Description of the study programme
Study programme dVJ/x - General Linguistics
Study Grade of study - III. - doctoral, study form - external, study type - Single degree study
Document type: Description of the study programme
The name of the university Comenius University Bratislava
The seat of the university Šafárikovo námestie 6, 818 06 Bratislava
The name of the faculty Faculty of Arts
The seat of the faculty Gondova 2, 81102 Bratislava
Institution body for approving the study programme:
Accreditation Board of Comenius University
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification:
1. - Basic information about the study programme
a) - Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
General Linguistics, 12579
b) - Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
III. level, code 864
c) - Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Gondova 2, 811 02 Bratislava 1
d) - Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
11. Philology, ISCED-F field code: 0231 Language Acquisition, 0232 Literature and Linguistics
e) - Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
academically oriented
Awarded academic degree after the name
g) - Form of study.
i) - Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
j) - Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
5 years
k) - Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
actual number of students: 7; planned number of students (2023/2024): 0, planned number of students (2022/2023): 2, actual number of applicants (2022/2023): 0, number of accepted students (2022/2023): 0
2. - Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) - The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The abilities and requirements necessary for admission are assessed by the admissions committee based on the submitted dissertation project and the course of the admission examination. Information about the admission procedure is published on the faculty website.

The admissions committee shall apply a point system in the evaluation of applicants and use a uniform procedure to ensure objectivity, fairness, and equal opportunity by means of a uniform form of admissions record, based on which the Dean decides whether the applicant shall or shall not be admitted. 

The study programme focuses on narrower specialisations and on deepening of theoretical-systematic, methodological and historical knowledge and aspects of professional preparation of scholars - linguists in a broader sense. In terms of content, structure and profile, it organically follows the second level of education obtained in the study programmes within the study field 11 Philology. The study programme is focused both linguistically and on the language which is the subject of study. The general linguistic focus draws attention to the general principles of language functioning, the language system, methodological approaches to the study of linguistic phenomena, the acquisition of an overview of contemporary linguistic trends, current theories and new trends, as well as the history of linguistics and the issues of the application of linguistic theory to practice. Graduates will gain a deeper insight into the theoretical aspects of linguistic research and understand the meaning of theoretical linguistics.They have acquired the competence to evaluate the contribution of different theoretical approaches to the subject of their own research. The graduate has an in-depth knowledge of the functioning of the linguistic system of the particular language under study, the periodisation of its history and the nature of its changes, its current state, innovative processes and developmental tendencies. They know the structure, typological characteristics, stratification and variability of the selected language, its linguistic area, language policy and language ideologies influencing it, they are acquainted with the concepts, methods and new trends in the study of the selected language. They also understand the place of linguistics within a broader framework given the multifaceted and polyfunctional nature of language and its links to other disciplines. The graduate is able to solve scientific problems independently and creatively, and is also prepared for teaching in universities, academic institutions and platforms, both in a domestic and international context.

The graduate at the time of completion of the study programme

- has a well-developed categorical apparatus of linguistic research and a thorough knowledge of the field, including its history, and is oriented in the interdisciplinary contexts of related fields;

- has mastered appropriate methods of research, including field research;

- has acquired an overview of the most important linguistic theories, and is aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their explanatory potential;

- is able to analyse linguistic material, identify and explain elements of linguistic structure and their functioning in a specific socio-pragmatic context;

- is familiar with the literature and is able to critically synthesize the results of foreign research;

- is characterised by independent critical and analytical thinking, has the ability to formulate and programme scientific tasks independently, as well as to carry out challenging and original research projects and present their results; 

- is able to reflect on the ethical and socio-cultural aspects of scientific work, the publication of its results and their creative application in practice.

- is prepared to design individually and in groups, to organize professionally, to clearly determine the focus of research, to coordinate a research team productively and to socially cultivate scientific research in the defined field as a professionally and communicatively competent and methodologically-founded specialist with a considerable interdisciplinary background;

- is capable of scientific cooperation as well as independent presentation of the results of their research, defending their own results and procedures in confrontation with alternative approaches before the professional community in the Slovak Republic and abroad;

- is able to apply their professional knowledge in pedagogical practice;

- is able to handle the preparation of projects in conceptual and organisational terms, as well as coordinate the preparation of scientific and professional events;

- is able to plan their own development and further systematic education.

