Name and surname:
doc. PhDr. Mariana Szapuová, CSc. |
Faculty of Arts
III.a - Occupation-position | III.b - Institution | III.c - Duration |
Assistant Professor | Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts | 1987 - 2010 |
Associate Professor | Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts | 2010 - present |
IV.a - Activity description, course name, other | IV.b - Name of the institution | IV.c - Year |
Trainng for ECDL test | Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava | 2008 |
V.1.a - Name of the profile course | V.1.b - Study programme | V.1.c - Degree | V.1.d - Field of study |
Introduction into Philosophy | Philosophy, Philosophy combined with other subject | I. | Philosophy |
Epistemology | Philosophy | II. | Philosophy |
Social and Ethical Problems of Sciences | Philosophy | II. | Philosophy |
V.2.a - Name of the study programme | V.2.b - Degree | V.2.c - Field of study |
Philosophy | I. | Philosophy |
V.3.a - Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure | V.3.b - Study field to which it is assigned |
Philosophy | Philosophy, Aesthetics Systematic Philosophy |
V.5.a - Name of the course | V.5.b - Study programme | V.5.c - Degree | V.5.d - Field of study |
Selected Issues form Feminist Philosophy | Philosophy | I. | Philosophy |
Gender Studies | course designed for the whole faculty students | I. | Philosophy |
Feminist Philosophy in the Historical Perspective | Philosophy | II. | Philosophy |
Women, Science and Feminsm: Philosophical Perspectives | an elective course designed for all doctoral study programmes | III. | Philosophy |
Philosophy of Education | Pedagogy | I. | Pedagogy |
Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF] (100%) : Poznávajúci subjekt, epistemické komunity a rod
In: Situovaná veda : podoby a kontexty tvorby poznania. - Bratislava : Centrum rodových štúdií FF UK, 2009. - S. 121-239 [9,58 AH]. - ISBN 978-80-969389-7-1
Szapuová, Mariana (aut) [UKOFIDF] (100%): Rod vo vede = Gender in science : teoretické perspektívy a ich uplatnenie vo výskume
In: Sociologický časopis. - Roč. 45, č. 4 (2009), s. 649-670. - ISSN 0038-0288
Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF] (100%) : Wittgenstein o istote = Wittgenstein über die Gewissheit : praktische Erweiterung skeptischer Zweifel : praktické rozriešenie skeptických pochybností
In: Filosofický časopis. - Roč. 64, č. 5 (2016), s. 725-741. - ISSN (print) 0015-1831
Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF] (100%) : Problematika rodu vo vede : teoreticko-filozofické východiská a ich metodologické dôsledky
In: Na ceste k rodovej rovnosti : ženy a muži v akademickom prostredí. - Bratislava : Iris, 2009. - S. 41-62. - ISBN 978-80-89256-40-2
Nuhlíček, Martin [UKOFIDF] (50%) - Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF] (50%): Poznámky ku skepticizmu alebo čo spochybňuje, a čo nespochybňuje skeptik
In: Filozofia. - Roč. 67, č. 2 (2012), s. 147-159. - ISSN (print) 0046-385X
Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF] (100%) : Kognitívne a nekognitívne hodnoty v normatívnej štruktúre vedy
In: Filosofický časopis. - Roč. 68, č. 4 (2020), s. 535-550. - ISSN (print) 0015-1831.
Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF] (100%): Fakty a hodnoty : k otázke hodnotovej neutrality vedy
In: Filozofia. - Roč. 73, č. 9 (2018), s. 693-706. - ISSN (print) 0046-385X
Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF] (50%) - Nuhlíček, Martin [UKOFIDF] (50%): Naturalizmus a skepticizmus
In: Filozofia. - Roč. 75, č. 9 (2020), s. 760-775. - ISSN (print) 0046-385X
Szapuová, Mariana (aut) [UKOFIDF] (100%): Naturalistické tendencie vo filozofii Davida Huma = Naturalistic Tendencies in the Philosophy of David Hume
In: Filozofia. - Roč. 77, č. 9 (2022), s. 665-679. - ISSN (print) 0046-385X
Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF] (100%) : Étos vedy a problémy etiky vedy
In: Veda, spoločnosť a hodnoty. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2019. - S. 93-114. - ISBN 978-80-223-4749-5
[o3] 2015 Ward, I. - McGlynn, C.: Women, Law and John Stuart Mill. In: Women s History Review, roč. 25, č. 2, 2015, s. 227-253. Cited work: práca: Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF]: Mill's liberal feminism : its legacy and current criticism.
