Meno a priezvisko:
prof. RNDr. Roman Aubrecht, Dr.
Typ dokumentu:
Vedecko/umelecko-pedagogická charakteristika osoby
Názov vysokej školy:
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Sídlo vysokej školy:
Šafárikovo námestie 6, 818 06 Bratislava
III.a - Zamestnanie-pracovné zaradenie | III.b - Inštitúcia | III.c - Časové vymedzenie |
Odborný asistent/ Assistent professor | Katedra geológie a paleontológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta UK / Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University | 1990-2000 |
Docent / Associate professor | Katedra geológie a paleontológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta UK / Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University | 2000-2017 |
Profesor / Professor | Katedra geológie a paleontológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta UK / Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University | 2017-trvá |
Vedecký pracovník / Researcher | Ústav vied o Zemi SAV - geofyzikálny odbor / Earth Sciences Institute of SAS - Geophysical Division | 2009-2020 |
V.1.a - Názov profilového predmetu | V.1.b - Študijný program | V.1.c - Stupeň | V.1.d - Študijný odbor |
Stratigrafická a historická geológia 1 / Stratigraphic and Historical Geology 1 | Geológia / Geology | I. | vedy o Zemi/Earth Sciences |
Stratigrafická a historická geológia 2 (Stratigraphic and Historical Geology 2) | Geológia / Geology | I. | vedy o Zemi/Earth Sciences |
Geológia Slovenska / Geology of Slovakia | Geológia / Geology | I. | vedy o Zemi/Earth Sciences |
Sedimentológia 2 / Sedimentology 2 | Dynamická geológia / Dynamic Geology | II. | vedy o Zemi/Earth Sciences |
V.2.a - Názov študijného programu | V.2.b - Stupeň | V.2.c - Študijný odbor |
Tektonika a sedimentológia (garant) / Tectonics and Sedimentology (guarantee) | III. | vedy o Zemi/Earth Sciences |
V.5.a - Názov predmetu | V.5.b - Študijný program | V.5.c - Stupeň | V.5.d - Študijný odbor |
Geológia Českého masívu / Geology of the Bohemian Massif | Geológia / Geology | I. | vedy o Zemi/Earth Sciences |
Regionálna geológia Slovenska/Regional Geology of Slovakia | Environmentálna geochémia / Environmental geochemistry | II. | ekologické a environmentálne vedy/Ecological and Environmental Sciences |
CHANNELL, J.E.T., KOZUR, H.W., SIEVERS, T., MOCK, R., AUBRECHT, R. & SÝKORA, M., 2003: Carnian-Norian biomagnetostratigraphy at Silická Brezová (Slovakia): correlation to other Tethyan sections and to the Newark Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Amsterdam), 191, 65-109.
AUBRECHT, R., BREWER-CARÍAS, CH., ŠMÍDA, B., AUDY, M. & KOVÁČIK, Ľ., 2008: Anatomy of biologically mediated opal speleothems in the world’s largest sandstone cave Cueva Charles Brewer, Chimantá Plateau, Venezuela. Sedimentary Geology (Amsterdam), 203, 3-4, 181-195.
AUBRECHT, R., MÉRES, Š., SÝKORA, M. & MIKUŠ, T., 2009: Provenance of the detrital garnets and spinels from the Albian sediments of the Czorstyn Unit (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Western Carpathians, Slovakia). Geologica Carpathica (Bratislava), 60, 6, 463-483.
AUBRECHT, R., LÁNCZOS, T., GREGOR, M., SCHLÖGL, J., ŠMÍDA, B., LIŠČÁK, P., BREWER-CARÍAS, Ch. & VLČEK, L., 2011: Sandstone caves on Venezuelan tepuis: return to pseudokarst? Geomorphology (Amsterdam), 132, 3-4, 351-365.
AUBRECHT, R., BARRIO-AMOROS, C., BREURE, A., BREWER-CARÍAS, Ch., DERKA, T., FUENTES-RAMOS, O.A., GREGOR, M., KODADA, J., KOVÁČIK, Ľ., LÁNCZOS, T., LEE, N.M., LIŠČÁK, P., SCHLÖGL, J., ŠMÍDA, B. & VLČEK, L., 2012: Venezuelan tepuis – their caves and biota. Acta Geologica Slovaca (Bratislava), ISBN 978-80-223-3349-8, 1-168.
AUBRECHT, R., JÓZSA, Š., PLAŠIENKA, D. & WIERZBOWSKI, H., 2022: Mid-Cretaceous turnover in the Oravic segment of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Western and Eastern Carpathians): new data and synthesis. Cretaceous Research (Amsterdam), 140, 105323.
AUBRECHT, R., MIKUŠ, T. & HOLICKÝ, I., 2021: Heavy mineral analysis of the Turonian to Maastrichtian exotics-bearing deposits in the Western Carpathians: What has changed after Albian and Cenomanian? Geologica Carpathica (Bratislava), 72, 6, 505-528.