Learning objectives in the study programme are achieved through measurable learning outcomes in the study programme's individual sections (modules, courses). They correspond to the relevant level of the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher Education Area.

b) - The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

The study programme is understood primarily as the preparation of scientists in the field of linguistic research. Graduates are also prepared to work as teachers. On the basis of the acquired knowledge and competences, the graduate of the 3rd degree is able to find employment at home and abroad, especially in these professions:

- as an independent researcher in the academic field (universities, the Slovak Academy of Sciences, etc.); 

- as a consultant in public institutions as well as in the private sector in the field of language and intercultural communication

- teaching staff at universities.

c) - Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Faculty of Applied Languages, University of Economics in Bratislava

Department of Romance Languages, Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica

3. - Employability
a) - Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

Graduate employability is regularly assessed within the study programme—through communication with graduates, as well as by surveying and evaluating graduate employability at the faculty level. We track the proportion of graduates who find employment in and outside the field. The results of the surveys are reflected in the reshaping of the study plan which responds to changes in the labour market in terms of the employment of graduates of the study programme.

b) - If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

Mgr. Ľuboš Dudík, PhD., accredited interpreter for European Union institutions in English and Spanish

Mgr. Katarína Klimentová, PhD., university teacher (English and Spanish), Department of Vocational Language Education, Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Mgr. Henrietta Németh Takács, PhD., editor, translator of the online daily Körkép

Mgr. Milica Nováková, PhD., literary translator, English and Polish

Mgr. Dominika Uhríková, PhD., project manager, translator and interpreter at the European Commission in Luxembourg, English and Italian

Mgr. Melinda Vasiľová Schrantzová, PhD., university teacher (Latin and English), Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava

Graduates of the SP focused on specific languages, which preceded the creation of the study programme General Linguistics (with a linguistically focused thesis topic):

Mgr. Jana Levická, PhD, Head of the Slovak National Corpus Department, Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (French language)

PhDr. Mária Medveczká, PhD., Head of the Spanish Language Section, Department of Romance Studies, Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava (Spanish language)

Mgr. Szabolcs Simon, PhD., university teacher, J. Selye Faculty of Education, Department of Hungarian Language and Literature (Hungarian language)

doc. Mgr. Mgr. Mária Spišiaková, PhD., Vice-Dean for Science and Research, Faculty of Applied Languages, University of Economics in Bratislava (Spanish language)

doc. Mgr. Martin Štúr, PhD., Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts, University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, Department of Romance Studies (Spanish language)

c) - Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

The references were carried out by:

Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Faculty of Applied Languages, University of Economics in Bratislava

Department of Romance Languages, Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica

4. - Structure and content of the study programme
a) - The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

The rules for the design of study plans are part of the process of modification of the study programme which is defined in the Internal Regulation No. 23/2021, Internal Quality Assurance System of Higher Education of Comenius University in Bratislava (hereinafter also referred to as "IQAS CU"), Art. 32(2), Art. 33, 35, 36, and 37. The structure of the study plans of III. level study programmes is also regulated byInternal Regulation of Faculty of Arts CU No. 11/2023 - Study Regulations of Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Arts ("Comenius University in Bratislava" hereinafter also referred to as "CU" and "University"; "Faculty of Arts of Comenius University" hereinafter also referred to as "Faculty of Arts CU" and "Faculty"), Part Three, Peculiarities of Ph.D. Study.

The Council of the study programme of the III. level General Linguistics was created in accordance with Art. 24(1) to (7) and Art. 10 IQAS CU. Members of the Council of the study programme of III. level Slovak Literature: Prof. PhDr. Daniel Lančarič, PhD. (main responsible person/guarantor), prof. PhDr. István Lanstyák, CSc. (co-guarantor), prof. Mgr. Bohdan Ulašin, PhD. (co-guarantor), doc. Mgr. Ľudmila Eliášová Buzássyová, PhD. (co-guarantor), doc. PhDr. Roman Sehnal, PhD. (co-guarantor), PhDr. Ľubor Králik, PhD. (Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, representative of employers), Mgr. Dana Hučková, PhD. (Institute of Slovak Literature of the SAS in Bratislava, representative of employers), Mgr. Michaela Hroteková (representative of students).

