieved and the workload involved are further defined in the course descriptions.

The persons providing the individual courses are, when relevant, listed in the course descriptions.

The course teachers are listed in the course descriptions.

The following teachers participate in the teaching of courses:

-      prof. PhDr. Jela Steinerová, PhD.

-      prof. Ing. Pavol Kita, PhD.

-      prof. Andrey Richter, PhD.

-      prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Šušol, PhD.

-      doc. PhDr. Pavol Rankov, PhD.

-      doc. PhDr. Lucia Lichnerová, PhD.

-      doc. PhDr. Eva Chudinová, PhD.

-      doc. PhDr. Milan Banyár, PhD.

-      doc. Mgr. Ján Hacek, PhD.

-      doc. PhDr. Anna Sámelová, PhD.

All courses take place on the premises of Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts.

d) - The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
The total number of credits required for the proper completion of doctoral studies is 240, with a four-year standard length of full-time study and a five-year standard length of part-time study. The conditions for the proper completion of studies, including the conditions of state examinations, rules for the repetition of studies, and rules for the extension and interruption of studies, are defined in the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Arts CU (Internal Regulation of Faculty of Arts. CU No. 11/2023, second and third parts) -
e) - For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

number of credits for compulsory courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies

In the study part of the program (40 credits) the student must complete 3 compulsory courses with a total grant of 15 credits.

number of credits for compulsory-optional courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies

In the study part of the program (40 credits) the student must complete 4 compulsory-optional courses with a total grant of 20 credits.

number of credits for optional courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies

The number of credits that a student must obtain for optional courses is not explicitly prescribed. If we assume that in the study part of the programme (40 credits) the student must complete 3 compulsory courses with a total grant of 15 credits and 4 compulsory-optional courses with a total grant of 20 credits, he/she needs to obtain at least 5 credits for compulsory-optional and/or optional courses in this part of the programme.

number of credits required for the completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for the common foundations and for the relevant specialization, in the case of a teaching combination study programme or a translation combination study programme:

There are no courses of common foundation and specializations in the study programme.

number of credits for the final thesis and the defense of the final thesis required for the proper completion of studies:

For successful defense of the final thesis, which is part of the state examination, the student will receive 30 credits.

number of credits for professional practice required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies:

Professional practice is not part of the study programme.

number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for project work with the indication of relevant courses in engineering study programmes:

Project work is a part of the study programme in the form of a dissertation examination, for which the student submits a detailed project of his/her dissertation. The dissertation examination is granted 20 credits and is part of the state exam.

number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for artistic performances in addition to the final thesis in art study programmes:

Artistic performances are not part of the study programme.

f) - The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

The relevant rules on learning outcomes and student assessment and the possibilities for remedial actions are available in the documents:

·        Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts CU No. 11/2023- Study Regulations, Art. 11, 12, 14, 15, 29-35.

·        Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 12/2013 - Guideline of the Rector of Comenius University Bratislava on the basic requirements of final theses, rigorous theses and habilitation theses, originality check, storing and accessibility at the Comenius University Bratislava, Art. 3(1), (2), and (4), Art. 5–8

·        Internal Regulation of Comenius University Bratislava No. 23/2021 - Internal Quality Assurance System for Higher Education at Comenius University Bratislava, Art. 54-59

Decree No 614/2002 Coll. on the credit system of studies, Art. 6

The study programme Media and Communication Studies, has precisely defined and previously published rules, criteria, and methods of assessment of learning outcomes in the information sheets of individual courses as prescribed by the above-mentioned internal regulations and the Decree on credit system study. At the Faculty, course information sheets of all study programmes are accessible via the Academic Information System (AIS2) and published on study programme website

Among other details, the course information sheet provides the student with advance access to information on the type, scope and form of educational activities, the course requirements, the learning outcomes, the course syllabus, and recommended literature. The results of assessments of individual courses of the study programme are recorded in the Academic Information System (AiS2) and archived according to the regulations:

·        Comenius University No. 1/2006 - Registrar's Regulations and registrary Plan,

·        Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts CU No. 11/2023- Study Regulations of Faculty of Arts CU, Annex 2, Art. 2(2) and (3).

g) - Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

The study programme is based on the decree on the credit system of the study (Decree No. 614/2002 Coll., §4) and the study regulations of the faculty (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 11/2023, Art. 5) and the regulation on the credit assessment of activities of doctoral studies (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 8/2020), according to which the organization of every level and form of study at the third level at the faculty is based on the credit system. In this way, the credit system of study helps with the inner openness of the study programme and supports students’ mobility and provides them with the opportunity to participate in the composition of their study plan.

The flexibility in learning paths and in the achievement of learning outputs will be assured by the fact that the individual study plan of the postgraduate student in the study programme will be designed within the study programme’s rules and in accordance with the Study Code of the faculty (Internal Regulation No. 5/2020, Art. 27) by the supervisor in cooperation with the student.

Students of the study programme also have the possibility to achieve learning outputs through international mobility programmes, including the scheme of doctoral studies under double supervision (cotutelle de thèse), as well as through mobility programmes between faculties and optional courses at other faculties, which they will be able to sign up for based on their learning agreement (Internal Regulation No. 5/2020, Art. 8, para. 6a) and f). The Rules of Comenius University and of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University are stipulated in the Study Code (Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 20/2019, Art. 19; Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020, Art. 19) and in the Decree on the Credit System of Studies (Decree No. 614/2002 Coll.) respecting the transfer and recognition of credits acquired during mobility. The course completed at the receiving institution, which in its content and scope is comparable to a course of the sending institution, and which the student will complete during an approved academic mobility, will be automatically recognized as completed (compulsory, compulsory-optional, or optional).

