Name and surname:
doc. Mgr. Gabriela Múcsková, PhD. |
Faculty of Arts
III.a - Occupation-position | III.b - Institution | III.c - Duration |
study intership/PhD. | Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics, SAS | 1989 - 1991 / 1991 - 1995 |
assistent professor at the Department of the Slovak Language | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava | 1995 - 2017 |
associate professor at the Department of the Slovak Language | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava | 2017 - up to now |
researcher | Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics, SAS | 2003 - 2006 / 2006 - 2017 |
individual researcher | Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics, SAS | 2017 - up to now |
V.1.a - Name of the profile course | V.1.b - Study programme | V.1.c - Degree | V.1.d - Field of study |
Sociolinguistics and Basics of Dialectology | Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature | I. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
Development of Slovak Languae and dialects | Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature | I. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
Sociolinguistics | Slovak Language and Literature | I. | Philology |
Development of the Slovak Language and Dialectology 1 | Slovak Language and Literature | I. | Philology |
Sociolinguistics and Research of Dialects | Slovak Language and Culture | I. | Philology |
Language Culture and Language Policy | Slovak Language and Culture | II. | Philology |
Selected Topics from Language Culture and Theory of Standard Language | Basics in Translatology | II. | Philology |
PhD seminar in Slovak Language 1, 2 | Slovak Language | III. | Philology |
Introduction into Linguistics | Central European Studies | I. | Philology |
Selected Topics from the Language Culture and Theory of Standard Language | Central European Studies | II. | Philology |
V.5.a - Name of the course | V.5.b - Study programme | V.5.c - Degree | V.5.d - Field of study |
Basics in Linguistics | Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature | I. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
Master's Degree Thesis Seminar | Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature | II. | Teacher Training and Education Science |
Development of the Slovak Language and Dialectology 2 | Slovak Language and Literature | I. | Philology |
Basics in Linguistics and Linguistic Thinking | Slovak Language and Literature | I. | Philology |
Synchronous and Diachronic Dynamics | Slovak Language and Culture | II. | Philology |
PhD seminar in Slovak Language 3, 4 | Slovak Language | III. | Philology |
Bachelor's Degree Thesis Seminar | Central European Studies | I. | Philology |
Master's Degree Thesis Seminar | Central European Studies | II. | Philology |
AAB Múcsková, Gabriela: Jazykové zmeny v historickom vývine gramatických tvarov z aspektu gramatikalizácie (na príklade vývinu slovenského préterita). [Language changes in the historical development of grammatical forms from a grammaticalization perspective (on the example of the development of the Slovak preterit)] Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2016. 192 s. ISBN 978-80-223-4211-7
ADE Múcsková, Gabriela: Slavackaja litaraturnaja mova: gistaryčnyja zmeny v statuse i vnutranaj forme. [Slovak literary language: historical changes in the status and structure] In: Arche-Pačatak. - Č. 9 (96) (2010), s. 18-35. - ISSN 1392-9682
ADF Múcsková, Gabriela: Prípady gramatikalizácie vo vývine slovenského jazyka. [Instances of grammaticalization in the development of Slovak language] In: Jazykovedný časopis. - Roč. 60, č. 2 (2009), s. 131-144. - ISSN (online) 1338-4287
ADM Múcsková, Gabriela: The ideology of bourgeois nationalism and its reflections on language planning in the development of standard Slovak. In: Rasprave. Roč. 43, č. 1 (2017), s. 125-141. - ISSN 1331-6745. Registrované v: scopus
ADN Múcsková, Gabriela: Lexicalization after grammaticalization in the development of Slovak adjectives ending in -lý originating from l-participles. In: SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 16, č. 3 (2019), s. 156-178 [online]. - ISSN (online) 1336-782X. URL: Registrované v: wos
V2 Múcsková, Gabriela: Grammatical and grammatographical categories-accord and conflict. In: Greek-Latin-Slavic : Aspects of Linguistics and Grammatography. - Tübingen : Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 2023. - S. 73-96. - ISBN 978-3-8233-8527-1
V2 Múcsková, Gabriela: Kondicionálové tvary v slovenčine v kontexte historickej gramatikalizácie a súčasnej dynamiky. [Conditional forms in Slovak in the context of historical grammaticalization and contemporary dynamics] In: Jazyková zmena a pramene jej skúmania / eds. G. Múcsková, K. Muziková. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2021. s. 69-105.