An integral part of studies in the study programmes of the third degree at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University is the faculty-wide offer of elective courses for PhD students. This is updated for each academic year so that a student can enrol in several courses of their choice during their studies, especially in the 1st and 2nd year. In the preparation of this offer, emphasis is placed on interdisciplinarity and on the methodology of scientific work. More detailed information about the current offer, including information sheets, can be found in AIS2 and on the study programme website.

b) - The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

The complete text of the study programme with all the required information and course information sheets is provided on the study programme website. The study plan contains blocks of compulsory and compulsory elective courses with the recommended year and semester of their implementation, the educational methods used, the names of the persons providing the courses, the ECTS allocation, the range and form of the courses, and if required, prerequisites. For each block of compulsory elective courses, instruction on the selection of courses is provided so that the student can shape the pathway of their studies. The information sheets for each course contain, among other items, the following:

-       detailed conditions for the completion of the course,

-       grading scale set in accordance with the IQAS CU to achieve a minimum level of 60% for successful completion of the course,

-       syllabus of the course,

-       learning outcomes,

-                 compulsory literature is available online or in the Library of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava.

c) - The study plan generally states:

The learning outcomes, conditions, and assessment criteria are described in detail within the information sheets for the courses of the study programme.

Educational activities are carried out in a full-time and combined method if necessary also by distance learning. The course information sheets provide further specifications.

The outline/syllabus is included in the course information sheets of the study programme. A detailed course syllabus will be given to the student in each course at the beginning of the respective semester.

The student workload is further defined within the course information sheets of the study programme. The workload of all courses is defined in accordance with the ECTS recommendations as follows: 1 credit = 25–30 hours of work.

The credits allocated to each part based on the learning outcomes achieved and the workload involved are mentioned in the course information sheets of the study program.

Persons providing individual courses of the study programme are mentioned in the course information sheets. Contact details of the individual persons providing the course are given in section 7.

Course teachers are mentioned within the course information sheets and in section 7 of the Description of the study programme.

The courses are held at the premises of Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Gondova 2, Šafárikovo nám. 5 a Múzejná 10. The verification of sufficient spatial provision of the study programme is covered by the Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 23/2021, Art. 111–116.

d) - The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
The total number of ECTS credits required for the full completion of doctoral studies is 240 at the five-year standard length of external study. Credits for the dissertation examination and the successful dissertation thesis defence are included. The standard workload of a external doctoral student during an academic year is considered to be the performance of activities corresponding to 48 credits. In the external form of doctoral studies, a doctoral student must obtain a minimum of 30 credits in order to progress to each subsequent year. The student receives 20 credits for successful completion of the dissertation examination and 30 credits for the second part of the state examination, which is the successful dissertation thesis defence. Credits for the dissertation examination must be earned by the doctoral student in the external form of a study by the end of the fourth year at the latest; the period of interruption of the studies is not included. The student is obliged to apply in writing for the dissertation examination no later than 30 months after the beginning of the study; the condition for the dissertation examination is the acquisition of at least 60 credits. The conditions for the proper completion of studies, including the conditions of state examinations, rules for the repetition of studies, and rules for the extension and interruption of studies, are defined in the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Arts CU (Internal Regulation of Faculty of Arts. CU No. 11/2023, second and third parts).
e) - For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

number of credits for compulsory courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies: 24

number of credits for compulsory optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies: 12

number of credits for creative activity in science and research required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies: 70

number of credits for pedagogical activity (or other practical activity carried out at the faculty or at a related establishment, if required by the nature of the study): 30

number of credits required for the proper completion of studies: 240

the number of credits for final theses—thesis for the dissertation examination, dissertation thesis—and their defence, required for the proper completion of studies: 20 + 30 = 50

The sum of the above minimum number of credits in the individual parts of the study programme is lower than the total number of credits required for the proper completion of the doctoral studies (186 ‹ 240), which means that the student must obtain more than the prescribed minimum number of credits in some part(s) of the study programme.

f) - The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

The relevant rules on learning outcomes and student assessment and the possibilities for remedial actions are available in the documents: 

Decree No 614/2002 Coll. on the credit system of studies, Art. 6 

The study programme of the 3rd degree in General Linguistics has precisely defined and previously published rules, criteria, and methods of assessment of learning outcomes in the information sheets of individual courses as prescribed by the above-mentioned internal regulations and the Decree on credit system study. At the Faculty, course information sheets of all study programmes are accessible via the Academic Information System (AIS2) and published on study programme website.