Detailed information on mobilities and the credit recognition is available on a separate webpage of the faculty, and students can also obtain information from the mobility coordinator of their study programme. The university and the faculty have separate departments providing support for mobility programmes (The European Projects and Erasmus+ Office at Comenius University and the International Relations Office at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University). They are regulated by a separate directive (Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 4/2007).

According to the Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020, Art. 17, para. 1, students have the right to apply for a change of study programme within the same field of study at Comenius University, which ensures the flexibility of the learning path. Subsequently, Art. 18 of Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020 regulates the conditions of recognizing studies and parts of studies acquired in the past and determines the length of the period and the level of assessment which allows for the recognition of this assessment.

The Faculty of Arts of Comenius University, based on Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020, Art. 19, the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University allows students to transfer credits acquired at a different higher education institution in the Slovak Republic or abroad (a student mobility) into the number of their recognized credits based on §4, para. 3 of the Decree on the Credit System of studies.

h) - The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

List of topics of doctoral theses for the last 6 years (in the original study programmes, which are merged into the new doctoral program Media and Communication Studies):

New Media in the Context of Historical Changes in Slovak Society.

Journalistic Radio Genres in Chosen Slovak Radios (2001 - 2016).

The Position and Mission of the Magazine Slovenka in the Masmedia System of the Slovak Republic (1993 - 2023).

The Role of the Speaker in the Communication of Airports and Air Companies in Crisis Situations.

Slovak Society and its Media Since the Accession to the EU up to the First Slovak Chairmanship.

History of Slovak Television in the Years of 1989 - 1998.

Investigative Journalism as a Tool of Public Policy Protection.

Destinies of Slovak Opposition Journalists or Slovak Opposition Journalism after 1968.

Multiculturality and Slovak Media.

Selection of International News from the Newscast Agencies Service in the News of Slovak National Television (STV)/Slovak National Radio and Television (RTVS), TV Markíza, TA3 and TV JOJ.

Licensed Entertainment TV Formats in the Programme Offer of Slovak Televisions.

Reflection of National Minorities in Slovak Publications between 2008 - 2012.

Media as a Communication Tool of Investor Relations Managers.

Webdesign in Marketing Communication.

Brand Character and its Place in the System of Marketing Communications.

Phineas Taylor Barnum in the Context of Modern History of Advertising and His Message in Today’s Marketing Communication.

Corporate Identity Creation Analysis and the Starting Event of Marketing Agencies in Slovakia and in Czech Republic.

Creativity in Marketing Communication.

Public Relations Position in Marketing Communication of 21st Century.

Marketing Communication in Adult Education.

Information Literacy of Freshmen at Slovak Higher Education Institutions.

Information Ethics in Theory and in Practice of Information Interactions.

Information Behavior of “Google” Generation.

Information Creativity in Electronic Environment.

Information Behavior of Children in Digital Environment.

Use of alternative bibliometric indicators for science evaluation.

Gray Literature in Scientific Communication.

Usability of mobile web libraries.

Current state and perspectives of the use of institutional repositories in scientific communication.

Text Reception in Multitasking Context.

Information and digital literacy of teachers in the context of using e-learning tools.

Literary and audiovisual narrative work in the context of a reception for children.

The Question of Information Explosion on Social Media.

Publication of language dictionaries in Slovakia in the period 1901 - 1918.

Latest dissertation theses topics for the entrance examinations procedures are listed on the webpage of the doctoral studies:

i) - The institution describes or refers to:

- rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defense and evaluation of final theses in the study programme:

In the case of doctoral studies, the Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 19/2018, Directive of the Rector of Comenius University, which determines the rules for the approval of supervisors of doctoral studies at Comenius University and which, according to Article 2, requires that the function of the supervisor be performed only by staff who actively deliver research, developmental, or artistic activities and have corresponding creative activity outputs. Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020: 24, para. 4 b, the expert committee of doctoral study has the recognized competence to approve the topics of doctoral theses, and thus guarantee that the topics of doctoral theses will correspond to the professional orientation of their supervisors.

Details on the formal layout, content structure, and rules for defending final theses at individual levels of study are defined in Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 7/2018, Directive of the Rector of the University on the Basic Requirements for Final Theses, Rigorous Theses, and Habilitation Theses, their Checking for Plagiarism, Archiving and Accessibility at Comenius University, and Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020 Study Code of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University. Detailed information on the submission, administration, and defence of dissertations and the written part of the dissertation examination are compiled and regularly updated on the faculty website.

Objectives of the dissertation. The student demonstrates the ability and readiness for independent research activity with the dissertation. It is characterised by a high degree of analysis and synthesis, an overview of knowledge and originality.

Organisation and rules of selection, processing and defense of dissertations. The dean lists the topics for candidates at least two months before the entrance exam on the basis of documents from supervisors and heads of departments. The student can consult their own topic to the department, the proposal of topics falls within the responsibility of the supervisor and the head of the department. The applicant submits the dissertation project, list of publications, curriculum vitae and required documents. The final thesis will be prepared by the student under the guidance of the thesis supervisor. The final thesis is assessed by an opponent (a written report is prepared). The student has the right to get acquainted with the assessments of the supervisor and opponents no later than three days before the defense of the thesis. The result of the dissertation defense is evaluated as "passed" / "failed". The dissertation can be written in Slovak, Czech or English (with the permission of the dean). The student submits the final thesis in four printed copies by mid-April and in electronic form to AIS, if he wants to complete his doctoral studies by 31 August of the given year. The electronic and printed forms of the dissertation must be identical.

