Research/art/teacher profile of a person
Name and surname:
doc. Mgr. Daniel Gerbery, PhD.
FiF - Faculty of Arts
FSEV - Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences

I. - Basic information

I.1 - Surname
I.2 - Name
I.3 - Degrees
Mgr, PhD.
I.4 - Year of birth
I.5 - Name of the workplace
Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
I.6 - Address of the workplace
Gondova 2, 818 01 Bratislava
I.7 - Position
I.8 - E-mail address
I.9 - Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Register of university staff
I.10 - Name of the study field in which a person works at the university
Sociology and social anthropology
I.11 - ORCID iD

II. - Higher education and further qualification growth

II.1 - First degree of higher education
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Faculty of Arts, Comenius University
II.c - Study field and programme
II.2 - Second degree of higher education
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
II.3 - Third degree of higher education
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
II.4 - Associate professor
II.5 - Professor
II.6 - Doctor of Science (DrSc.)

III. - Current and previous employment

III.a - Occupation-position III.b - Institution III.c - Duration
Lecturer Faculty of Arts, Comenius University 2009 - present
Researcher Institute for Labour and Family Research 2003 - 2014, 2017 - 2022

IV. - Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

V. - Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

V.1 - Overview of the profile courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.1.a - Name of the profile course V.1.b - Study programme V.1.c - Degree V.1.d - Field of study
Introduction to methodology of sociological research Sociology I. Sociology and social anthropology
Data collection methods in sociological research Sociology I. Sociology and social anthropology
Doing quantitative sociological research Sociology I. Sociology and social anthropology
Social data analysis Sociology I. Sociology and social anthropology
Economic sociology Sociology II. Sociology and social anthropology
Methodological course on preparation of PhD. thesis Sociology III. Sociology and social anthropology
V.2 - Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
V.2.a - Name of the study programme V.2.b - Degree V.2.c - Field of study
Sociology I. Sociology and social anthropology
Sociology II. Sociology and social anthropology
Sociology III. Sociology and social anthropology
V.3 - Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
V.4 - Overview of supervised final theses
V.4.1 - Number of currently supervised theses
V.4.a - Bachelor's (first degree)
V.4.b - Diploma (second degree)
V.4.c - Dissertation (third degree)
V.4.2 - Number of defended theses
V.4.a - Bachelor's (first degree)
V.4.b - Diploma (second degree)
V.5 - Overview of other courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes

VI. - Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

VI.1 - Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs and the corresponding citations
VI.1.1 - Number of the research/artistic/other outputs
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.2 - Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.3 - Number of citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.4 - Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.5 - Number of invited lectures at the international, national level
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.2 - The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

ADD02 Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%): Od chudoby k sociálnemu vylúčeniu / From poverty to social exclusion. In: Sociológia. 37, 2 (2005), 143-176. Ohlasy / Citation: 35, ISSN (print) 0049-1225

Registrované v: wos

Registrované v: scopus

Indikátor časopisu:

SJR (SCOPUS) 2005=0,153

IF (JCR) 2005=0,195

Kvartil Q:

scimago-sjr -- Q3 [Sociology and Political science] -- 2005

wos-jcr -- Q4 [Sociology] -- 2005


ADD05 Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Filčák, Richard (50%): Exploring multi-dimensional nature of poverty in Slovakia : acces to energy and concept of energy poverty

Lit. 28 zázn.

In: Ekonomický časopis. - Roč. 62, č. 6 (2014), s. 579-597. - ISSN 0013-3035

Registrované v: wos

Indikátor časopisu:

SNIP (SCOPUS) [2013-0,499]

SJR (SCOPUS) [2013-0,243]

IF (JCR) [2012-0,343]

ADD05 Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Filčák, Richard (50%): Exploring multi-dimensional nature of poverty in Slovakia : acces to energy and concept of energy poverty

Lit. 28 zázn.

In: Ekonomický časopis. - Roč. 62, č. 6 (2014), s. 579-597. - ISSN 0013-3035

Registrované v: wos

Indikátor časopisu:

SNIP (SCOPUS) [2013-0,499]

SJR (SCOPUS) [2013-0,243]

IF (JCR) [2012-0,343]


ADD06 Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%): Medzigeneračná sociálna mobilita na Slovensku

Lit.: 74 zázn.