Among other details, the course information sheet provides the student with advance access to information on the type, scope and form of educational activities, the course requirements, the learning outcomes, the course syllabus, and recommended literature. The results of assessments of individual courses of the study programme are recorded in the Academic Information System (AiS2) and archived according to the regulations:

·      Comenius University No. 1/2006 - Registrar's Regulations and registrary Plan,

·      Internal Regulation of the Faculty of Arts CU No. 11/2023- Study Regulations of Faculty of Arts CU, Annex 2, Art. 2(2) and (3).

g) - Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

The relevant rules are available in the documents:

·       Internal Regulation of Faculty of Arts CU No. 11/2023 - Study Regulations, Articles 18-19

·       Decree No. 614/2002 Coll. on credit system study, Art. 4(2), (3), Art. 7, Annex 1–4

Detailed information on mobility and credit recognition is also available on a separate faculty website and can also be obtained from the mobility coordinator of the study programme. The University and the Faculty have separate departments providing support for mobility programmes (the Department for European Projects and Erasmus+ programme of Comenius University and the International Relations Office of Faculty of Arts CU). A separate guideline governs the operation of the organizational units of the University and the faculty:

·       Internal Regulation of CU No. 3/2016, Guideline of the Rector of CU on the competence of CU and its faculties in the framework of the European Community Erasmus+ programme

The flexibility of study pathways and the achievement of learning outcomes are ensured by the fact that the individual study plan of the doctoral student in the study programme is drawn up by the supervisor in cooperation with the doctoral student, taking into account the student’s specialization and the topic of the dissertation project. Students of the study programme will have the opportunity to take advantage of international mobility programmes, including the jointly supervised doctoral programme (cotutelle), as well as through inter-faculty mobility programmes and elective courses of another faculty which they will be able to enrol in based on the study contract (Internal Regulation No. 5/2020, Study Regulations, Art. 8(6)(a) and (f). The rules of Comenius University and its Faculty of Arts respect the transfer and recognition of credits acquired during a mobility programme. A course taken at the receiving University which is comparable in content and scope to a course taken at the sending faculty and which the student takes as part of approved academic mobility will automatically be recognized as completed (compulsory course, compulsory elective course, or elective course).

According to the Study Regulations of Faculty of Arts CU, Art. 17(1), the student has the right to apply for a change of study programme within the same field of study at Comenius University, thus ensuring the possibility of flexible study pathways. Subsequently, the Study Regulations of Faculty of Arts CU, Art. 18, regulate the conditions for the recognition of studies and parts of studies completed in the past, specifying both the length of the period and the level of assessment that allows the assessment to be recognized.

Faculty of Arts CU, according to the Internal Regulation of Faculty of Arts CU No. 5/2020, Art. 19, allows students to transfer credits acquired while completing part of their studies at another higher education institution in the Slovak Republic or at a higher education institution abroad (student mobility) in the number of credits accumulated by the student pursuant to § 4(3) of the Decree on credit system study.

The mobility coordinator:

PhDr. Beáta Borošová, PhD.,, Department of English and American Studies, consult hours

doc. Mgr. Jana Grusková, PhD.,, Department of Classical and Semitic Philology, consult hours

doc. Mgr. Pavol Száz, PhD.,, Department of Hungarian Language and Literature, consult hours

doc. PhDr. Roman Sehnal, PhD.,, Department of Romance Studies, consult hours

Mgr. Hana Bogdanová,, Department of East Asian Studies, consult hours, web.

h) - The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

Topics of the final theses of the study programme are listed on the website of the Department of Postgraduate Studies.  

i) - The institution describes or refers to:

-        rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defence and evaluation of final theses in the study programme,

The final theses: the thesis for the dissertation examination and the dissertation thesis play a crucial role in completing the studies of the III. level study programme General Linguistics. Their form and rules for their assignment, processing, opposition, defence, and evaluation are regulated by the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty:

•                Internal Regulation of Faculty of Arts CU No. 11/2023 - Study Regulations, Art. 30-35  

•                Internal Regulation of CU No. 12/2013, Guideline of the Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava on the basic requirements of final theses, rigorous theses, and habilitation theses, originality check, storing and accessibility at