AUBRECHT, R., LÁNCZOS, T., SCHLÖGL, J. & FILIPČIKOVÁ, P., 2019: Selective weathering of cross-bedded layers forming shelters and small caves on Akopán Tepui (Venezuela): field, laboratory and experimental evidence about diagenesis and weathering of the Matauí Formation arenites (Roraima Supergroup, Middle Proterozoic). Geomorphology (Amsterdam), 325, 55-69.
AUBRECHT, R., BELLOVÁ, S. & MIKUŠ, T., 2020: Provenance of the Albian to Cenomanian exotics-bearing turbidites in the Western Carpathians: a heavy-mineral analysis. Geological Quarterly (Warszawa), 64, 3, 658-680.
AUBRECHT, R., BAČÍK, P., MIKUŠ, T. & BELLOVÁ, S., 2020: Detritic tourmalines with complex zonation in the Cretaceous exotic flysches of the Western Carpathians: where did they come from? Lithos, 362-363, 105443 (DOI: /10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105443).
AUBRECHT, R., LÁNCZOS, T., ŠMÍDA, B, BREWER-CARÍAS, Ch., MAYORAL, F., SCHLÖGL, J., AUDY, M., VLČEK, L., KOVÁČIK, Ľ. & GREGOR, M., 2008: Venezuelan sandstone caves: a new view on their genesis, hydrogeology and speleothems. Geologia Croatica (Zagreb), 61, 2-3, 345-362. In: BRUTHANS J., SOUKUP J., VACULÍKOVÁ J., FILIPPI M., SCHWEIGSTILLOVÁ J., MAYO A.L., MASIN D., KLETSCHKA G., RIHOSEK J., 2014: Sandstone landforms shaped by negative feedback between stress and erosion. Supplementary Information. Nature Geoscience (London), 7, 1-39.
CHANNELL, J.E.T., KOZUR, H.W., SIEVERS, T., MOCK, R., AUBRECHT, R. & SÝKORA, M., 2003: Carnian-Norian biomagnetostratigraphy at Silická Brezová (Slovakia): correlation to other Tethyan sections and to the Newark Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Amsterdam), 191, 65-109. In: FURIN, S., PRETO, N., RIGO, M., ROGHI, G., GIANOLLA, P., CROWLEY, J.L., BOWRING, S.A., 2006: High-precision U-Pb zircon age from the Triassic of Italy: Implications for the Triassic time scale and the Carnian origin of calcareous nannoplankton and dinosaurs
Geology (Boulder), 34, 12, 1009-1012.
AUBRECHT, R. & KOZUR, H., 1995: Pokornyopsis (Ostracoda) from submarine fissure fillings and cavities in the Late Jurassic of Czorsztyn Unit and the possible origin of the Recent anchialine faunas. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen (Stuttgart), 196, 1, 1-17. In: KORNICKER, L.S. & ILIFFE, T.M., 1998: Myodocopid Ostracoda (Halocypridina, Cladocopina) from anchialine caves in the Bahamas, Canary Islands and Mexico. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology (Washington), 599, 1-93.
MOCK, R., SÝKORA, M., AUBRECHT, R., OŽVOLDOVÁ, L., KRONOME, B., REICHWALDER, P. & JABLONSKÝ, J., 1998: Petrology and stratigraphy of the Meliaticum near the Meliata and Jaklovce Villages, Slovakia. Slovak Geological Magazine (Bratislava), 4, 4, 223-260. In: DALLMEYER R.D., NEUBAUER, F. & FRITZ, H., 2008: The Meliata suture in the Carpathians: regional significance and implications for the evolution of high-pressure wedges within collisional orogens. In: SIGESMUND, S., FÜGENSCHUH, B. & FROITZHEIM, N. (eds.): Tectonic aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian system. Geological Society, London, Spec. Publ., 298, 101-115.
AUBRECHT, R., BREWER-CARÍAS, CH., ŠMÍDA, B., AUDY, M. & KOVÁČIK, Ľ., 2008: Anatomy of biologically mediated opal speleothems in the world’s largest sandstone cave Cueva Charles Brewer, Chimantá Plateau, Venezuela. Sedimentary Geology (Amsterdam), 203, 3-4, 181-195. In: SAURO, F., CAPPELLETTI, M., GHEZZI, D., COLUMBU, A., HONG, P.-Y., ZOWAWI, H.M., CARBONE, C., PICCINI, L., VERGARA, F., ZANNONI, D. & DE WAELE, J., 2018: Microbial diversity and biosignatures of amorphous silica deposits in orthoquartzite caves. Scientific Reports, 8, 1, Article No. 17569.
VII.a - Aktivita, funkcia | VII.b - Názov inštitúcie, grémia | VII.c - Časové vymedzenia pôsobenia |
člen výboru / member of a committee | Slovenská geologická spoločnosť / Slovak Geological Society | 2013-2017 |
Associate editor | Redakčná rada Bulletin of Geosciences / Editorial board Bulletin of Geosciences | 2006-2020 |
Národný koordinátor / National coordinator | International Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy (ISJS) | 2006-2020 |
Národný korešpondent / National correspondent | IAS (International Association of Sedimentologists) | 2006-2019 |