Research/art/teacher profile of a person
Name and surname:
doc. RNDr. Tatiana Bužeková, PhD.
FiF - Faculty of Arts

I. - Basic information

I.1 - Surname
I.2 - Name
I.3 - Degrees
doc., RNDr., Mgr.,PhD.
I.4 - Year of birth
I.5 - Name of the workplace
Department of Ethnology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
I.6 - Address of the workplace
Gondova 2, 81102 Bratislava
I.7 - Position
Associate Professor
I.8 - E-mail address
I.9 - Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Register of university staff
I.10 - Name of the study field in which a person works at the university
I.11 - ORCID iD

II. - Higher education and further qualification growth

II.1 - First degree of higher education
II.2 - Second degree of higher education
II.a - Name of the university or institution
The Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University; Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University in Bratislava; Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
II.b - Year
1984; 1986; 2000
II.c - Study field and programme
Applied Mathematics; Mathematical Analysis; Religious Studies
II.3 - Third degree of higher education
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
II.4 - Associate professor
II.a - Name of the university or institution
Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
II.b - Year
II.c - Study field and programme
II.5 - Professor
II.6 - Doctor of Science (DrSc.)

III. - Current and previous employment

III.a - Occupation-position III.b - Institution III.c - Duration
Associate Professor Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava 2013 -
Assistant Professor Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava 9/2012- 12/2013
Assistant Professor Faculty of Economical and Social Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava 9/2009-6/2012
Researcher Institute of Ethnology, Slovak Academy of Sciences 10/2000 - 5/2013
Editor Slovak Television 10/1991 – 6/1994
Researcher Institute of Information, Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic 4/1988 – 3/1991
Researcher Institute of Computer Thechnologies of the Comenius University 8/1985 – 3/1988
Computer Programmer Special construction-technological department Mossystemotekhnika 9/1984 – 4/1985

IV. - Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

IV.a - Activity description, course name, other IV.b - Name of the institution IV.c - Year
Training for working with the e-learning system ( Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava 2013
Training for working with atlas.ti software for qualitative data analysis Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava 2015
Training for working with the application MS Teams for the purpose of distance learning Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava 2020

V. - Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

V.1 - Overview of the profile courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.1.a - Name of the profile course V.1.b - Study programme V.1.c - Degree V.1.d - Field of study
Selected European traditions from the perspective of folkloristics ethnology I. historical sciences
History of Slovak ethnology ethnology I. historical sciences
Theories in ethnology and cultural anthropology 1., 2. ethnology I. historical sciences
Rituals in culture and society ethnology I. historical sciences
Folklore and folklore studies in the historical-political context ethnology and cultural anthropology II. historical sciences
Tradition and collective memory ethnology and cultural anthropology II. historical sciences
Contemporary theories of ethnology and religious studies World Cultures and Religion III. historical sciences
European traditions in cultural and historical context World Cultures and Religion III. historical sciences
Folklore and popular culture ethnology I. historical sciences
Gender studies ethnology and cultural anthropology II. historical sciences
V.2 - Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
V.2.a - Name of the study programme V.2.b - Degree V.2.c - Field of study
ethnology I. historical sciences
ethnology and cultural anthropology II. historical sciences
World cultures and religion III. historical sciences
V.3 - Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
V.4 - Overview of supervised final theses
V.4.1 - Number of currently supervised theses
V.4.a - Bachelor's (first degree)
V.4.b - Diploma (second degree)
V.4.c - Dissertation (third degree)
V.4.2 - Number of defended theses
V.4.a - Bachelor's (first degree)
V.4.b - Diploma (second degree)
V.4.c - Dissertation (third degree)
V.5 - Overview of other courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.5.a - Name of the course V.5.b - Study programme V.5.c - Degree V.5.d - Field of study
Bachelor prax ethnology I. historical sciences
Diploma prax ethnology and cultural anthropology II. historical sciences
Bachelor seminar 1, 2 ethnology I. historical sciences
Diploma seminar 1, 2 ethnology and cultural anthropology II. historical sciences
Death and funeral in cultural context ethnology I. historical sciences
European folklore and folkloristics 1.,2. Central European Studies I. historical sciences
Colloquium on World Cultures and Religions World Cultures and Religion III. historical sciences
Qualitative and quantitative methods World Cultures and Religion III. historical sciences
Magic and witchcraft from anthropological perspective ethnology I. historical sciences
Academic writing of ethnography etnológia I. historical sciences
Theories in cultural anthropology ethnology and cultural anthropology II. historical sciences
Health and illness in socio-cultural context ethnology and cultural anthropology II. historical sciences

VI. - Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

VI.1 - Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs and the corresponding citations
VI.1.1 - Number of the research/artistic/other outputs
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.2 - Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.3 - Number of citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.4 - Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.1.5 - Number of invited lectures at the international, national level
VI.1.a - Overall
VI.1.b - Over the last six years
VI.2 - The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

Bužeková, Tatiana (2009). Nepriateľ zvnútra: nadprirodzená hrozba v ľudskej podobe. Bratislava: Veda. ISBN 978-80-224-1091-5


Bužeková, Tatiana (50%) - Išová, Monika (50%) (2010). Disgust and intimacy. Human Affairs, 20, 3, 232-240.