Rules for assessing the dissertation. The dissertation defense is evaluated by the dissertation defense committee, which consists of a chairman and at least three members. The other members of the commission are three opponents with the right to vote on the outcome of the defense. The selection of members and opponents of the commission is governed by the Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University no. 5/2020. The evaluation of the thesis is governed by the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University. When defending the dissertation, the commission evaluates: the contribution of the thesis to the given field of study, the topicality of the topic, the applied methods, the achieved new results for the further development of the field and the fulfillment of goals. The originality of the thesis is also evaluated (the documentation also includes a protocol on the evaluation of originality from the central register). The use of information sources, the accuracy of citations, the accuracy of the description of methods and compliance of the work structure with the prescribed structure (Internal regulation of the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University no. No. 5/2020), adequacy of scope, linguistic, stylistic and formal arrangement, method and form of dissertation defense, including the student's ability to respond to comments and questions is also evaluated.

- opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility

Students are granted support and access to domestic and international mobility programmes and to internships. In this regard, students are assisted by the International Relations Office, which provides administrative support and counselling about student exchanges, internships, and the promotion of international mobility. The Main Office for the Erasmus+ Programme at Comenius University is available to students. Mobilities provided within the Erasmus+ programme, scholarships awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic upon the basis of bilateral agreements, and scholarships within the Central European Exchange Programme of University Studies (CEEPUS) have the most significant share in student exchanges. Mobilities are also provided upon the basis of other types of agreements: e.g., bilateral agreements between universities which were concluded at faculty or university level, intergovernmental and international inter-ministerial agreements in the field of education (managed by the Slovak Academic Information Agency), the National Scholarship Programme, International Visegrad Fund scholarships, and individual scholarships. Detailed information on student participation in international mobility programmes for individual academic years is provided in the annual reports of the faculty.

The role of the university and its faculties in relation to mobility programmes within the Erasmus+ programme at Comenius University is regulated by Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 3/2016 on the competence of Comenius University and its faculties within the framework of the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.

In terms of providing international mobilities, the faculty has created a system of course validation and the transfer of credits obtained at foreign universities (Art. 19 of the Study Code of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020).

Students of the study programme also have the possibility to achieve learning outcomes through international mobility programmes, including the scheme of doctoral studies under double supervision (cotutelle de thèse), as well as through mobility programmes between faculties and elective subjects at other faculties, which they will be able to sign up for based on their learning agreement (Internal Regulation No. 5/2020, Art. 8, para. 6a) and f). The Rules of Comenius University and of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University are stipulated in the Study Code (Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 20/2019, Art. 19; Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020, Art. 19) and in the Decree on the Credit System of Studies (Decree No. 614/2002 Coll.) respecting the transfer and recognition of credits acquired during mobility. The course completed at the receiving institution, which in its content and scope is comparable to a course of the sending institution, and which the student will complete during an approved academic mobility, will be automatically recognized as completed (compulsory, compulsory-optional, or optional).

Detailed information on mobilities and the credit recognition is available on a separate webpage of the faculty, and students can also obtain information from the mobility coordinator of their study programme. The university and the faculty have separate departments providing support for mobility programmes (The European Projects and Erasmus+ Office at Comenius University and the International Relations Office at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University). They are regulated by a separate directive (Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 4/2007).

Currently, the participating departments have concluded contracts with the following partners abroad: Masaryk University in Brno (CZ), Palacký University in Olomouc (CZ), Charles University in Prague (CZ), Complutense University of Madrid (E), University of Warsaw (PL), Turiba University in Riga (LV), University of Malaga (E), Silesian Univerzita in Opava (CZ), University in Katowice (PL), University of Ljubljana (SI), University of Vilnius (LT), University in Pécs (HU), Technological Institute in Athens (GR).

- rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences:

The study programme will ensure compliance with academic ethics in accordance with the regulations of Comenius University, the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University, and other platforms at the faculty. Comenius University has formalized processes regulating compliance with academic and professional ethics in the Ethical Code of Comenius University – Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 23/2016. The Ethical Code of Comenius University contains regulations on the violation of the Ethical Code. The violation of the Ethical Code of Comenius University, or the violation of general moral principles, is addressed by an independent Ethics Committee of Comenius University. Details on the Ethics Committee of Comenius University and the acceptance of complaints is regulated by the Meeting Regulations of the Ethics Committee of Comenius University – Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 24/2016. The above-mentioned regulations as well as the list of members of the Ethics Committee are available on the Comenius University website. The faculty has its own ethical code (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 13/2019) which obligates students and teachers to adhere to generally known and accepted moral principles based on human rights, good morals, principles of academic freedom, and the autonomy of academic activity. In this spirit, the ethical code determines the principles of the ethical actions of individuals and groups through which academic activity is undertaken at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University, or in the name of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University.

Students of the study programme will also be guided to understand and adhere to the academic ethics through the Information Sources and Soft Skills of Academic Communication course, a course focusing on academic writing, and the Information and Media Literacy Portal (MIDAS), which defines types of plagiarism and offers instructions on the correct citation and writing of seminar papers and qualification and final theses. The teachers of the study programme will respect the principles of the disciplinary regulations of Comenius University (Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 13/2018), and they will file a complaint in the case of a disciplinary transgression stated in Art. 3. For this purpose, teachers will abide by the recommendations of the Meeting Regulations of the Disciplinary Committee of Comenius University (Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 14/2018) and the Disciplinatory Committee for Students at the faculty.

