Name and surname:
doc. Mgr. Daniel Gerbery, PhD. |
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences
III.a - Occupation-position | III.b - Institution | III.c - Duration |
Lecturer | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University | 2009 - present |
Researcher | Institute for Labour and Family Research | 2003 - 2014, 2017 - 2022 |
V.1.a - Name of the profile course | V.1.b - Study programme | V.1.c - Degree | V.1.d - Field of study |
Introduction to methodology of sociological research | Sociology | I. | Sociology and social anthropology |
Data collection methods in sociological research | Sociology | I. | Sociology and social anthropology |
Doing quantitative sociological research | Sociology | I. | Sociology and social anthropology |
Social data analysis | Sociology | I. | Sociology and social anthropology |
Economic sociology | Sociology | II. | Sociology and social anthropology |
Methodological course on preparation of PhD. thesis | Sociology | III. | Sociology and social anthropology |
V.2.a - Name of the study programme | V.2.b - Degree | V.2.c - Field of study |
Sociology | I. | Sociology and social anthropology |
Sociology | II. | Sociology and social anthropology |
Sociology | III. | Sociology and social anthropology |
ADD02 Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%): Od chudoby k sociálnemu vylúčeniu / From poverty to social exclusion. In: Sociológia. 37, 2 (2005), 143-176. Ohlasy / Citation: 35, ISSN (print) 0049-1225
Registrované v: wos
Registrované v: scopus
Indikátor časopisu:
SJR (SCOPUS) 2005=0,153
IF (JCR) 2005=0,195
Kvartil Q:
scimago-sjr -- Q3 [Sociology and Political science] -- 2005
wos-jcr -- Q4 [Sociology] -- 2005
ADD05 Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Filčák, Richard (50%): Exploring multi-dimensional nature of poverty in Slovakia : acces to energy and concept of energy poverty
Lit. 28 zázn.
In: Ekonomický časopis. - Roč. 62, č. 6 (2014), s. 579-597. - ISSN 0013-3035
Registrované v: wos
Indikátor časopisu:
SNIP (SCOPUS) [2013-0,499]
SJR (SCOPUS) [2013-0,243]
IF (JCR) [2012-0,343]
ADD05 Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Filčák, Richard (50%): Exploring multi-dimensional nature of poverty in Slovakia : acces to energy and concept of energy poverty
Lit. 28 zázn.
In: Ekonomický časopis. - Roč. 62, č. 6 (2014), s. 579-597. - ISSN 0013-3035
Registrované v: wos
Indikátor časopisu:
SNIP (SCOPUS) [2013-0,499]
SJR (SCOPUS) [2013-0,243]
IF (JCR) [2012-0,343]
ADD06 Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%): Medzigeneračná sociálna mobilita na Slovensku
Lit.: 74 zázn.
In: Sociológia. - Roč. 50, č. 4 (2018), s. 396-427. - ISSN (print) 0049-1225
Registrované v: scopus
Registrované v: wos
Indikátor časopisu:
SJR (SCOPUS) 2018=0,278
SNIP (SCOPUS) 2018=0,433
CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2018=0,48
IF (JCR) 2018=0,471
Kvartil Q:
wos-jcr -- Q4 [Sociology] -- 2018
scimago-sjr -- Q2 [Sociology and political science] -- 2018
AAB02 Sopóci, Ján [UKOFISC] (33%) - Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (34%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (33%): Zdravie a zdravotná starostlivosť na Slovensku : nerovnosti v zdraví. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Stimul, 2015. - 186 s.
Lit. 191 zázn.
ISBN 978-80-8127-147-2
AAB02 Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%): Inovatívne orientácie v sociálnej politike : perspektíva sociálnej inklúzie. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2011. 128 s., Ohlasy / Citation: 17
ISBN 978-80-223-2998-9
V301 Gerbery, Daniel (aut) [UKOFISC] (50%) - Miklošovič, Tomáš (aut) (50%): Low-wage mobility in Central Europe
In: International Journal of Comparative Sociology. - Roč. 64, č. 5 (2023), s. 509-527. - ISSN (print) 0020-7152
Registrované v:
WOS CC Web of Science Core Collection
SSCI Social Sciences Citation Index
Indikátor časopisu:
SJR (SCOPUS) 2021=0,692
SNIP (SCOPUS) 2021=1,574
CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2021=2,4
IF (JCR) 2021=2.156
AIS (JCR) 2021=1.287
Kvartil Q:
wos-jcr -- Q2 [Sociology] -- 2021
scimago-sjr -- Q1 [Social sciences (miscellaneous)] -- 2021
scimago-sjr -- Q1 [Sociology and political science] -- 2021
wos-ais -- Q2 [Sociology] -- 2021f
ADD Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%): Medzigeneračná sociálna mobilita na Slovensku / Intrgenerational Social Mobility on Slovakia
Lit.: 74 zázn.
In: Sociológia. 50, 4 (2018), s. 396-427. ISSN (print) 0049-1225
Registrované v: scopus
Registrované v: wos
Indikátor časopisu:
SJR (SCOPUS) 2018=0,278
SNIP (SCOPUS) 2018=0,433
CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2018=0,48
IF (JCR) 2018=0,471
Kvartil Q:
wos-jcr -- Q4 [Sociology] -- 2018
scimago-sjr -- Q2 [Sociology and political science] -- 2018
ADN Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%): Global Cultural Identity Among Young People in Slovakia
Lit.: 80 zázn.