Comenius University in Bratislava

•                The timing of the dissertation thesis topics as well as the admission procedure for doctoral studies is regulated by the Internal Regulation of CU No. 4/2021, Rules of the Admission Procedure at Comenius University in Bratislava, Art. 11,

and Internal Regulation of CU No. 23/2021, Internal Quality Assurance System of Higher Education of Comenius University in Bratislava, Art. 53

•                Listing of the topics of dissertation theses is published on the website of Faculty of Arts CU

-        opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility,

Students of the III. level study programme General Linguistics are provided with access and support to participate in domestic and international mobility and internships. The International Relations Office assists students in this respect by providing administrative support and advice in student exchange programmes, internships, and promoting international mobility. The Erasmus+ Office at the Comenius University is available to students within Comenius University. The Department of British and American Studies, Department of Classical and Semitic Philology, Department of Hungarian Language and Literature, Department of Romance Languages and the Department of East Asian Studies implement exchanges via Erasmus+ mobility (teaching, administrative, combined and student mobility and internships) and bilateral agreements with these universities: Ostravská univerzita (CZ), University of Rzeszów (PL), Jagelonská univerzita v Krakove (PL), Masarykova univerzita v Brne (CZ), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapešť (HU), University of Crete (GR), University of Bologna (ITA), University of Trieste (ITA), D´Annunzio University in Chieti-Pescara (ITA), University of Jyväskylä (FIN), University of Ljubljana (SLO), University of Oviedo (E), Bordeaux Montaigne University (F).

Specific universities and contact information are available on the website. The procedures for participation in student mobility are defined in the Internal Regulation of CU No. 3/2016, Guideline of the Rector of CU on the competence of CU and its faculties in the framework of the European Community Erasmus+ programme, Art. 4(7) to (8), (11) to (13), (15) to (16)

-        rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences,

There is a number of regulations within the CU and the Faculty of Arts CU that define the rules for adherence to academic ethics and drawing consequences for all members of the academic community. These are the following:

•                Internal Regulation of CU No. 12/2013, Guideline of the Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava on the basic requirements of final theses, rigorous theses, and habilitation theses, originality check, storing and accessibility at

Comenius University in Bratislava, Art. 3(4), Art. 8(9) and (10)

•                Internal Regulation of CU No. 23/2021, Internal Quality Assurance System of Higher Education of Comenius University in Bratislava, Art. 68–83

•                Internal Regulation of CU No. 13/2018, Disciplinary Rules of Comenius University in Bratislava for Students, Art. 3(6)(m), (n), (p) and Art. 4–10

•                Internal Regulation of Faculty of Arts CU No. 13/2019, Code of Conduct, Art. 3–4, 7

It is also stipulated in the course information sheets of the study programme that a breach of academic ethics results in the annulment of the points obtained in the relevant item of assessment.

Meetings of the Disciplinary Committee of Faculty of Arts CU for Students are governed by the Rules of Procedure: Internal Regulation of CU No. 14/2018, Rules of Procedure of the Disciplinary Committee of Comenius University in Bratislava for Students

The disciplinary proceedings conducted in the last two academic years within the Faculty are published on the website:

-        procedures applicable to students with special needs,

To support applicants and students with special needs, the Faculty has a coordinator doc. PhDr. Milica Schraggeová, CSc. and the Center supporting students with special needs of CU (hereinafter also referred to as "CSS"). Their activities are regulated by the Internal Regulation of CU No. 23/2021, Internal Quality Assurance System of Higher Education of Comenius University in Bratislava, Art. 42

Detailed information and CSS services are available to students on the website of CU:

Ensuring fair, transparent and consistent evaluation of results at the Faculty, fairly applied to all students with particular emphasis on students with special needs is also ensured by the Internal Regulation of Faculty of Arts CU No. 13/2019, Code of Conduct, Art. 3(3),

In accordance with the Rules of the Admission Procedure, applicants with special needs are allowed, upon their written request, a special way of taking the admission examination, taking into account their special needs, in cooperation with the Center supporting students with special needs of CU.

The course of study and its assessment are adapted to the needs of students with special needs in the study programme in accordance with the objectives of the Center supporting students with special needs of CU, in which the Faculty is represented through its coordinator.