Adherence to academic ethics while writing research publications and other outputs, the written part of the dissertation examination, and dissertations will be carried out within the context of current norms at Comenius University and the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University. Doctoral theses are submitted into the AIS information system. They are then automatically exported to the Theses and CRZP (Central Registry of Final Theses) systems for an originality check. Within the consultations for all their written works and other outputs, students of the study programme will be invited to respect the university and faculty principles stipulated in a special regulation for final theses (Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 12/2013) and on a separate website. The faculty is also taking a stance against plagiarism in study materials for students on writing final theses and publishing articles which emphasise adherence to academic ethics.

- procedures applicable to students with special needs:

Upon a written request and based on the Rules of Student Admission, an applicant with special needs can be granted an individual form of admission examination with their needs being taken into consideration in cooperation with the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs at Comenius University.

The study process and the assessment of the study programme will be adjusted to meet the needs of students with special needs in accordance with the goals of the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University, where the faculty is represented by a coordinator. Comenius University in Bratislava cooperates with the Support Center for Visually Impaired Students, which provides study literature processing services and computing services.

The institution provides individualized support and suitable conditions for students with special needs. Comenius University has a Support Centre for Students with Special Needs which provides information, counselling, and consulting services for students with special needs as well as educational and training activities for these students and academic and technical support throughout their university studies. In addition, the university provides a psychological counselling office for students. The university’s webpages are designed to be used by students with visual and hearing impairments. The Faculty of Arts has been implementing accessibility projects at all its buildings in order to help special-needs students (removing barriers to buldings’ entrances, providing access to elevators, providing toilets for disabled students, building access ramps, and making the building on Štúrova Street barrier-free).


- procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students:

Applicants who have not been admitted to study have the opportunity to look into the documentation of their admission procedure. In accordance with § 58, para. 8 of Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended, they also have the right to file a request for review of the dean's decision on non-admission to studies. Complaints included in this request are assessed and dealt with by the Rector’s Committee of Comenius University for the assessment of requests to review the dean’s decision on the rejection of the applicant into studies. Based on the Rules of Admission Procedure, during the appeal process, the committee deals only with those appeals that are justified by a violation of the Rules of Admission Procedure or a violation of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education.

The rights of students are stipulated in the Act on Higher Education (Act 131/2002 Coll.) and the Statute of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 1/2015, Art. 54.) In the event of a violation of their rights, students have the right to contact the relevant heads of departments, or the Vice-dean for Teaching Activities, or the relevant academic bodies to seek redress; to lodge a complaint with the dean for its handling, or to have the decision of the dean on expulsion from studies reviewed. The review of the decision by the dean on expulsion from studies abides by Art. 28 of the Study Code of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020)

The rules and processes of the faculty ensure that students in all study programmes have the right to be informed about their assessment, mistakes, and correct solutions (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020, Art. 12, para. 13), as well as to appeal against their assessment results. Students in a study programme will therefore be able to resit the examination twice in the case of them taking the course for the first time and once in the case of them taking it for the second time (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020, Art. 12, para. 9). In the case of doubts about the transparency and fairness of the awarded evaluation, the student can refer to the faculty policy on assessment rejection or to the request for a resit with a committee (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University No. 5/2020, Art. 12, para. 10; Appen. 2, Art. 2, para. 4). The student must notify the teacher about the rejecting of the assessment immediately after the announcement of the assessment of the final part of the examination. In the case of a written test, the student must notify the teacher about the assessment rejection in written form via e-mail within 48 hours after the announcement of the assessment of the written test. The student has the right for a resit with a committee of at least three members appointed by the dean (Internal regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020, Art. 12, para. 12).

The internal system of the faculty (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 5/2020, Art. 11, para. 1) also guarantees a resolution of the dispute regarding the assessment. In that case, a decision will be made by the principal responsible person. If the teacher is also the principal responsible person, the decision will be made by the head of the department that ensures the provision of the course in question. If the head of the department is also the principal responsible person and the teacher of the course, the decision will be made by the university teachers responsible for the profile courses of the study programme. Based on the Statute of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 1/2015, Art. 54), students in the study programme will have the right

  • to consult the teacher on the form and method of teaching and assessment of the course, and on the specified conditions that students must meet in order to be graded at a certain classification level,
  • in the event of a violation of their rights, to contact the relevant heads of departments, or the Vice-Dean for Teaching Activities, or the relevant academic bodies to seek redress;
  • to lodge a complaint with the dean and its handling;
  • to have the decision of the dean on expulsion from studies reviewed.
5. - Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

Course information sheets are available in AIS2 and published on the study programme website:

6. - Current academic year plan and current schedule
(or hyperlink).
7. - Persons responsible for the study programme
a) - A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

Prof. PhDr. Jela Steinerová, PhD., professor, Faculty of Arts,

Department of Library and Information Science, the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Gondova 2, 811 02 Bratislava, phone: +421 2 9013 2079

b) - List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

Persons responsible for core courses are listed in the study plan, core courses are marked with the abbreviation 'C':

Links to the Central register of university staff can be found in the „VUPCH“ (research/art/teacher profiles) of individual teachers, which are accessible through AIS2. Contact information of teachers is also available on the departmental websites.

c) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

Research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme are available in AIS.

d) - List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

Persons responsible for courses are listed in the study plan:

Links to the Central register of university staff can be found in the „VUPCH“ (research/art/teacher profiles) of individual teachers, which are accessible through AIS2. Contact information of teachers is also available on the departmental websites.

e) - List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

Prof. PhDr. Jela Steinerová, PhD. ( Information Literacy of Freshmen at Slovak Higher Education Institutions, Information Ethics in Theory and in Practice of Information Interactions, Information Behavior of “Google” Generation, Information Creativity in Electronic Environment, Information Behavior of Children in Digital Environment

Prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Šušol, PhD. ( The Use of alternative bibliometric indicators for science evaluation, Gray Literature in Scientific Communication, Usability of mobile web libraries, Current state and perspectives of the use of institutional repositories in scientific communication

Doc. PhDr. Pavel Rankov, PhD. ( Text Reception in Multitasking Context, Information and digital literacy of teachers in the context of using e-learning tools, Literary and audiovisual narrative work in the context of a reception for children, The Question of Information Explosion on Social Media

Doc. Mgr. Lucia Lichnerová, PhD. ( Publication of language dictionaries in Slovakia in the period 1901 - 1918 (consultant)

Prof. PhDr. Pavel Horňák, CSc. ( Creative Aspects in the Creation of Short Advertising Texts (Subtitles, Catchwords, Titles), Ethical aspects of Product Placement, The Leader Personality as a Part of the Marketing Communication of the Company

Doc. PhDr. Eva Chudinová, PhD. ( The Use of Modern Communication Tools in Public Relations, Marketing Communication of Regional and Local Media in Slovakia 

Doc. PhDr. Milan Banyár, PhD. ( The Brand and Visual Communication - Process Analysis of the Visual Identity Creation of a Chosen Brand, Blog as a Tool of Marketing Communication (the Meaning of Blogs in the Process of the Brand Image Building)

Doc. PhDr. Vlasta Konečná, PhD. ( Public relations (importance, functions and means) in Communication Strategy on a Global Scale, Internal Communication of the Company as an Integral Part of Marketing Communication, Building the Image of a Political Party Leader as Part of a Political Campaign Implemented by a PR Agency, Markíza Television - New Marketing Methods of Brand Building and Position in the Media Market

Doc. PhDr. Svetlana Hlavčáková, PhD. ( The Role of the Speaker in the Communication of Airports and Air Companies in Crisis Situations

Prof. PhDr. Danuša Serafínová, PhD. ( Slovak Society and its Media Since the Accession to the EU up to the First Slovak Chairmanship (E)

Doc. PhDr. Mária Follrichová, PhD. ( Journalistic Radio Genres in the Chosen Slovak Radios (2001 - 2016) The Position and Mission of the Magazine Slovenka in the Masmedia System of the Slovak Republic (1993 - 2023)

Doc. PhDr. Anna Sámelová, PhD. ( New Media in the Context of Historical Changes in Slovak Society (D), New Media in the Context of Historical Changes in Slovak Society (E)

Doc. Mgr. Ján Hacek, PhD. (

Prof. Andrey Richter, PhD. (

Prof. Ing. Pavol Kita, PhD. (

Doc. PhDr. Mária Stanková, PhD. (

f) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

Research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors are available in AIS.

g) - Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

Mgr. Michaela Danišik Krištofčáková, PhD. student, Department of Marketing Communication, FiF UK, Gondova 2, 811 02 Bratislava

h) - Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).

Prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Šušol, PhD., KKIV FiFUK, Head of the Department, Room 409, telephone+421290132710, e-mail:

Consultation hours:

Doc. PhDr. Milan Banyár, PhD., Department of Marketing Communication, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, Štúrova 9, 811 02 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic, 2nd floor, room no. 223, telephone: +421 2 9013 2405, E-mail:

Consultation hours:

Mgr. Mária Stanková, PhD., Department of Journalism, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Štúrova 9, 811 02 Bratislava, 3rd floor, room no. 306, Telephone: +421 2 9013 2422,e-mail:,

i) - Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

8. - Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) - List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

The study programme’s students have sufficient spatial, material, technical, and information resources for the study programme which ensure the achievement of learning objectives and learning outputs. The study programme’s teaching is ensured by the faculty in its teaching premises. Four university buildings are administered by the faculty: namely on Gondova Street, on Šafárikovo Square, on Múzejná Street, and on Štúrova Street. The building on Gondova Street is the location of the Departments of British and American Studies; Archaeology; Art History; Aesthetics; Ethnology and Museology; German, Dutch, and Scandinavian Studies; Musicology; Languages; Classical and Semitic Philology; Hungarian Language and Literature; Pedagogy and Andragogy; Psychology; Romance Studies; Russian and Eastern European Studies; Slavic Philology; Slovak Language; and Slovak Literature and Literary Science. The building on Šafárik Square is the location of the Departments of Archiving and Auxiliary Sciences in History; Philosophy and the History of Philosophy; Logic and the Methodology of Sciences; Slovak History; Sociology; and General History. The building on Múzejná Street is the location of the Departments of Library and Information Sciences; Political Science; and East Asian Studies. The building on Štúrova Street is the location of the Departments of Marketing Communication; Comparative Religious Studies; and Journalism.

The study programmes are taught in 95 classrooms with a capacity of 2,776 seats and an area of 3,751 m2. In the building on Gondova Street, there are 54 classrooms with a capacity of 1,331 seats and an area of 1,953 m2; in the building on Šafárik Square there are 7 classrooms with a capacity of 325 seats and an area of 428 m2; in the building on Múzejná Street there are 20 classrooms with a capacity of 724 seats and an area of 1,003 m2; and in the building on Štúrova Street there are 14 classrooms with a capacity of 396 seats and an area of 367 m2. Recently, all classrooms have been modernized and equipped with new equipment from a didactic and technical standpoint. Of the total number of classrooms, ten have a teaching capacity of 65 to 120 seats, whereas the remaining classrooms have a capacity of 20 to 35 seats and are designed to teach smaller study groups. Most classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and data projectors (detailed statistical data on technical provision and equipment for individual academic years are given in the faculty’s annual reports -

