Research/art/teacher profile of a person
Name and surname:
doc. Mgr. Marketa Štefková, PhD.
FiF - Faculty of Arts

I. - Basic information

I.1 - Surname
I.2 - Name
I.3 - Degrees
doc., Mgr., PhD.
I.4 - Year of birth
I.5 - Name of the workplace
Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
I.6 - Address of the workplace
Gondova 2, 81102 Bratislava
I.7 - Position
I.8 - E-mail address
I.9 - Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Register of university staff
I.10 - Name of the study field in which a person works at the university
Dutch language and culture, translatology, German studies
I.11 - ORCID iD

II. - Higher education and further qualification growth

II.1 - First degree of higher education
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Comenius University
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
German language and culture, Dutch language and culture, translation and interpreting
II.2 - Second degree of higher education
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Comenius University
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
German language and culture, Dutch language and culture, translation and interpreting
II.3 - Third degree of higher education
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Comenius University
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
Linguistics of specific language groups - German studies
II.4 - Associate professor
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Comenius University
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
Translation Studies
II.5 - Professor
II.6 - Doctor of Science (DrSc.)

III. - Current and previous employment

III.a - Occupation-position III.b - Institution III.c - Duration
teacher/researcher aculty of Arts, Comenius University 2005-2014
associated professor Faculty of Arts, Comenius University 2014-2021
professor Faculty of Arts, Comenius University sinds 2021

IV. - Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

IV.a - Activity description, course name, other IV.b - Name of the institution IV.c - Year
participation in the seminar for Dutch language participants - Seminárium Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur Nederlandse Taalunie 2000
study stay at the Institute of Translators and Interpreters in Antwerp University of Antverp 2002
participation in didactic training for teachers of Dutch as a foreign language Nederlandse Taalunie 2005
regular training on working with AIS Faculty of Arts, Comenius University 2010-2023
seminar focused on working with Office 365, advanced word processing functions in Word and Excel Faculty of Arts, Comenius University 2016-2023
online seminars on working with the MOODLE platform Faculty of Arts, Comenius University 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
training to work with CAT tools Vrije Universiteit Brussel 2020

V. - Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

V.1 - Overview of the profile courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.1.a - Name of the profile course V.1.b - Study programme V.1.c - Degree V.1.d - Field of study
Introduction in the Interpreting Techniques 1 translation and interpreting in combination of 2 languages, sub-programme Dutch language and culture II. Philology
Developing linguistic competence in Dutch 1 translation and interpreting in combination of 2 languages, sub-programme Dutch language and culture I. Philology
Introduction to Linguistics German studies I. Philology
Introduction in translation studies 1 translation and interpreting in combination of 2 languages, sub-programme, German Studies I. Philology
Introduction in Interpreting Techniques 2 translation and interpreting in combination of 2 languages, sub-programme Dutch language and culture II. Philology
Praxeology of professional translation translation and interpreting in combination of 2 languages II Philology
General theory of translation Translation Studies III. Philology
New trends in translatological research Translation Studies III. Philology
V.2 - Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
V.2.a - Name of the study programme V.2.b - Degree V.2.c - Field of study
Dutch language and culture I. Filology
Dutch language and culture II. Filology
German Studies I. Filology
German Studies II. Filology
Translation Studies III. Filology
V.3 - Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
V.4 - Overview of supervised final theses
V.4.1 - Number of currently supervised theses
V.4.a - Bachelor's (first degree)
V.4.b - Diploma (second degree)
V.4.c - Dissertation (third degree)
V.4.2 - Number of defended theses
V.4.a - Bachelor's (first degree)
V.4.b - Diploma (second degree)
V.4.c - Dissertation (third degree)
V.5 - Overview of other courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.5.a - Name of the course V.5.b - Study programme V.5.c - Degree V.5.d - Field of study
Translation 1 translation and interpreting in combination of 2 languages, sub-programme Dutch language and culture II. Philology
Terminography and Translation Technology in the Practice of PSIT translation and interpreting in combination of 2 languages II. Philology

VI. - Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

VI.1 - Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs and the corresponding citations
VI.1.1 - Number of the research/artistic/other outputs
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.2 - Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.3 - Number of citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.4 - Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.5 - Number of invited lectures at the international, national level
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.2 - The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

AAB Štefková, Marketa. 2013. (100%) Právny text v preklade. Translatologiké aspekty právnej komunikácie v kombináciách málo rozšírených jazykov. Bratislava: Iura Edition.