In: Sociológia. - Roč. 50, č. 4 (2018), s. 396-427. - ISSN (print) 0049-1225

Registrované v: scopus

Registrované v: wos

Indikátor časopisu:

SJR (SCOPUS) 2018=0,278

SNIP (SCOPUS) 2018=0,433

CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2018=0,48

IF (JCR) 2018=0,471

Kvartil Q:

wos-jcr -- Q4 [Sociology] -- 2018

scimago-sjr -- Q2 [Sociology and political science] -- 2018


AAB02 Sopóci, Ján [UKOFISC] (33%) - Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (34%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (33%): Zdravie a zdravotná starostlivosť na Slovensku : nerovnosti v zdraví. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Stimul, 2015. - 186 s.

Lit. 191 zázn.

ISBN 978-80-8127-147-2


AAB02 Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%): Inovatívne orientácie v sociálnej politike : perspektíva sociálnej inklúzie. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2011. 128 s., Ohlasy / Citation: 17

ISBN 978-80-223-2998-9

VI.3 - The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

V301 Gerbery, Daniel (aut) [UKOFISC] (50%) - Miklošovič, Tomáš (aut) (50%): Low-wage mobility in Central Europe

In: International Journal of Comparative Sociology. - Roč. 64, č. 5 (2023), s. 509-527. - ISSN (print) 0020-7152


Registrované v:

WOS CC Web of Science Core Collection


SSCI Social Sciences Citation Index

Indikátor časopisu:

SJR (SCOPUS) 2021=0,692

SNIP (SCOPUS) 2021=1,574

CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2021=2,4

IF (JCR) 2021=2.156

AIS (JCR) 2021=1.287

Kvartil Q:

wos-jcr -- Q2 [Sociology] -- 2021

scimago-sjr -- Q1 [Social sciences (miscellaneous)] -- 2021

scimago-sjr -- Q1 [Sociology and political science] -- 2021

wos-ais -- Q2 [Sociology] -- 2021f


ADD Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%): Medzigeneračná sociálna mobilita na Slovensku / Intrgenerational Social Mobility on Slovakia

Lit.: 74 zázn.

In: Sociológia. 50, 4 (2018), s. 396-427. ISSN (print) 0049-1225

Registrované v: scopus

Registrované v: wos

Indikátor časopisu:

SJR (SCOPUS) 2018=0,278

SNIP (SCOPUS) 2018=0,433

CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2018=0,48

IF (JCR) 2018=0,471

Kvartil Q:

wos-jcr -- Q4 [Sociology] -- 2018

scimago-sjr -- Q2 [Sociology and political science] -- 2018


ADN Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%): Global Cultural Identity Among Young People in Slovakia

Lit.: 80 zázn.

In: Slovenský národopis. 69, 3 (2021), 359-380. ISSN (print) 1335-1303

Registrované v: scopus

Indikátor časopisu:

SNIP (SCOPUS) 2020=1,92

CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2020=0,4


ADD09 Gerbery, Daniel [KAUT] [UKOFISC] (50%) - Miklošovič, Tomáš (50%): Labour market transitions and their determinants in Slovakia : path from crisis to recovery

In: Ekonomický časopis. - Roč. 68, č. 7 (2020), s. 651-676. - ISSN (print) 0013-3035


Registrované v: scopus

Registrované v: wos

Indikátor časopisu:

SJR (SCOPUS) 2019=0,271

SNIP (SCOPUS) 2019=0,378

CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2019=1,0

IF (JCR) 2019=0,56

Kvartil Q:

wos-jcr -- Q4 [Economics] -- 2019

scimago-sjr -- Q3 [Economics and econometrics] -- 2019


ADM01 Gerbery, Daniel (aut) [UKOFISC] (50%) - Miklošovič, Tomáš (aut) (50%): Wage Mobility in Central Europe [elektronický dokument] : Patterns and Micro-level Drivers of Movements along the Wage Ladder

In: Eastern European Economics [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 59, č. 7 (2021), s. 1-18 [print]. - ISSN (print) 0012-8775

Registrované v:


SSCI Social Sciences Citation Index

WOS CC Web of Science Core Collection

Indikátor časopisu:

SJR (SCOPUS) 2021=0,311

SNIP (SCOPUS) 2021=0,946

CiteScore (SCOPUS) 2021=1,7

IF (JCR) 2021=1.365

AIS (JCR) 2021=0.288

Kvartil Q:

wos-jcr -- Q3 [Economics] -- 2021

scimago-sjr -- Q3 [Economics and econometrics] -- 2021

wos-ais -- Q4 [Economics] -- 2021

VI.4 - The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Filčák, Richard (50%): Exploring multi-dimensional nature of poverty in Slovakia : acces to energy and concept of energy poverty. In: Ekonomický časopis. - Roč. 62, č. 6 (2014), s. 579-597. - ISSN 0013-3035. Citované v: Bouzarovski, S. - Herrero. S. T.: Post-communist economies, roč. 29, č. 1, 2017, s. 23 -- SCOPUS ; SSCI.


Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%) - Filčák, Richard (50%): Exploring multi-dimensional nature of poverty in Slovakia : acces to energy and concept of energy poverty. In: Ekonomický časopis. - Roč. 62, č. 6 (2014), s. 579-597. - ISSN 0013-3035. Citované v: März, S.: Assessing the fuel poverty vulnerability of urban neighbourhoods using a spatial multi-criteria decision analysis for the German city of Oberausen. In: Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, č. 82, 2018, s. 1710 - SCI ;SSCI.


Gerbery, Daniel : Rodinná politika na Slovensku v komparatívnej perspektíve = Slovak family policy in comparative perspective.

In: Slovenská štatistika a demografia. - Roč. 26, č. 3 (2016), s. 48-68. - ISSN 1210-1095. Citované v: Šprocha, B.: Growing Childlessness and One?Child Families in Slovakia in the Shadow of Fragile Pronatalism. In: Social inclusion, roč. 10, č. 3, 2022, s. 109 -- SCOPUS ; WOS ; SSCI.


Džambazovič, Roman [UKOFISC] (50%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (50%): Medzigeneračná sociálna mobilita na Slovensku. In: Sociológia. - Roč. 50, č. 4 (2018), s. 396-427. - ISSN (print) 0049-1225. Citované v: Fialová, K. - Želinský, T.: Regional patterns of social differentiation in Visegrád countries. In: Sociologický časopis, roč. 55, č. 6, 2019, s. 766 - SSCI



AGI05 Filadelfiová, Jarmila (34%) - Gerbery, Daniel [UKOFISC] (33%) - Škobla, Daniel (33%): Report on the living condition of Roma in Slovakia. - Bratislava : UNDP, 2007. - 103 s. Citované v: 2010 Kolarčík, P. - Gečková, A. - Orosová, O. - Reijneveld, S. A. - van Dijk, J. P.: Journal of epidemiology and community health, roč. 64, č. 12, 2010, s. 1048 - SCI

VI.5 - Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

Survey of young people’s cultural literacy) za SR, Doba riešenia / Duration: 2018-2021. Co-investigator, responsible investigator (WP3). More information:


Main investigator in VEGA grant No. 1/0378/19 "Work as a source of social exclusion and anomie: forms of precarious work and their consequences".


Investigator responsible for the team at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in APVV grant No. APVV-17_0329 "Creating scientific information to support labour market policies"


Co-investigator in APVV grant "Educational pathways of young people - factors and mechanisms of their choice, APVV-20-0449"


European Social Policy Network, European Commission 2018-2023: National coordinator and principal investigator for Slovakia

VII. - Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

VII.a - Activity, position VII.b - Name of the institution, board VII.c - Duration
Member of editorial board of the journal "Fórum sociální politiky" Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs, Prague, Czech Republic since 2022
Member of Board of Slovak Sociological Society Slovak Sociological Society since 2018

VIII. - Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

VIII.a - Name of the institution VIII.b - Address of the institution VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe)
Antwerp University Antwerp, Belgium 2002-2003 Marie Sklodowska Curie Action
Universtät Goettingen Goettingen, Germany April 2001 Research stay funded by hosted university

IX. - Other relevant facts

Date of last update