In: Slovenský národopis. 69, 3 (2021), 359-380. ISSN (print) 1335-1303
Registrované v: scopus
Indikátor časopisu:
SNIP (SCOPUS) 2020=1,92
CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2020=0,4
ADD09 Gerbery, Daniel [KAUT] [UKOFISC] (50%) - Miklošovič, Tomáš (50%): Labour market transitions and their determinants in Slovakia : path from crisis to recovery
In: Ekonomický časopis. - Roč. 68, č. 7 (2020), s. 651-676. - ISSN (print) 0013-3035
Registrované v: scopus
Registrované v: wos
Indikátor časopisu:
SJR (SCOPUS) 2019=0,271
SNIP (SCOPUS) 2019=0,378
CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2019=1,0
IF (JCR) 2019=0,56
Kvartil Q:
wos-jcr -- Q4 [Economics] -- 2019
scimago-sjr -- Q3 [Economics and econometrics] -- 2019
ADM01 Gerbery, Daniel (aut) [UKOFISC] (50%) - Miklošovič, Tomáš (aut) (50%): Wage Mobility in Central Europe [elektronický dokument] : Patterns and Micro-level Drivers of Movements along the Wage Ladder
In: Eastern European Economics [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 59, č. 7 (2021), s. 1-18 [print]. - ISSN (print) 0012-8775
Registrované v:
SSCI Social Sciences Citation Index
WOS CC Web of Science Core Collection
Indikátor časopisu:
SJR (SCOPUS) 2021=0,311
SNIP (SCOPUS) 2021=0,946
CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2021=1,7
IF (JCR) 2021=1.365
AIS (JCR) 2021=0.288
Kvartil Q:
wos-jcr -- Q3 [Economics] -- 2021
scimago-sjr -- Q3 [Economics and econometrics] -- 2021
wos-ais -- Q4 [Economics] -- 2021
Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Filčák, Richard (50%): Exploring multi-dimensional nature of poverty in Slovakia : acces to energy and concept of energy poverty. In: Ekonomický časopis. - Roč. 62, č. 6 (2014), s. 579-597. - ISSN 0013-3035. Citované v: Bouzarovski, S. - Herrero. S. T.: Post-communist economies, roč. 29, č. 1, 2017, s. 23 -- SCOPUS ; SSCI.
Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Filčák, Richard (50%): Exploring multi-dimensional nature of poverty in Slovakia : acces to energy and concept of energy poverty. In: Ekonomický časopis. - Roč. 62, č. 6 (2014), s. 579-597. - ISSN 0013-3035. Citované v: März, S.: Assessing the fuel poverty vulnerability of urban neighbourhoods using a spatial multi-criteria decision analysis for the German city of Oberausen. In: Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, č. 82, 2018, s. 1710 - SCI ;SSCI.
Gerbery, Daniel : Rodinná politika na Slovensku v komparatívnej perspektíve = Slovak family policy in comparative perspective.
In: Slovenská štatistika a demografia. - Roč. 26, č. 3 (2016), s. 48-68. - ISSN 1210-1095. Citované v: Šprocha, B.: Growing Childlessness and One?Child Families in Slovakia in the Shadow of Fragile Pronatalism. In: Social inclusion, roč. 10, č. 3, 2022, s. 109 -- SCOPUS ; WOS ; SSCI.
Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%): Medzigeneračná sociálna mobilita na Slovensku. In: Sociológia. - Roč. 50, č. 4 (2018), s. 396-427. - ISSN (print) 0049-1225. Citované v: Fialová, K. - Želinský, T.: Regional patterns of social differentiation in Visegrád countries. In: Sociologický časopis, roč. 55, č. 6, 2019, s. 766 - SSCI
AGI05 Filadelfiová, Jarmila (34%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (33%) - Škobla, Daniel (33%): Report on the living condition of Roma in Slovakia. - Bratislava : UNDP, 2007. - 103 s. Citované v: 2010 Kolarčík, P. - Gečková, A. - Orosová, O. - Reijneveld, S. A. - van Dijk, J. P.: Journal of epidemiology and community health, roč. 64, č. 12, 2010, s. 1048 - SCI
Survey of young people’s cultural literacy) za SR, Doba riešenia / Duration: 2018-2021. Co-investigator, responsible investigator (WP3). More information:
Main investigator in VEGA grant No. 1/0378/19 "Work as a source of social exclusion and anomie: forms of precarious work and their consequences".
Investigator responsible for the team at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in APVV grant No. APVV-17_0329 "Creating scientific information to support labour market policies"
Co-investigator in APVV grant "Educational pathways of young people - factors and mechanisms of their choice, APVV-20-0449"
European Social Policy Network, European Commission 2018-2023: National coordinator and principal investigator for Slovakia
VII.a - Activity, position | VII.b - Name of the institution, board | VII.c - Duration |
Member of editorial board of the journal "Fórum sociální politiky" | Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs, Prague, Czech Republic | since 2022 |
Member of Board of Slovak Sociological Society | Slovak Sociological Society | since 2018 |
VIII.a - Name of the institution | VIII.b - Address of the institution | VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) | VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe) |
Antwerp University | Antwerp, Belgium | 2002-2003 | Marie Sklodowska Curie Action |
Universtät Goettingen | Goettingen, Germany | April 2001 | Research stay funded by hosted university |