In addition to the mentioned general teaching spaces, the pedagogical process is provided by the departments according to the focus of the study programs in specific teaching spaces. Among the most important in this regard are: four specialized classrooms focused on teaching applied psychological disciplines with above-standard equipment (for counselling and clinical and school psychology); a dendrochronological laboratory (the only such university laboratory in the former Czechoslovakia); a collection of archaeological findings (the only department in Slovakia providing this form of teaching) which are used for archaeological and historical study programmes’ teaching; the Centre of Excellence for Social Innovation at Comenius University in Bratislava (CESIUK); the Slovak Archive of Social Data (SASD); a classroom for consecutive interpreting; four computer classrooms; a radio studio at the Department of Journalism; a multimedia classroom; a music-acoustic studio at the Department of Musicology; and three specialized classrooms for simultaneous interpreting).

The use of the faculty’s teaching premises is not strictly limited to specific departments, so it is not possible to clearly determine the spatial, material, or information equipment available for teaching students of a particular study programme. When creating the schedule for the following academic year, the individual teachers participating in the delivery of the study programme shall request the allocation of teaching spaces with installed information technology provision. The faculty meets all the requirements in this regard. Faculty of Arts of Comenius University has several fully modernized classrooms at its disposal providing one computer per one student (for example, classroom G8). In addition, there are language laboratories, e-learning classrooms, and classrooms with permanently installed data projectors. There is a network port in each classroom.

Computers intended exclusively for students’ use are located in the faculty’s premises; the students can work on a PC connected to the faculty’s network in the Central Library. The faculty management has not registered student complaints about limited access to IT in recent years. As the number of students with their own laptops has been growing recently, the faculty has provided a Wi-Fi connection in the premises of all faculty buildings.

In addition, the departments implementing the study program contribute to the above-mentioned material and technical support of the institution. The Department of Journalism has technical equipment, which consists of standard technical equipment of classrooms - interactive whiteboards, computers, laptops, sound system, TV screens. The standard is wifi connection in all areas of the Department of Journalism. Due to the practical focus of some courses, students have recording devices, cameras and cameras with video recording function available. Students have the opportunity to edit the recorded material (audio, video) in professional software. The Department of Journalism has a new radio studio, which enables the preparation of materials for radio broadcasting and research. Students also have a TV room with a camera and computers with editing software. Both rooms have a permanent operation with a responsible employee, who also lends students equipment according to their requirements ( The Department of LIS has a special computer room and the corresponding technical equipment of individual teachers' offices (laptops, printers, cameras, data projectors, eye-tracker). Doctoral students have three offices available. The Department of MK also has at its disposal suitable technical equipment for classrooms (data projectors with computers) and teachers offices (printers, computers). The doctoral students' office is also used to teach computer graphics programs (5 high-quality computers designed for this course).

As the number of students with their own laptops has been growing recently, the faculty has provided a Wi-Fi connection in the premises of all faculty buildings.

Comenius University has a Support Centre for Students with Special Needs and a Psychological Counselling Office. Comenius University in Bratislava cooperates with the Support Center for Visually Impaired Students, which provides study literature processing services and computing services. In recent years, the faculty has worked intensively on the accessibility of its buildings, significantly improving the situation for special needs students (by removing the buildings’ entrance barriers, providing access to elevators, and making the building on Štúrova Street barrier-free).

Cooperation with special teaching facilities in practical teaching is regulated by the Internal Regulation of the Comenius University No. 23/2021 - Internal Quality Assurance System of Higher Education of the Comenius University Bratislava, Art. 87-98.

b) - Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

Library and information services for students are provided by the Central Library of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University. The library is the largest library and information workplace at the university; it fulfils the function of an educational and scientific information centre. The library’s central offices are located in the university’s extension on Múzejná Street - Library readers have at their disposal a book loan service, a study room for textbooks and specialized literature and magazines. During the semester, the library is open until 6:00 PM. In 2009, a comprehensive refurbishment and modernization of the reading space took place. The modernization of the premises has significantly improved the conditions for on-site study, the number of seats in the study room has doubled (from the original 30 to 64), and the book collection for on-site study has significantly expanded (from 3500 books to 9000). The library’s refurbishment increased the handling and storage space for absentee loans as well as the option for journal reading room expansion and the installation of computers for students. All reading areas are equipped with a Wi-Fi connection, electrical outlets, and self-service copiers.

The stock of the library collection is 453,914 library items. The annual increase has been relatively stable in recent years, ranging from 7000 to 9000 library items. The library subscribes to 249 journals, and, in addition to traditional printed periodicals, library users have access to the full texts of approximately 47,631 electronic journals and 437,042 electronic books which are available through the Academic Library of Comenius University website - The library provides around 90,000 loans a year. The department has its internal departmental library for teachers and students. All departments and their students use mainly electronic library resources, social data archives and media archives.

The faculty’s study agenda is delivered through the AIS2 academic information system, which is continuously being updated and modernized. Every year, the study offer is updated and study plans for the next academic year are prepared, as are the documents for the schedule creation and comprehensible timetable implementation for the entire faculty. Through this system, state examination data are recorded too. In the 2020/2021 academic year, the system enrolled students in the new academic year for the twelfth time (including enrolment in subjects and in the timetable), the creation of the final theses proposals, and all procedures related to preliminary assessment registration and the entering of final assessment dates and students’ evaluations by the faculty’s teachers. All the study programme’s spatial, material, technical, and information resources are provided by means of adequate financing from the state budget and the faculty's own resources.

c) - Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

In the case of educational activities provided by distance or combined methods, the study programme has systems for the management of course content and the management of such education. The MS Teams and Moodle applications are primarily used. Students are guaranted access to course content and other online study materials. To support distance learning, both the university and the faculty have elaborated a support scheme accessible on their websites, by means of which more intense assistance to the students and teaching stuff, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, have been provided.

d) - Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

Binding contractual partnerships allow for the participation of stakeholders and their representatives in the design, approval, delivery, and evaluation of the study programme. In the agreements with partners, the following is specified: the conditions of the partner's employees’ participation in the study programme’s provision and the conditions of providing spatial, material, and information resources and the quality assurance of studies delivered on the partner's premises, including final theses.

