Name and surname:
prof. PhDr. Miloslav Vojtech, PhD. |
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Natural Sciences
III.a - Occupation-position | III.b - Institution | III.c - Duration |
PhD student | Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts | 1996 - 1997 |
lecturer | Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Arts | 1997 - 1998 |
assistant professor | Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Arts | 1998 - 2005 |
associate professor | Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Arts | 2005 - 2018 |
professor | Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Arts | since 2018 |
IV.a - Activity description, course name, other | IV.b - Name of the institution | IV.c - Year |
Financial information system SOFIA | Rectorate of the Comenius University | 2005 |
Academic Information System | Rectorate of the Comenius University | 2009 |
MS Teams | Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Arts | 2020 |
V.1.a - Name of the profile course | V.1.b - Study programme | V.1.c - Degree | V.1.d - Field of study |
19th century Slovak literature 1, 2, 3 | Slovak language and literature, Slovak language and culture, Teaching Slovak language and literature | II. | Philology |
Didactics of Slovak literature | Teaching Slovak language and literature | II. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
Chapters from the history of Slovak culture 1, 2 | Slovak language and culture | II. | Philology |
Slovak-Slavic cultural and literary relations in the 19th and 20th centuries | Slavic studies | II. | Philology |
Seminar on bachelor´s thesis | Slovak language and literature, Slovak language and culture, Teaching Slovak language and literature | I. | Philology, Teaching Slovak language and literature |
Seminar on master´s thesis | Slovak language and literature, Slovak language and culture, Teaching Slovak language and literature | II. | Philology, Teaching Slovak language and literature |
Doctoral seminar 1, 2 | Slovak literature | III. | Philology |
Seminar in poetics and interpretation | Slovak literature | III. | Philology |
19th century Slovak literature | Slovak literature | III. | Philology |
V.2.a - Name of the study programme | V.2.b - Degree | V.2.c - Field of study |
Teaching Slovak language and culture and another subject | I. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
Teaching Slovak language and culture and another subject | II. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
Slovak language and culture and another subject | I. | Philology |
Slovak language and culture and another subject | II. | Philology |
Slovak literaturu | III. | Philology |
V.3.a - Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure | V.3.b - Study field to which it is assigned |
Slovak language and literature | Philology |
V.5.a - Name of the course | V.5.b - Study programme | V.5.c - Degree | V.5.d - Field of study |
Selected Issues from World Literatures for Teacher Trainees 1/Selected Issues from World Literatures 1 | Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature (in combination), Slovak language and literature | I./II. | Teacher Training and Education Science/Philology |
Chapters from the history of literary translation and interliterary relations 1 | Common program in interpreting and translating, Central European Studies | II. | Philology |
Doctoral seminar 3, 4 | Slovak literature | III. | Philology |
Textology | Slovak language and literature | II. | Philology |
VOJTECH, Miloslav: Od baroka k romantizmu. Literárne smery a tendencie v slovenskej literatúre v rokoch 1780 – 1840 / From baroque to romanticism : literary movements and tendencies in Slovak literature 1780 – 1840. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2003, 148 s., ISBN 80-223-1902-3.
VOJTECH, Miloslav: Literatúra, literárna história a medziliterárnosť / Literature, Literary History and Interliterary Relations. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2004, 136 strán, ISBN 80-223-2017-X.
VOJTECH, Miloslav: Čeština ako literárny jazyk na Slovensku v období národného obrodenia / The Czech as a Literary language in the Slovak National Awakening. In: Česká literatura. - Roč. 51, č. 4 (2003), s. 393 – 418 (WoS, AHCI, Scopus)
VOJTECH, Miloslav: Bidermejer v slovackoj literature 19 veka i jego istoriko-literaturnoje issledovanije. In: Bidermejer v slavianskom i jevropejskom kontekste. Sankt-Petersburg – Siedlce : IKRiBL, 2016, s. 23 – 41, ISBN 978-83-64884-44-3.
VOJTECH, Miloslav: Tvorcovia literatúry a literárnej histórie. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2013. - 168 s., ISBN 978-80-223-3509-6.
VOJTECH, Miloslav: Slovenská klasicistická a preromantická literatúra. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2020. – 185 s. ISBN 978-80-223-5023-5.