Comenius University in Bratislava cooperates with the Support Centre for Visually Impaired Students, which provides services in processing study literature and providing computer technology. In recent years, the Faculty has worked intensively on removing barriers from its buildings, which has greatly accommodated students with special needs (adjusted entrances to individual buildings, elevator access, and complete barrier removal from the building on Štúrova ulica).

-        procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students.

The relevant rules on complaints and appeals are defined in the following regulations:

•                Internal Regulation of CU No. 23/2021, Internal Quality Assurance System of Higher Education of Comenius University in Bratislava, Art. 61–65

•                Internal Regulation of Comenius University No. 23/2022 Guideline of the Rector of Comenius University on the handling of complaints at CU. 

5. - Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

Course information sheets are available in AIS2 and published on the study programme website.

6. - Current academic year plan and current schedule
(or hyperlink).

Current academic year schedule

The schedule of the academic year is designed in accordance with the Internal Internal Regulation of Faculty of Arts CU No. 11/2023 - Study Regulations of the Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Arts. 

The current course schedule is available in AIS

7. - Persons responsible for the study programme
a) - A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

Prof. PhDr. Daniel Lančarič, PhD., funkcia: garant, kontakt:, Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, Gondova 2, 811 02 Bratislava

b) - List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

Persons responsible for profile courses are listed in the study plan, and profile courses are marked with the abbreviation 'C'. 

Links to the Central register of university staff can be found in the VUPCH (research/art/teacher profiles) of individual teachers, which are accessible through AIS2. Contact information of teachers is also available on the departmental websites

c) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

Research/art/teacher profiles are accessible through AIS2.

d) - List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

Persons responsible for courses are listed in the study plan

Links to the Central register of university staff can be found in the VUPCH (research/art/teacher profiles) of individual teachers, which are accessible through AIS2. Contact information of teachers is also available on the departmental websites

e) - List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

Topics of the final theses of the study programme are listed on the website of the study programme.

Prof. PhDr. Daniel Lančarič, PhD.,,

Doc. PhDr. Roman Sehnal, PhD.,,

Prof. Mgr. Bohdan Ulašin, PhD.,

Doc. Orsolya Katalin Nádor, PhD.,,

Doc. Mgr. Katarína Misadová, PhD.,,

f) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

Available inAIS2

g) - Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

Mgr. Michaela Hroteková,

h) - Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).

prof. Mgr. Bohdan Ulašin, PhD., Department of Romance Languages Faculty of Arts CU, Gondova 2, 811 02 Bratislava, secretary of the study programme board., e-mail:

i) - Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

·      At the Faculty, there’s the Department of Postgraduate Studies with adequate staff, expertise, and financial security. The specialized supporting staff in this department, whose competence and numbers correspond to the needs of students and teachers of the study programme in relation to the educational objectives and outcomes, provide tutoring, counselling, administrative, and other support services and related activities for students of 3rd degree study programmes (contacts to the staff of the department are listed on the Faculty's website. The responsibilities and competences of the department are regulated in the organizational regulations of Faculty of Arts CU - Internal Regulation of Faculty of Arts CU No. 7/2023, Art. 21: 

Ensuring fair, transparent and consistent evaluation of results at the Faculty, fairly applied to all students with particular emphasis on students with special needs is also ensured by theInternal Regulation of Faculty of Arts CU No. 8/2022, Code of Conduct.

·       With related issues, students can turn to the Office at the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature, Magdaléna Elzerová, +421 2 9013 2151, +421 2 9013 1484,, G 146,

Department of Romance Languages: Maja Rehušová, +421 2 9013 2180, , G 348,  

Department of British and American Studies: Adriana Dvořáková, +421 2 9013 2152,, G 112,

Department of Classical and Semitic Philology: Mgr. Jaroslava Cedzová,, +421 2 9013 2150, Gondova 2, office G318, 3rd floor,

The Department of East Asian Studies has a secretariat available to students: Mgr. Dana Pekaríková, , Šafárikovo nám. 6, č. 523, +421 2 9013 2065 

·       Accommodation at the Faculty of Arts CU is the responsibility of the registrar:

PhDr. Martin Čičilla, Faculty of Arts CU, Gondova ulica 2, 811 02 Bratislava 1, Phone: +421 2 9013 1310, E-mail: All accommodation information is available on the website of CU.

8. - Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) - List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

Students of the study programme of III. level General Linguistics are provided with sufficient spatial, material, technical, and informational resources of the study programme, which are a guarantee for achieving the learning objectives and outcomes. The Faculty provides the teaching of the study program in the building on Gondova ulica 2, where the Department of British and American Studies, the Department of Classical and Semitic Philology and the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature are situated on the first floor, the Department of Classical and Semitic Philology and the Department of Romance Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University on the third floor. The workplaces of the Department of East Asian Studies are located in the building on Šafárikovo nám. 5 on the fifth floor and on Múzejna Street No. 10 on the third floor


The building on Gondova ulica has 54 classrooms with a capacity of 1,331 seats and an area of 1,953m2. Recently, all classrooms have been modernized both technically and didactically and equipped with new equipment. Of the total number of classrooms, ten classrooms have a capacity of 65 to 120 seats, while the remaining classrooms have a capacity of 20 to 35 seats and are intended for teaching smaller study groups. Most of the classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and video projectors (detailed statistics on technical support and equipment for individual academic years are given in the annual reports of the Faculty). Each classroom has a port to connect to the internet. When creating the schedule for the following academic year, individual teachers participating in the implementation of the teaching of the study programme shall request the allocation of teaching spaces with installed information devices. The Faculty meets all the requirements in this regard.

On the faculty premises, there are computers available exclusively for students. Students can use computers and connect to the internet also in the Library of the Faculty of Arts CU and in the corridor in front of the Study department, where webkiosks are situated.

Comenius University in Bratislava cooperates with the Support Centre for Visually Impaired Students, which provides services in processing study literature and providing computer technology. In recent years, the Faculty has worked intensively on removing barriers from its buildings, which has greatly accommodated students with special needs (adjusted entrances to individual buildings and elevator access).

The expansion of physical activities offered for students and employees of Faculty of Arts CU in Bratislava is provided by the Centre of Physical Education and Sports Activities of the Faculty of Arts CU, which has several sports grounds at its disposal.

b) - Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

The literature listed in the course information sheets is available online, via MS TEAMS and Moodle (presentations, in some cases also manuscripts and unpublished university textbooks of teachers), or in the Library of the Faculty of Arts CU (hereinafter also referred to as "Library") or in the departmental libraries of the Department of British and American Studies, Department od Classical and Semitic Philology, Department of Hungarian Language and Literature, Department of Romance Languages and the Department of East Asian Studies. Literature in the Library’s holdings is searchable through the Library’s online catalogue, where it is possible to check the availability of individual copies. In case of an insufficient number of copies or need for acquisition of new literature, students and teachers may use the request/book proposal option. The Library also provides access to several external electronic resources.

The Library is the largest library and information workplace at Comenius University and it fulfils the function of an educational, scientific, and information workplace. The central workplaces of the Library are situated in the annex of the Comenius University on Múzejná ulica. Readers have access to a central lending library, a study room for textbooks, and a reading room for journals. During the semester, the library is open until 6 pm. A comprehensive reconstruction and modernization of the reading areas were carried out in 2009. The modernization of the premises has significantly improved the conditions for full-time study; the number of study spots in the study room has doubled (from the original 30 to 64), and the collection at hand for full-time study has been significantly expanded (from the original 3,500 books to 9,000). The construction modifications to the lending library have allowed for increasing the handling and storage space for outside-of-library borrowings, expanding the reading room for journals, and placing computers for students. All reading areas offer wi-fi connections, power sockets, and self-service photocopiers. The library stock consists of approximately 500,000 library units. Annual growth in recent years has been fairly stable, ranging from 7,000 to 9,000 library units. The Library subscribes to 249 journals; in addition to traditional print periodicals, library users have access to full texts of approximately 48,000 electronic journals and approximately 440,000 electronic books, which are available via the Comenius University Academic Library website. The library grants around 90,000 borrowings per year. 

c) - Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

·       MS TEAMS manual for students

·       MS TEAMS manual for teachers

·       E-learning portal Moodle

·       Video tutorials for distance learning

The procedures for the transition from full-time to distance education are regulated by the internal regulations of Comenius University in Bratislava and the Faculty of Arts CU in Bratislava, which are published on the faculty’s website

d) - Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

The study programme of III. level General Linguistics is taught in departments that have close cooperation with a number of institutions. In addition to all the partner universities with which the departments in question have established cooperation through Erasmus+, the Department of Romance Languages cooperates with the Cervantes Institute, with which the University has concluded a cooperation agreement and the establishment of the Cervantes Aula, which is located at the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University, and with the Italian Cultural Institute. The Department of Hungarian Language and Literature cooperates with the Bibliotheca Hungarica research library in Šamorín, the TASR agency, the Slovak universities of the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and the Jan Selye University in Komárno, the Hungarian universities Loránd Eötvös University, Gáspár Károli University, and the University of Szeged. The Chinese International Education Foundation is a partner of the Department of East Asian Studies and is the founder of the Confucius Institute which is located at the Department. The Sejong Institute, dedicated to the dissemination of Korean language and culture, is also based there. Japanology is also developing thanks to the support of the Japan Foundation, or thanks to agreements with Japanese universities (Waseda University in Tokyo, Ferris University in Yokohama, Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Shizuoka University in Shizuoka, Josai Universit in Tokyo), which allow students to take part in year-long scholarships. The Department of Classical and Semitic Philology has a long-term cooperation with partner departments at Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein UNI Wien, with Institut für Mittelalterforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien, with Laboratoire STIH (Sens Texte Informatique Histoire), Sorbonne Université, Paris.

e) - Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

Handbook for students – (section 4.8 and 4.9) 

f) - Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

Students of the study programme are provided with access and support to participate in domestic and international mobility and internships. The International Relations Office assists students in this respect by providing administrative support and advice in student exchange programmes, internships, and promoting international mobility. The Erasmus+ Office at the Comenius University is available to students within Comenius University. The most significant share of student exchanges is accounted for by mobility under the Erasmus+ programmes, scholarships awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the basis of bilateral agreements, and scholarships under the CEEPUS programme (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies). Mobility also takes place on the basis of other types of agreements: bilateral agreements between universities concluded at the university or faculty level, intergovernmental and international interdepartmental agreements in education (administered by the Slovak Academic Information Agency), the National Scholarship Programme, International Visegrad Fund scholarships, and individual scholarships. The position of the University and its faculties in relation to Erasmus+ mobility programmes at CU is regulated by the Internal Regulation of CU No. 3/2016 on the competence of CU and its faculties within the European Community Erasmus+ programme. In connection with the implementation of international mobility, the Faculty has established a system of recognition of courses and transfer of credits acquired at foreign universities (Article 19 of the Internal Regulation of Faculty of Arts CU No.11/2023, Study Regulations of Faculty of Arts CU). 

9. - Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) - Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

The abilities and requirements necessary for admission are assessed by the admissions committee based on the submitted dissertation project and the course of the admission examination. Information about the admission procedure is published on the faculty website.

The admissions committee shall apply a point system in the evaluation of applicants and use a uniform procedure to ensure objectivity, fairness, and equal opportunity by means of a uniform form of admissions record, based on which the Dean decides whether the applicant shall or shall not be admitted. 

b) - Admission procedures.

Admission procedures are available on the faculty's website:

c) - Results of the admission process over the last period.

The results of the admission process for the last period are published on the Faculty's website.

10. - Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) - Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.
b) - Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The results of student feedback are reviewed by the faculty management, by the Dean’s Collegium, and at the level of the study programme council. Study programme council reviews the relevance of suggestions and comments on teachers, courses, and the study programme. Relevant comments are an incentive for the efficiency and overall improvement of the study programme. Each semester, the results of student feedback are commented on by all interested parties (faculty management, study department, the director of the Faculty of Arts Library, the student section of the Academic Senate and study programme council). Statements on the student feedback are published on the faculty website. Individual teachers of the study programme may also respond to students’ comments directly in the survey form and provide them with immediate feedback. The review of the student survey is also part of the faculty annual report.

c) - Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

·      Measures to improve the quality of the study programme shall be implemented in accordance with the regulations of Part II of IQAS CU (Internal Regulation No. 23/2021) 

·      Surveys of employability of graduates of Faculty of Arts CU 

·      Club of graduates—Alumni Club

·      The Department of British and American Studies, the Department of Classical and Semitic Philology, the Depaertment of Hungarian Language and Literature, the Department of Romance Studies and the Department of East Asian Studies of the Faculty of Arts CU take into account the results of feedback from students, graduates, and visiting lecturers and respond to them by continuously updating the study programme.

11. - References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student