In: Prolegomena. - Roč. 5, č. 2 (2006), s. 179-191. - ISSN 1333-4395
[n1] 2021 - Schmidt-Petri, Ch. - Schefczyk, M. - Osburg, L. - Who Authored on Liberty? Stylometric Evidence of Harriet Taylor Mill s Contribution. - In: Utilitas, roč. 33, č. 5, 2021 ; s. 2 ; SCOPUS; Cited work: Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF]: Women in philosophy : the case of Harriet Taylor Mill. In: Human Affairs. - Roč. 16, č. 2 (2006), s. 133-143. - ISSN (print) 1210-3055
[n1] 2021 - Nešťáková, D. - Žena - muž - tábor : k otázke vplyvu rodu na prežívanie holokaustu. - In: Historický časopis, roč. 69, č. 4, 2021 ; s. 634 ; AHCI; Cited work: Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF]: Does gender matter? : some reflections on the role of gender in science.
In: Women scholars and institutions. - Praha : Výzkumné centrum pro dějiny vědy, 2004. - S. 749-763. - ISBN 80-7285-041-5
[n2] 2020 zz ~ Hagengruber, R. E.: The Stolen History - Retrieving the History of Women Philosophers and its Methodical Implications. In: Methodological Reflections on Women s Contribution and Influence in the History of Philosophy. Cham :Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020, S. 65 . Cited work: Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF]: Women in philosophy : the case of Harriet Taylor Mill
In: Human Affairs. - Roč. 16, č. 2 (2006), s. 133-143. - ISSN (print) 1210-3055
[o2] 2021 Démuth, A. - Števček, M.: Na obranu vágnosti. In: Filozofia, roč. 76, č. 4, 2021, s. 251 - AHCI ; SCOPUS. Citovaná práca: Nuhlíček, Martin [UKOFIDF] (50%) - Szapuová, Mariana [UKOFIDF] (50%): Poznámky ku skepticizmu alebo čo spochybňuje, a čo nespochybňuje skeptik. In: Filozofia. - Roč. 67, č. 2 (2012), s. 147-159. - ISSN (print) 0046-385X
2015 - 2019: APVV-14-0510: Sciece, Society, Values: Analysis of their Relationships and Interactions. Principal investigator
2019 - 2023: APVV-18-0178: Naturalism as an Universal Philosophical Programme. Investigator.
2020 - Equal4Europe, H2020, leader of the Slovak project team
2023 - 2027: APVV-22-0397: Naturalism and constructivism as competing or complementary
programmes, investigator
VII.a - Activity, position | VII.b - Name of the institution, board | VII.c - Duration |
Member of the committee for PhD. study, Philosophy, | Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University | 2015 - present |
Member od the Scientific Board | Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences | 2009 - present |
Member of the Editorial Board of the scietnific journal Filozofia, | Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences | 2019 - present |
Member of the excellent team (Philosophy, Logic, Methodology: Challenges for 21. century, FILOMET) | Comenius University, Faculty of Arts | 2017 - present |
Member of the Editorial Board of the interantional journal Human Affairs, | De Gruyter | 1995 - present |
Herad of the Department of Philosophy and History of Philosophy | Comenius Universtiy, Faculty of Arts | 2012 - 2016 |
vice dean for admissions, lifelong learning and public relations | Comenius University, Faculty of Arts | 2016 - 04/2023 |
Kommittee for gender equality and equal opportunities | COmenius University | from 03/2023 heretofore |
VIII.a - Name of the institution | VIII.b - Address of the institution | VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) | VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe) |
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University Pardubice | Studentská 84, 532 10 Pardubice, Czech Republic | 14. 41 2014 - 17. 4. 2014 | LLP Erasmus / Teaching Mobility |
Centra European University, Budapešť | Október 6 u. 12, Budapest, Hungary | 06/1998 - 06/1999 | participation on the Third Regional Seminars on Gender and Culture: Multiple Feminism |
MIrovni Istitut, Ljubľana | Matelkova street 6, Ljubľana, Slovenia | 01/2003 - 03/2004 | participation on series of workshops The Use of the Ethics of Care Perspective in Social Policy |