VOJTECH, Miloslav: Problematika medziliterárnosti a dejín umeleckého prekladu v monografii Ruda Brtáňa venovanej Bohuslavovi Tablicovi / Interliterariness and the history of literary translation in Rudo Brtáň's monograph on Bohuslav Tablic. In: Slovenská literatúra, roč. 66, 2019, č. 5, s. 346 – 357. (WoS, Scopus)
VOJTECH, Miloslav: Problematika edícií a jazykových aktualizácií bernolákovských literárnych textov / On the editions and linguistic updates of literary texts written in Bernolák ́s Slovak. In: Slovenská literatúra, roč. 67, č. 4 (2020), s. 287 - 305. (WoS, Scopus)
VOJTECH, Miloslav: Literary depictions of the countryside in Slovak classicist poetry. In: Portraying contryside in Central European literature. Ostrava : Ostravská univerzita, 2021, s. 74 - 89, ISBN 978-80-7599-261-1.
AAB Vojtech, Miloslav : Od baroka k romantizmu : literárne smery a tendencie v slovenskej literatúre v rokoch 1780 – 1840. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2003, 148 s., ISBN 80-223-1902-3: [o1] 2004 Prunitsch, C.: Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie, roč. 63, č. 1, 2004, s. 211 - AHCI
AAB Vojtech, Miloslav : Literatúra, literárna história a medziliterárnosť . Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2004, 136 s., ISBN 80-223-2017-X: [o3] 2019 Kiss Szemán, R.: Ján Kollár és a magyarországi klasszikus hagyomány. In: Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, roč. 123, č. 5, 2019, s. 605.
AED Vojtech, Miloslav: Ladislav Mňačko. In: Portréty slovenských spisovateľov 3. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2003. - S. 40-50. - ISBN 80-223-1779-9: [o3] 2015 Lovejoy, Alice: Army film and the avant garde : cinema and experiment in the Czechoslovak military. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2015, S. 144.
AED Vojtech, Miloslav: Ján Kollár - tvorca slovanského mýtu. In: Ján Kollár: Dielo. - Bratislava : Kalligram a Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, 2009. - S. 563-586. - ISBN 978-80-8101-227-8: [o3] 2014 Putna, M. C.: Překlad a výklad Slávy dcery z panslavistického mýtu do kulturní historie. Praha : Academia, 2014, S. 377.
AAB Vojtech, Miloslav : Od baroka k romantizmu : literárne smery a tendencie v slovenskej literatúre v rokoch 1780 – 1840. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2003, 148 s., ISBN 80-223-1902-3: [o1] 2005 Šulcková, M.: Česká literatura, roč. 53, č. 5, 2005, s. 721-725 - AHCI.
VEGA 1/0647/17 Poetics of the Slovak Prose of the 18th - 20th Century – Principal investigator (2017 – 2019)
VEGA 1/0315/21 Poetics of the Slovak Prose of the 18th - 20th Century 2 – Principal investigator (2021 - 2024)
Project of International Visegrad Fund VUSG No 61000029 Central European Studies (Visegrad Studies) - person responsible for the project (2012 - 2020).
VII.a - Activity, position | VII.b - Name of the institution, board | VII.c - Duration |
Chairperson of the Academic Senate at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University Bratislava | 2006 - 2009 |
Study Advisor | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University Bratislava | 2004 - 2018 |
Vice-dean for education | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University Bratislava | 2011 - 2019 |
Vice-dean for the development of the faculty and information technologies | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University Bratislava | since 2019 |
Member of the Scientific Council | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University Bratislava | since 2019 |
member of the board for conferring the title "doctor of sciences" in the field "literary studies" | Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS | since 2021 |
Chairman of the trade union commission in the doctoral study program Slovak Literature | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University Bratislava | od 2018 |
Vice-director of Studia Academica Slovaca - The Centre for Slovak as a Foreign Language | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University Bratislava | since 2003 |
VIII.a - Name of the institution | VIII.b - Address of the institution | VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) | VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe) |
Universität Regensburg, Institut für Slavistik | Regensburg (Germany) | 27. 6. – 2. 7. 2005 | Socrates-Erasmus |
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | Budapest (Hungary) | 10. 11. – 14. 11. 2008 | Socrates-Erasmus |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta | Ljubljana (Slovenia) | 5. 11. – 9. 11. 2012 | Erasmus + |
Filološki fakultet, Univerziteta u Beogradu | Beograd (Serbia) | 5. 5. - 12. 5. 2017 | Invited Lectures |
Faculty of Arts, University of Pardubice | Pardubice (Czech Republic) | 16. 4. - 22. 4. 2023 | Erasmus + |