Name and surname:
doc. Mgr. Jozef Tancer, PhD. |
Faculty of Arts
Comenius University Bratislava
III.a - Occupation-position | III.b - Institution | III.c - Duration |
Assistent Professor | Comenius University Bratislava | from 1.9.2001 till 30.9.2013 |
Associated Professor | Comenius University Bratislava | from 1.10. 2013 till 31. 5. 2022 |
Professor | Comenius University Bratislava | from 1.6. 2022 up to the present |
IV.a - Activity description, course name, other | IV.b - Name of the institution | IV.c - Year |
Yiddish literature and its translation into German | University of Vienna | 2012 |
Analysis of metadata | University of Göttingen | 2020 |
MS Teams Training for teachers |
V.1.a - Name of the profile course | V.1.b - Study programme | V.1.c - Degree | V.1.d - Field of study |
History of German Literature and Culture 1 | German Language and Culture | I. | Philology |
History of German Literature and Culture 1 | German Language and Literature | I. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
Selected Works of Austrian Literature 1 | German Language and Culture, German Language and Literature | II. | Philology, Teacher Training and Education Science |
Introduction to Literary Science | German Language and Literature | I. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
Didactics of German as a Foreign Language | German Language and Literature | II. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
Reception of German Literature in Slovakia | Literary Science | III. | Philology |
Regional Project | German Studies | II. | Philology |
Intellectual History of German Speaking Countries | German Studies | II. | Philology |
V.2.a - Name of the study programme | V.2.b - Degree | V.2.c - Field of study |
German Language and Literature | I. + II. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
German Language and Culture | I. + II. | Philology |
German Studies | I. + II. | Philology |
Literary Science | III. | Philology |
V.5.a - Name of the course | V.5.b - Study programme | V.5.c - Degree | V.5.d - Field of study |
Selected Works of 20th and 21st Austrian Literature | German Studies | II. | Philology |
German Language and Culture in Slovakia | German Studies | II. | Philology |
Selected Chapters of Literary Translation History and Transtextual Relations | Literary Science | III. | Philology |
Tancer, Jozef: Im Schatten Wiens : zur deutschsprachigen Presse und Literatur im Pressburg des 18. Jahrhunderts. - Bremen : Lumiere, 2008. - 291 s. - (Presse und Geschichte ; Bd. 32)
Tancer, Jozef: Neviditeľné mesto : Prešporok / Bratislava v cestopisnej literatúre. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Kalligram, 2013. - 299 s. - (Dejiny mesta Bratislavy)
Tancer, Jozef: Rozviazané jazyky : ako sme hovorili v starej Bratislave. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Slovart, 2016. - 303 s.
Tancer, Jozef - Mannová, Elena: Od uhorského patriotizmu k menšinovému nacionalizmu. Zmeny povedomia Nemcov na Slovensku v 18. a 20. storočí. In: Gabriela Kiliánová - Eva Kowalská - Eva Krekovičová (eds.): My a tí druhí v modernej spoločnosti : konštrukcie a transformácie kolektívnych identít. - Bratislava : Veda, 2009. - S. 351-371.
Tancer, Jozef: Mediale Selbstreferenzen als Untersuchungsgegenstand der historischen Presseforschung. Eeine Einleitung
In:Jozef Tancer (ed.): Mediale Selbstreferenzen im Netzwerk der Presse der Habsburgermonarchie und ihrer Nachfolgestaaten. - Viedeň : New academic press, 2019. - S. 7-17.
Tancer, Jozef: Mediale Selbstreferenzen als Untersuchungsgegenstand der historischen Presseforschung : eine Einleitung
In: Jozef Tancer (ed.): Mediale Selbstreferenzen im Netzwerk der Presse der Habsburgermonarchie und ihrer Nachfolgestaaten. - Viedeň : New academic press, 2019. - S. 7-17
Tancer, Jozef - Urbán, Péter: "Wer hinter sich die Presse hat, der regiert" : Mediale Selbstreferenzen in der dreisprachigen Presselandschaft Bratislavas 1919 1923. In: Jozef Tancer (ed.): Mediale Selbstreferenzen im Netzwerk der Presse der Habsburgermonarchie und ihrer Nachfolgestaaten. - Viedeň : New academic press, 2019. - S. 121-148
Tancer, Jozef: Rozviazané jazyky : ako sme hovorili v starej Bratislave. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Slovart, 2016. - 303 s.