ADN Múcsková, Gabriela: Lexicalization after grammaticalization in the development of Slovak adjectives ending in -lý originating from l-participles. In: SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 16, č. 3 (2019), s. 156-178 [online]. - ISSN (online) 1336-782X. URL: Registrované v: wos
AECA Múcsková, Gabriela: Synthetization in the Grammaticalization of the Preterit in Slovak Dialects. In V zeleni drželi zeleni breg. Studies in Honor of Marc L. Greenberg / eds. Stephen M. Dickey, M. R. Lauersdorf, Bloomington : Slavica Publishers – Indiana University, 2018. - ISBN 978-089357-491-8. - S. 219-242.
ADMA Múcsková, Gabriela : Slovak Dialect Classifications. In: Dialectologia, - spec. iss. 12, pp. 273-307. (2023: 0 - IF, 0.131 - SJR, Q3 - SJR). ISSN 2013-2247. Dostupné na: Registered in: Scopus
AAB Múcsková, Gabriela: Jazykové zmeny v historickom vývine gramatických tvarov z aspektu gramatikalizácie (na príklade vývinu slovenského préterita). Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2016. - 192 s. ISBN 978-80-223-4211-7
– cit. RABUS, A.: Linguistic Knowledge versus Use of Language in spoken Carpathian Sinus. In: Zeitschrift fur Slavische Philologie, roč. 75, č. 2, , 2019, s. 347-370., ISSN 0044-3492. Registrované v: WOS
ADF Múcsková, Gabriela: Prípady gramatikalizácie vo vývine slovenského jazyka. In: Jazykovedný časopis. - Roč. 60, č. 2 (2009), s. 131-144. - ISSN (online) 1338-4287
– cit. Tóth, S. J.: The Image of the world in Slovak and Hungarian grammaticalised categories. In: Ezhegodnik Finno-Ugorskih issledovanii-Yearbook of Finno-Ugric studies, roč. 12, č. 4, 2018, s. 25 – ESCI Registrované v: WOS
ADF Múcsková, Gabriela: Prípady gramatikalizácie vo vývine slovenského jazyka. In: Jazykovedný časopis. - Roč. 60, č. 2 (2009), s. 131-144. - ISSN (online) 1338-4287
– cit. Vepřek, M.: Towards the Causes of Late Common Slavic Syllabic Contranction (not only) from the Point of View of the Grammaticalization Theory. In SLAVIA – časopis pro slovanskou filologii, roč. 87, č. 1-3, 2018, s. 382-392, ISSN 0037-6736. Registrované v: WOS
AFD Múcsková, Gabriela: K otázke explanácie variantnosti a interferencie jazykových systémov nárečia a spisovného jazyka v komunikácii. In: Jazyk a komunikácia v súvislostiach. - Bratislava : UK, 2005. - S. 225-235. - ISBN 80-223-2023-4
– cit. Nábelková, M.: The Czech-Slovak Communicative and Dialect Continuum: With and Without a Border. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Slavic Languages, Identities and Borders. London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016, S. 178 - BCI-SSH Registrované v: SCOPUS
AFD Múcsková, Gabriela: Zánik ako typ jazykovej zmeny 1. In: Jazyk a komunikácia v súvislostiach 3. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2011. - S. 277-286. - ISBN 978-80-223-2942-2
– cit. Tóth, S. J.: The Image of the world in Slovak and Hungarian grammaticalised categories. In: Ezhegodnik Finno-Ugorskih issledovanii-Yearbook of Finno-Ugric studies, roč. 12, č. 4, 2018, s. 25 – ESCI Registrované v: WOS
Slovak Orthography and Its Rules in the Context of Contemporary Linguistics and Language Use 2 – VEGA 2/0132/24 (2024 - 2027).