Individual departments organize lectures, discussions and meetings with potential employers, especially with employees of the media, advertising agencies, libraries, technology companies and international consulting firms, important personalities of journalism and advertising. MKS students carry out their professional practice in the media, advertising and information agencies, technology companies or libraries and other cultural and memory institutions. The partner institutions of the Department of Journalism are RTVS, TASR, SITA, Ringier Axel Springer, Petit press (a.s.), N Press, sro, MAFRA, Markíza Television, Človek v ohrození, Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation, Human Rights League, Open Society Foundation, Slovak Academic Information Agency, Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Das Österreichische Kulturforum, PROACADEMY. 

Students of journalism publish their student magazine Webjournal 2.0, run their radio and television studios, publish the magazine Pod čiarou, publish in the journal Otázky žurnalistiky, use the archives of public media and collaborate with practice.

Students of library and information science cooperate with the practice of libraries (UKB, CVTISR and information technology companies such as SVOP, Albertina, IBM, Swiss Re, etc.) and professional organizations such as the Association of Slovak Librarians and the Slovak Library Association). The Department of Library and Information Sciences regularly organizes conferences Information Interactions in the University Library in Bratislava also in cooperation with students and other libraries and professional associations from practice.

Student Advertising Agency is part of Centre of Mass Media and Marketing-Communication Practice, which is a professional center of Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, which was established in 2015.

The task of the Student Advertising Agency is to simulate work in a real advertising agency, based on which students can try not only the design, but also the creation of a comprehensive marketing and communication solution and gain valuable experience in various positions and various areas of marketing and communication practice. Within the Student Advertising Agency, projects such as 2020 - an event for VUB Bank for their student product FEJM (in cooperation with the TRIAD agency), 2019 - a campaign for Hodina Deťom (in cooperation with the TRIAD agency), 2019 - a promotional campaign of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Bratislava, 2018 - campaign for the Bratislava Volunteer Center (in cooperation with the TRIAD agency), 2017 - campaigns for the Slovak Red Cross - Valentine's Drop of Blood and Student's Drop of Blood.

e) - Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

Students of the study programme have appropriate social provisions. For out-of-town students, the university offers accommodation in several university dormitories. The university and faculty have created a system of scholarship support for students in full-time doctoral studies and support for students through special scholarships. The Faculty of Arts also has a dedicated staff member in charge of social scholarships, special and merit scholarships, and accommodation for the institution’s students.

The students have the opportunity to eat in several student canteens (canteens in the buildings of university dormitories and a canteen and a snack bar in the building of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University on Gondova Street).

Students are also provided with the opportunity to enjoy sports during their university studies. At the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University, there is a Centre for Physical Education and Leisure Activities providing a regular training programme in sports (including games); physical activity; and multi-day outdoor activities such as hiking, alpine tourism, kayaking, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, and mountaineering.

For the provision of cultural and social events, the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University uses the architectonic space of the faculty atrium and the Art Nouveau-style Moyzes Hall, which is used for concerts, student balls, performances of faculty theatre ensembles, and other cultural and social activities. In addition, the faculty building offers students several recreational facilities which are also used to organize small-scale and club events. Students of the Department of Marketing Communication and of the Department of Library and Information Sciences and also of the Department of Journalism regularly organize informal student departmental meetings and events for younger colleagues (“katedrovice”, "barcamps", imatriculations, etc.) The Department of Marketing Communication organizes KAMAKO ball for students, graduates and people from marketing and advertising practice annually. Students of KOPKA (club for the organizers of KAMAKO) organize various immatriculations and thematical parties.

Comenius University provides primary health care for its students at health centres located in the student dormitories. Also, 20 medical students work as medical officers in student dormitories, and, if necessary, they can provide urgent first aid and treatment to accommodated students in compliance with the valid principles on the activities of medical staff at the Comenius University dormitories. The University Pastoral Centre provides students with the opportunity for spiritual fulfilment. Space for the recreational, relaxation, and educational needs of students is provided by several educational and training facilities at Comenius University.

Príručka (nielen) pre prváčky a prvákov – chapters 4.8 and 4.9

f) - Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

Students are granted support and access to domestic and international mobility programmes and to internships. In this regard, students are assisted by the International Relations Office, which provides administrative support and counselling about student exchanges, internships, and the promotion of international mobility. The Main Office for the Erasmus+ Programme at Comenius University is available to students. Mobilities provided within the Erasmus+ programme, scholarships awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic upon the basis of bilateral agreements, and scholarships within the Central European Exchange Programme of University Studies (CEEPUS) have the most significant share in student exchanges. Mobilities are also provided upon the basis of other types of agreements: e.g., bilateral agreements between universities which were concluded at faculty or university level, intergovernmental and international inter-ministerial agreements in the field of education (managed by the Slovak Academic Information Agency), the National Scholarship Programme, International Visegrad Fund scholarships, and individual scholarships. Detailed information on student participation in international mobility programmes for individual academic years is provided in the annual reports of the faculty.