Tancer, Jozef: Sprachbiografie und inszenierte Autorschaft = Language biography and performed authorship: the example of Erika Blumgrund : das Fallbeispiel Erika Blumgrund. In: World Literature Studies. - Roč. 9, č. 4 (2017), s. 103-116
Tancer, Jozef: Was alles bedeutet "Deutsch"? : zu den Sprachbiographien der Bewohner Bratislavas in der Zwischenkriegszeit. In: Martin Zückert (ed.): Migration, Zentrum und Peripherie, Kulturelle Vielfalt : neue Zugänge zur Geschiche der Deutschen in der Slowakei. - Leipzig : BiblionMedia, 2016. - S. 301-322.
Tancer, Jozef: Im Schatten Wiens : zur deutschsprachigen Presse und Literatur im Pressburg des 18. Jahrhunderts. - Bremen : Lumiere, 2008. - 291 s. - (Presse und Geschichte ; Bd. 32); ohlas: [o1] 2018 Dobias, D. - Smyčka, V.: Česká literatúra, roč. 66, č. 1, 2018, s. 33.
Tancer, Jozef: Rozviazané jazyky : ako sme hovorili v starej Bratislave. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Slovart, 2016. - 303 s.; ohlas: [o1] 2020 Pucherová, D.: Theorising Central European postcoloniality : a postcommunist reading of 21st century literature from Slovakia. In: Taking stock - twenty-five years of comparative literary research. Leiden : Brill, 2020, S. 307-337
Tancer, Jozef - Mannová, Elena: Od uhorského patriotizmu k menšinovému nacionalizmu. Zmeny povedomia Nemcov na Slovensku v 18. a 20. storočí. In: Gabriela Kiliánová - Eva Kowalská - Eva Krekovičová (eds.): My a tí druhí v modernej spoločnosti : konštrukcie a transformácie kolektívnych identít. - Bratislava : Veda, 2009. - S. 351-371; ohlas: [o1] 2020 Laslavíková, J.: Beethoven's oeuvre as an argument : Fidelio staged by the municiapal theatre and the end of the 19th century and its reception in the context of the Beethoven tradition in Pressburg. In: Hudební věda, roč. 57, č.2, 2020, s. 131
Tancer, Jozef: The image of the city as a site of memory : Bratislava in modern travel literature. In: Frontiers and identities 3. - Pisa : Plus, 2008. - S. 267-280; ohlas: [o1] 2015 Barrer, P.: East Central Europe, roč. 42, č. 2-3, 2015, s. 319
Tancer, Jozef : Obraz nie je odraz : reprezentácie ako výskumný problém. In: Gabriela Dudeková (ed.): Medzi provinciou a metropolou : obraz Bratislavy v 19. a 20. storočí. - Bratislava : Prodama, 2012. - S. 23-45; ohlas.[o2] 2019 Ščepanová, S.: The greater Bratislava of architects Alois Balan and Jiri Grossmann. In: Architektúra a urbanizmus, roč. 53, č. 1-2, 2019, s. 89-102.
APVV-17-0254: Jazykové a komunikačné problémy na Slovensku a ich manažment
APVV-0689-12: Slovenčina v kontexte viacjazyčných spoločenstiev na Slovensku
Mediale Selbstreferenzen. Das Netzwerk der Presse in der Habsburger Monarchie
und ihren Nachfolgerstaaten 1855 – 1925; projekt vedeckej platformy Österrreich-Bibliotheken im Ausland
VII.a - Activity, position | VII.b - Name of the institution, board | VII.c - Duration |
Vice-rector of International Relations | Comenius University Bratislava | from 2019 up to the present |
Director of the European University Alliance ENLIGHT | Comenius University Bratislava | from 2020 up to the present |
Member of Scientific Board | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University Bratislava | from 2020 up to the present |
Member of Scientific Board | Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica | from 2020 up to the present |
Member of Scientific Commision | Commission for Literary and Cultural Sciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences | from 2015 up to the present |
Member of The Discipline Board | PhD Discipline Board for German Studies/ Literary Science | from 2019 up to the present |
VIII.a - Name of the institution | VIII.b - Address of the institution | VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) | VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe) |
Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1, A-1010 Wien | 10/2018-02/2019 | employment contract |
Universität Regensburg | Universitätsstraße 31, D-93053 Regensburg | 6.6. - 6.7. 2018 | DAAD scholarship |
Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1, A-1010 Wien | 09/2011 – 08/2012 | FWF: Lisa- Meitner-Scholarship |
Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1, A-1010 Wien | 10/2006 – 06/2008 | Franz Werfel Scholarship |
Foschungsbibliothek Gotha | Schloss Friedenstein, D-99867 Gotha | 07 – 08/2007 | Thyssen-Stiftung Scholarship |
Universität Leipzig | Ritterstraße 26, D-04109 Leipzig | 08 – 09/2003 | DAAD Scholarship |