The project follows the 2020-2023 project of the same title. The ambition of the researchers is to initiate a series of Academic Handbooks of Slovak, which will gradually produce user guides covering different levels of the language and lexical groups requiring a higher degree of standardisation. The aim of the present project is to prepare manuals focusing on word-formation and grammatical issues in the use of proper nouns. In particular, the names of municipalities, parts of municipalities, states and their capitals, and the resident names and adjectives derived from them, as well as the question of surnames, family names derived from them, and the issue of spontaneous inflection of female surnames will be covered. Another area covers words of foreign origin and the associated assimilation processes and other phenomena causing linguistic uncertainty. Type of participation: chief researcher.
Slovak Orthography and Its Rules in the Context of Contemporary Linguistics and Language Use – VEGA 2/0133/20 (2020 - 2023).
The project is focused on the research of Slovak orthography and the dynamics of the current language, changes and processes that take place in it, as well as the need to update existing orthographic rules and recommendations. The aim of the project is both an initial summary of the results of previous analyzes, but especially the addition of the latest knowledge and the implementation of other targeted analyzes based on corpus sources and experience from the practice of language counseling. The results will be condensed into a new codification textbook with a special focus on orthography. Type of participation: researcher; from r. 2021 chief researcher.
Language and communication problems in Slovakia and their management – APVV-17-0254. (2018 – 2022).
Chief researcher Prof. PhDr. István Lanstyák, PhD. The aim of the project is to uncover various types of linguistic and communication problems faced by individual speakers and entire speech communities in Slovakia, with special regard to Slovak as a majority community, Hungarian and Roma as minority but more numerous communities and finally to the Carpathian-German community as a small community. Within the Slovak community, it is planned to investigate especially the problems of using standard Slovak and dialects, as well as language problems related to the teaching of the Slovak language, both in the majority and in the minority communities. In the case of minority communities, the intention is to examine different types of language and communication problems and to suggest ways to solve them. Type of participation: researcher.
Language Change in Historical Development of Language and in Process of Formation of its Standard Variety 2 – VEGA 1/0681/17 (2017 – 2020).
The project follows the preceding project (2013 - 2016) its central theme was a problem of language change – its course and related dynamic processes in natural language and standard. A subject of the research was focused on grammatical language changes with emphasis on syntactic and pragmatic conditioning of language innovations and reproduction. New conceptual and methodological aspect was to find possibilities of application of the variation research in the course of late changes or contemporary dynamic phenomena in the language to a reconstruction of the course of early changes. Type of participation: chief researcher.
Dictionary of Slovak dialects – VEGA 2/0126/18 (2018 – 2021).
A long-term project, implemented in subsequent Vega grants. Chief researcher: PaedDr. Miloslav Smatana, CSc. The project is focused on the research of the lexicon of Slovak dialects and its main task is to prepare the entries of the Dictionary of Slovak dialects. The third volume of this dictionary is published within the current grant project. Type of participation: researcher.
VII.a - Activity, position | VII.b - Name of the institution, board | VII.c - Duration |
member, since 2013 chief editor | editorial board of Jazykovedný časopis (Journal of Linguistics) | 2007 - up to now |
member | editorial board of journal Slovenská reč (Slovak Language) | 2017 - up to now |
member (in 2017 - 2019 member of executive board) | international scientific society Slavic Linguistics Society | 2014 - up to now |
member | international scientific society International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics (SIDG) | 2015 - up to now |
member of board | Slovak Linguistic Society at the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics SAS | 1990 - up to now |
VIII.a - Name of the institution | VIII.b - Address of the institution | VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) | VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe) |
Language Centre of the University of Tampere, Finland | Korkeakoulunkatu 7, 33720 Tampere | 21.3.2006 - 30.3.2006 | Erazmus |