The role of the university and its faculties in relation to mobility programmes within the Erasmus+ programme at Comenius University is regulated by Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 3/2016 on the competence of Comenius University and its faculties within the framework of the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.

In terms of providing international mobilities, the faculty has created a system of course validation and the transfer of credits obtained at foreign universities (Art. 19 of the Study Code of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University (Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University No. 11/2023).

The Department of Library and Information Sciences has concluded bilateral agreements with the universities: Charles University in Prague, Silesian University in Opava, Katowice University, Ljubljana University, Vilnius University, Pécs University, Technological Institute in Athens. The Department of Journalism has concluded agreements within Erasmus+ with these universities: Charles University in Prague, Masaryk University in Brno, Palackého University in Olomouc, Complutense University of Madrid, University of Warsaw, Turiba University in Riga, University of Malaga. The Department of Marketing Communication has concluded agreements within Erasmus with these universities: European University Cyprus, Charles University, Thomas Bata University in Zlín, American Business School in Paris, University in Malaga. In 2020, proposals were submitted for cooperation with the following universities: Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Social Studies (Czech Republic), Jönköping University (Sweden) Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria).

9. - Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) - Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

The applicant is a graduate of the 2nd degree of master's studies in media communication, journalism, marketing communication, information studies or similiar study programme within the field of Media and Communication Studies. He/she has the skills of deep theoretical reflection in the field and of management of research projects. He/she is able to creatively apply the methodology and theory of the field and bring new knowledge. He/she speaks at least one foreign language at an adequate level.

Information on candidate’s required capacities and competences are available on the web page of the faculty.

b) - Admission procedures.

Admission procedures are based on the application and the entrance interview (entrance exam). The applicant submits the dissertation project, list of publications, curriculum vitae and other required documents.

The entrance examination takes the form of an interview with the admissions committee (colloquium form, discussion). The general content of the entrance examination contains an overview of basic knowledge of issues related to the topic of doctoral studies, the current state of research and an overview of the literature on the topic, discussion of the doctoral study project (the applicant’s idea of the subject, objectives, research methods, and possibly the first experiences with the given issue).

Method of evaluating the results of the entrance examination:

Report of the result of the entrance examination will be prepared, in which the candidates will be divided into groups according to the number of achieved points: a) passed - accept (candidate with the highest number of points achieved, achieving at least two thirds of the maximum number of points), b) passed - not accepted (candidates who scored at least half of the maximum number of points but were not the best), c) failed (candidates who scored less than half of the maximum number of points). Even in the case of the same number of points obtained, the admissions committee must determine the clear order of the candidates (especially those proposed for admission).

The admission procedures are specified at:

c) - Results of the admission process over the last period.

At the Department of Library and Information Science, Department of Marketing Communication, and the Department of Journalism, 22 students applied for full-time doctoral position in media and communication studies, of which 10 students were successful (admitted) during previous 5 years.

At the Department of Library and Information Science, Department of Marketing Communication, and the Department of Journalism, 21 students applied for part-time doctoral position in media and communication studies, of which 17 students were successful (admitted) during previous 5 years.

The results of the admission process for the last period are published on the Faculty's website.

10. - Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) - Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.

Comenius University in Bratislava includes a number of effective measures that improve the provision of the proposed study programme within its internal quality system ( As part of the evaluation of the applicants’ level for a given study programme, it is mainly concerned with the publication of criteria and requirements for admission to university studies, and promotion of studies at the university, as well as the course of admission procedures together with preliminary assessment of applicants' knowledge before completing individual educational activities of profile courses. In the educational process itself, the educational methods used are periodically evaluated. Students' knowledge and skills are evaluated continuously for each course, while the criteria and standards of evaluation are set. The success of the achieved quality of knowledge is also evaluated and the results are published. In conclusion, after completing the complete set of educational activities, there is a summary evaluation, including evaluation of the quality of dissertation projects, dissertation examination, exams - discussions on individual courses, publishing activities and the level of knowledge and skills achieved during the defense of the dissertation. One of the important tools of the internal quality system at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University is a regularly conducted anonymous student survey (

b) - Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The results of student feedback are reviewed by the faculty management, by the Dean’s Collegium, and at the level of the study programme council. Study programme council reviews the relevance of suggestions and comments on teachers, courses, and the study programme. Relevant comments are an incentive for the efficiency and overall improvement of the study programme. Each semester, the results of student feedback are commented on by all interested parties (faculty management, study department, the director of the Faculty of Arts Library, the student section of the Academic Senate and study programme council). Statements on the student feedback are published on the faculty website. Individual teachers of the study programme may also respond to students’ comments directly in the survey form and provide them with immediate feedback. The review of the student survey is also part of the faculty annual report.

In the evaluation, postgraduate students showed significant interest in courses focused on "academic literacy", most often there were requests for the inclusion of courses directed at strengthening of skills in project writing, search and work with electronic information resources, but also courses aimed at acquiring pedagogical skills. Related measures have led to the inclusion of joint newer courses in the program with a focus on information resources, academic writing, etc.

c) - Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

Graduates of doctoral studies comment on the positive impact of their studies on their professional development, employability (senior executives), ability to assert oneself in research. They consider the advantages to be the ability to critically evaluate and analytically process information, which was provided by the studies of information science. More feedback from graduates is presented on the website of the Department of Library and Information Studies, in the graduates section, including the results of a survey of graduates' views on the studies, in which they appreciate the versatility of the study base. To increase the quality of the studies, the topics of dissertations were connected to current issues from practice from employers (for example disinformation, digitization of cultural heritage, open science, infodemic, etc.).

11. - References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student