Bužeková, Tatiana: The shaman's journeys between emic and etic : representations of the shaman in neo-shamanism. In: Anthropological journal on European cultures. - Roč. 19, č. 1 (2010), s. 116-130.


Bužeková, T. (2012). Modern faces of ancient wisdom neo-shamanic practices in a Slovak urban environment, In: Ritual, conflict and consensus : case studies from Asia and Europe. Wien: Verlag der ÖAW, 75-90 


Bužeková, T. (2015). Medical anthropology: a new field of research in Slovakia. Human Affairs. 25, 3, 276-287.

VI.3 - The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

Bužeková, T. (2018). Gluing bits of life together: autobiographical reasoning in the narratives of women from the rural community in Slovakia. Ethnologia Slovaca et Slavica, 55-88.


Bužekova, T. (2018). Land and morality in rural community: emotive language in the narratives of the past. Museology and Cultural Heritage, 6(1), 127-144.


Bužeková, T. (2019). Mágia a čarodejníctvo v etnografických štúdiách do polovice 20. storočia. Bratislava : AKAmedia.


Bužekova, T. (2019). Shamanic gift in the global village: Spiritual energy and biomedicine. Slovenský národopis, 67(4), 412–429, doi:


Bužekova, T. (2020). The “dangerous others”: Spiritual energy and contagion. Český lid, 107, 123–147. doi: CL.2020.2.01

VI.4 - The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

Bužeková, T. (2010). The shaman's journey: between emic and etic. Representations of the shaman in neo-shamanism

Anthropological journal on European cultures, 19, 1, 116-130. Cit: Sinhg, M. (2018). Why is there shamanism? Developing the cultural evolutionary theory and addressing alternative accounts. Behavioral and brain sciences, 41, e92, SSCI ; SCIE.


Bužeková, Tatiana (50%) - Išová, Monika (50%) (2010). Disgust and intimacy. Human Affairs,20, 3, 232-240. Cit.: Peng, M., Chang, L., & Zhou, R. (2013). Evolution and human behavior,34, 2, s./p. 98. SSCI; Scopus


Bužeková, Tatiana (50%) - Išová, Monika (50%) (2010). Disgust and intimacy. Human Affairs,20, 3, 232-240. Cit.: [o1] 2021 - Dutta, N. - I Like it Clean : Brazilian Waxing and Postfeminist Subjectivity Among South Asian Beauticians in London. - In: Frontiers in Sociology, roč. 6, 7. jun 2021, 2021 ; s.7,8 ; Scopus; ESCI


Bužeková, Tatiana (50%) - Išová, Monika (50%) (2010). Disgust and intimacy. Human Affairs,20, 3, 232-240. Cit. [n1] 2022 - Cao, Q. - Sun, J. - Peng, M. - Chen, B. - Behavioral Responses to Familiar Versus Unfamiliar Older People as a Source of Disgust. - In: Evolutionary Psychology, roč. 20, č. 1, 2022 ; s. 7 ; SCOPUS; SSCI


Bužeková, T. (2010). The shaman's journey: between emic and etic. Representations of the shaman in neo-shamanism. Cit. [n1] 2022 - Galovič, R. - Revelation of the Continents of Imagination. - In: Antrophology of Consciousness, roč. 33, č. 1, 2022 ; s. 139 ; ESCI; SCOPUS

VI.5 - Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

The roles of the agency of the dead in the lives of individuals in contemporary society, ERC grant agreement N° 101095729, 2023-2028, member of the research team. The aim of the project is to generate a new theory for comprehensively understanding the different roles that the dead can fulfil for individuals living in contemporary society.


Reproductions of Religious and Worldviews Structures in Slovakia. A Hundred and Fifty Years of Change, APVV-22-0063, 2023-2027, member of research team. The project aims to explain the underlying factors that have influenced the reproduction of different worldview structures in Slovakia.


Moral assessment of national, ethnic and religious groups in situations of threat, VEGA 1/0203/23, 2023-2025, project leader. The aim of the project is an ethnographic probe into the issue of moral reasoning in the context of threat. It focuses on how, in the current socio-political situation, inhabitants of selected localities in Slovakia evaluate members of other states/nations, ethnic and religious groups from a moral perspective.