ABB Škrlantová, Marketa. 2005. (100%) - Preklad právnych textov na národnej a nadnárodnej úrovni. Vyd. údaje 

Preklad právnych textov na národnej a nadnárodnej úrovni. - Bratislava : AnaPress, 2005. - ISBN 80-89137-19-9. - S. 7-114


ADM Štefková, Marketa [UKOFIGN] (100%) : Grenzen van de (on)vertaalbaarheid van de nationale rechtsterminologie in context van de europese harmonisatietendensen [elektronický dokument]. IN: Roczniki Humanistyczne. - Roč. 66, č. 5 (2018), s. 39-48, Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS, Q3 [Humanities, multidisciplinary] -- 2018


ADM Markéta Štefková, Michal Homola: Van conferentie naar de publieke sector... pleidooi voor het verleggen van de focus van de tolktraining in combinaties van kleinere talen. IN: Roczniki Humanistyczne. - Roč. 69, č. 5 (2021), s. 67-80, Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS, Q3 [Humanities, multidisciplinary] -- 2021


ADM Štefková, Marketa [UKOFIGN] Designing curricula from scratch how countries in Central Europe with no tradition of formal PSIT training provide interpreting in the public sector. IN: Changing paradigms and approaches in interpreter training : perspectives from Central Europe. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-0-367-51891-2. - New York : Routledge, 2021. - S. 143-159, Registrované v scopus, wos.

VI.3 - The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

ADM Štefková, Marketa [UKOFIGN] Designing curricula from scratch how countries in Central Europe with no tradition of formal PSIT training provide interpreting in the public sector. IN: Changing paradigms and approaches in interpreter training : perspectives from Central Europe. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-0-367-51891-2. - New York : Routledge, 2021. - S. 143-159, Registrované v scopus, wos.


ADM Markéta Štefková, Michal Homola: Van conferentie naar de publieke sector... pleidooi voor het verleggen van de focus van de tolktraining in combinaties van kleinere talen. IN: Roczniki Humanistyczne. - Roč. 69, č. 5 (2021), s. 67-80, Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS, Q3 [Humanities, multidisciplinary] -- 2021


ADM Štefková, Marketa [UKOFIGN] (100%) : Grenzen van de (on)vertaalbaarheid van de nationale rechtsterminologie in context van de europese harmonisatietendensen [elektronický dokument]. IN: Roczniki Humanistyczne. - Roč. 66, č. 5 (2018), s. 39-48, Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných v databázach Web of Science alebo SCOPUS, Q3 [Humanities, multidisciplinary] -- 2018


V3Markéta Štefková, Pavol Šveda: War in Ukraine and public service interpreting in Slovakia Initial impressions and implications. IN: Bridge [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 3, č. 1 (2022), s. 42-57, Online, Prístupnosť v DB      Open access OA, European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences ERIH PLUS, Ohlas [n2] 2023 zz ~ Dostál, J.. : European Solidarity Corps Projects Responding to COVID-19: Implications for Future Crises - In: Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, roč. 9, č. 2, 2023 ; s. 21


AEC Markéta Štefková, Helena Tužinská: Translation, interpreting and institutional routines the case of Slovakia, IN: Translation policies in legal and institutional settings. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-94-6270-294-3. - Leuven : Leuven University Press, 2021. - S. 157-180 ((Translation, interpreting and transfer ; 6 ; )) Open access OA, Online https://

VI.4 - The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

AED06 Štefková, Marketa [UKOFIGN] (100%) : Normy a konvencie v právnom preklade

Lit. 13 zázn. In: Má translatológia dnes ešte čo ponúknuť? 2 : reciprocity a tenzie v translatologickom výskume. - Banská Bystrica : Belianum, 2014. - S. 47-54. - ISBN 978-80-557-0796-9 Edícia: Preklad a tlmočenie ; 11 Ohlasy (1): [o1] 2017 Tužinská, H.: Etnološka tribina, roč, 47, č. 40. Záhreb : Odsjek za etnologiju i kulturnu antropologiju Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2017, S. 85 - SCOPUS


AAB01 Štefková, Marketa [UKOFIGN] (100%) : Právny text v preklade : translatologické aspekty právnej komunikácie v kombináciách málo rozšírených jazykov. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Iura Edition, 2013. - 221 s. Lit. 200 zázn. ISBN 978-80-8087-681-6 [o1] 2018 Tužinská, H.: Akože, nejaký: reč na súde mimo zápisnice : prípadová štúdia súdneho pojednávania so žiadateľom o azyl. In: Český lid, roč. 105, č. 4, 2018, s. 458 - SCOPUS[o3] 2015 Gergel, P.: Filologické štúdie 10. Nümbrecht : Kirsch-Verl., 2015, S. 43 [o3] 2015 Rakšányiová, J.: Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik, roč. 29, č. 1, 2015, s. 103 [o3] 2015 Rakšányiová, J.: Übersetzung als Kulturvermittlung : translatorisches Handeln, neue Strategien, didaktische Innovation. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2015, S. 54


AED04 Štefková, Marketa [UKOFIGN] (100%) : Aktuálne výzvy výskumu súdneho prekladu v slovenskom kontexte : prezentácia projektu Transius - od konvencií k normám prekladu v právnom diskurze Lit. 6 zázn. In: Kontexty súdneho prekladu a tlmočenia 2. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2013. - S. 135-145. - ISBN 978-80-223-3514-0 Ohlasy (4): [o3] 2018 Potočár, M.: Kriterien für die Qualität der Übersetzung im juridischen Diskurs als Bestandteil des Forschungsprojektes TransIus. In: Pragmatische und rhetorische Determinanten des Translationsprozesses. Berlín : Peter Lang, 2018, S.80