Moral narratives about religious and ethnic groups in teaching selected subjects at junior schools, VEGA 1/0194/20; 2020-2022; project leader. The aim of the project is to examine forms of moral assessment in relation to ethnic and religious categories in teaching selected subjects (history, homeland study, civic education, ethics, religion) at junior schools. The research results will indicate moral values and norms that are part of the public representations of culture in Slovakia and are so significant that they are included in the process of education. 


Symbolic representations of risk, VEGA 1/0421/17; 2017-2019; project leader.The project was aimed to explore public representations of risk in various spheres of social life in Slovakia. The research applied the theoretical perspective of symbolic anthropology to the representations of risk in three basic domains of social life: family, generations and education; health and disease; space/environment.


Democracy and citizens in Slovakia: A half a century of change, APVV 0627-12, 2013-2017; member of the research team. The basis of the project was the implementation of a representative research on democracy of citizens in the present, which was based on the unique 1968 research on attitudes towards democracy (the project of the so-called Mlynář team) and the research on religion, which were carried out in the period from May to autumn 1968. The project involved four parallel activities, using a combination of different research methods.;;

VII. - Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

VII.a - Activity, position VII.b - Name of the institution, board VII.c - Duration
Head of the Depatment of Ethnology, since September 2023 Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava from 2021.
Editor of the journal Ethnological Debates, Ethnographic Society of Slovakia from 2018.
Editor of the yearbook Ethnologia Slovaca et Slavica, Comenius University in Bratislava from 2016.
member Ethnographic Society of Slovakia from 2000
member International Society for Ethnology and Folklore from 2004
Expert-Evaluator of projects European Commission, (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships ) from 2020
Member of the Committee for Doctoral Studies in ethnology Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava 2013-2022.
Member of the Committee for the National Mobility Programme of the Slovak Republic Slovak Academic Information Agency 2006-2016
Member of the Main Committee and Chairwoman of the Committee for Publishing Slovak Association of Social Anthropologists 2007-2012
Delegate of the Programme Committee of the 6th Framework Programme EU for Science and Society European Union 2005-2008

VIII. - Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

VIII.a - Name of the institution VIII.b - Address of the institution VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe)
Department of Cultural Studies, Evergreen State College, 2700 Evergreen Pkwy NW, MS S2 A-2117 Olympia, WA 98505, USA 1.3.2018-30.6.2018 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program, Host: Dr. Patricia Krafcik, Department of Cultural Studies, Evergreen State College. Project: Slavic and Celtic Folklore: Heroic, Spiritual, Practical. The mobility involved teaching in a team with two professors at The Evergreen State College in an academic program (a full-time, 16-credit course) in spring term 2018. The focus of work with a class of 75 students was a cross-cultural study of two of Eurasia’s oldest ethnic groups. We examined oral tradition, belief systems, and customs and rituals of the Slavs and the Celts, as well as exploring 19th-century nationalist movements which drew on folk culture for inspiration.
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Zavetiška 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 8. 1. 2017 - 18. 1. 2017 Erasmus Plus exchange program, contact person: Jože Hudales. Lectures were given as part of the European Folklore course on the following topics: 1. Witches and their allies; 2. Witches and neighbours;; 3. Evil eye and related charms; 4. Omens
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Zavetiška 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 15.11.2013 - 29.11.2013 Exchange Program CEEPUS, CIII-RO-0014-09-1314 - Borders and Borderlines in Cultural Anthropology in the university education. Contact: dr. Jože Hudales. Lectures were given on the following topics: 1. Slovak folk beliefs and practices; 2. Neo-shamanism in Slovak urban environment; 3. Reproduction of traditional stories: memory and emotions; 4. Witchcraft as a social phenomenon; 5. Pascal Boyer's cognitive theory of religion; 6. Cognitive theory of ritual (Tom Lawson and Robert McCauley)
Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Gołębia 9, 31-007 Kraków, Poland 2. 4. 2017 – 12. 4. 2017 Exchange Program CEEPUS, CIII-RO-0014-12-1617 - Borders and Borderlines in Cultural Anthropology in the university education. Contact: dr. Marek Pawlak. Mobility involved lectures on the following topics: 1. Slovak folk beliefs from the perspective of cognitive anthropology; 2. Witchcraft as a social phenomenon; 3. Neo-shamanic practices in Slovak urban environment; 4. Shame and mores: The norms related to female life cycle in rural environment.
Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies 1, Zemědělská 1665, Černá Pole, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic 21.-23.09.2022 Invited lecture and consultations with students

IX. - Other relevant facts

Date of last update