AED08 Štefková, Marketa [UKOFIGN] (50%) - Rakšányiová, Jana [UKOFIGN] (50%): Die Tendenzen und Grenzen der Konventionalisierung der Rechtsübersetzung

Lit. 17 zázn. In: Quo vadis, Rechtsübersetzung?. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2017. - S. 11-37 [1,77 AH]. - ISBN 978-80-223-4401-2

Ohlasy (1): [o3] 2017 Gergel, P.: Ekvivalenčná analýza všeobecných trestnoprávnych pojmov. Nümbrecht : Kirsch-Verlag, 2017, S. 34


AED08 Štefková, Marketa [UKOFIGN] (50%) - Rakšányiová, Jana [UKOFIGN] (50%): Die Tendenzen und Grenzen der Konventionalisierung der Rechtsübersetzung

Lit. 17 zázn. In: Quo vadis, Rechtsübersetzung?. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2017. - S. 11-37 [1,77 AH]. - ISBN 978-80-223-4401-2

Ohlasy (1): [o3] 2017 Gergel, P.: Ekvivalenčná analýza všeobecných trestnoprávnych pojmov. Nümbrecht : Kirsch-Verlag, 2017, S. 34

VI.5 - Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

Scientific project APVV-0226-12 Transius - From Conventions to Norms of Translation in Legal Discourse: position of Deputy Principal Investigator, budget 240 000€ The project ran from 1.10.2013 to 30.9.2017. 


Erasmus+ International Project No. 2017-1-SK01-KA203-035412 PACI - Professional Accessible Community Interpreting - a Gateway to Migrants Integration (Dec 2017 - Feb 2021): position of main project coordinator, budget 230 383€. 


International partnership DCC- Dutch in Central European Context, grant scheme Socrates, Ceepus and NTU (Dutch Language Union), coordinator for the Slovak side, phase 1 2006-2011 (budget 245000€), phase 2 2012-2017 (budget 8000€/year), partnership of 5 universities (UK Bratislava, UPOL Olomouc, Wroclaw University, University of Vienna, ELTE Budapest) focusing on a joint degree in Nederlands in the Central European Context and online modules for the education of Dutch speakers in the Central European Context.


KEGA project no. 034UK-4/2022 2022 Innovative Dutch studies in sociolinguistic contexts, position: principal investigator, budget 18000€

VII. - Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

VII.a - Activity, position VII.b - Name of the institution, board VII.c - Duration
member of the Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee of the Regional Colloquium of Nederlandists Bratislava FIF UK 2019
member of the scientific committee and assessor of abstracts of the international conference TIC Nitra UKF Nitra 2019
member of the scientific committee and judge of the abstracts of the worldwide colloquium of Nederlandists, organized by the international organization of Nederlandists IVN IVN 2020
member of the evaluation committee of the Dutch Language Union to evaluate the organisation of summer Dutch language courses in the Netherlands and Belgium Nederlandse Taalunie 2021
member of the scientific committee and assessor of abstracts of the international conference TIC Banská Bystrica Matej Bel University 2021
Member of the Dutch Linguistic Union's Commission for the prioritisation of the Action Plan Dutch Language Union 2022-2023
Member of the scientific committee and reviewer of abstracts of the IVN International Conference International Association for Dutch Studies jan. - aug. 2022
Member of the scientific committee and reviewer of abstracts of the international conference T.I.C. Faculty of Arts, Comenius University jan. - aug. 2023

VIII. - Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

VIII.a - Name of the institution VIII.b - Address of the institution VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe)
a three-month study placement at the Department of Applied Linguistics (translation-interpreting, NJ/HJ) of the Erasmushogeschool Brussel, together with a visit to the EC Translation Centre and the award of a certificate of studies Brussels 10-12/2000 Erasmus
a five-month study stay at Leiden University Leiden, Netherlands jan. - mei 2001 Huygens (Dutch Language Union)
one-month study stay at the University of Koblenz Koblenz, Germany jan. 2002 DAAD
a two-week study stay at the Institute of Translators and Interpreters in Antwerp Antverp, Belgium may 2002 grant NTU (Dutch Language Union)
study stay at the Centre for Dutch Legal Language at the Catholic University of Leuven Leuven, Belgium sept. 2003 - juny 2004 SAAIA, Bilateral Cultural Agreement
participation in the terminology and translatology summer school at the Translation Institute of the University of Vienna Vienna, Austria july 2009 grant Slovak Literature fond
study stay at Lessiushogeschool in the framework of habilitation research Antverp, Belgium july-september 2009 grant scheme Dutch Language Union
University of Wroclaw, Depatment of Dutch studies Wroclaw, Poland may 2019 Erasmus+
Erasmus+ intensive teacher training programme Brussels, Belgium okt. 2019 Erasmus+, KA2
Participation and key note speech at the World Congress of Non-Dutch Studies, University of Nijmegen Nijmegen, Netherlands aug. 2022 International Assiciation for Dutch Studies

IX. - Other relevant facts

Date of last update