Name and surname:
prof. PhDr. Katarína Bednárová, PhD. |
Faculty of Arts
III.a - Occupation-position | III.b - Institution | III.c - Duration |
Associate professor, Professor senior | Department of Romance Studies, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava | since 2005 to present |
University Marc Bloch | University Marc Bloch, Strasbourg, France | 1996-1999, 2002-2005 |
Associate professor | Department of Romance Studies, Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava | 2001-2002 |
Literary Translator | Free lance Profession | 1999-2001 |
Researcher | Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava | 1991-1996 |
Editor | Publishing House of Slovak Academy of Sciences | 1977-1986 |
IV.a - Activity description, course name, other | IV.b - Name of the institution | IV.c - Year |
How to use MSTeams | Comenius University in Bratislava | 2020 |
MS Teams for education | Comenius University in Bratislava | 2020 |
Introduction to Moodle and user support | Comenius University in Bratislava | 2020 |
V.1.a - Name of the profile course | V.1.b - Study programme | V.1.c - Degree | V.1.d - Field of study |
History of French Literature 2 | French Language and Culture | I. | Philology |
Selected Topics from the History of French Literature 1 | French Language and Culture | II. | Philology |
Theory and Practice of Literary Translation | Translation Studies | II. | Philology |
Introduction to Literature Study | Romance Studies | I. | Philology |
History of French Literature 4 | Romance Studies | I. | Philology |
V.2.a - Name of the study programme | V.2.b - Degree | V.2.c - Field of study |
French Language and Culture | I. | Philology |
French Language and Culture | II. | Philology |
Romance studies | I. | Philology |
Romance studies | II. | Philology |
Literary Studies | III. | Philology |
V.3.a - Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure | V.3.b - Study field to which it is assigned |
Literary Studies | Philology |
V.5.a - Name of the course | V.5.b - Study programme | V.5.c - Degree | V.5.d - Field of study |
History of Slovak Translation | Translation Studies | III. | Philology |
Development of Slovak Thinking about Translation | Translation Studies | III. | Philology |
Reception of Romance Literatures in Slovakia | Translation Studies | III. | Philology |
Proseminary of Literary Translation | French Language and Culture | I. | Philology |
Francophone literature at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries | French Language and Culture | II. | Philology |
ID: UK.Bratislava.vtls000280766 AAB : History of Literary Translation in Slovakia I. – From the Sacred to the Profane / Bednárová Katarína
History of Literary Translation in Slovakia I. – From the Sacred to the Profane. Bratislava: Veda 2013
Kovačičová, Oľga [rec.]
Richterek, Oldřich [rec.]
301 s. [24,26 AH]
...represents the first volume of a project set to cover the entire history of Slovak literary translation from its beginnings to the present. This volume maps translations of biblical, liturgical, and sacral texts and is an introduction to the history of translation in Slovakia. The book is the first synthesizing monograph of its kind in Slovakia.
ID: UK.Bratislava.vtls000299069 ABB : Kontexty slovenského umeleckého prekladu 20. storočia = Contexts of Slovak literary translation of 20th century / Bednárová Katarína. Bratislava: Veda 2015, ISBN 978-80-224-1428-9. - pp. 15-92 [7,08 AH]
the study with the character of a scientific monograph, is the introductory article of the Dictionary of Slovak Translators of Art Literature: 20th Century, the first publication of its kind in Slovakia and unique in European translation history as well. The text deals with the historical determinants of the Slovak translation space in the 20th century, deals with the cultural and political situation in relation to literary translation, the linguistic and publishing situation, the subjects of translation, the situation of domestic and translated literature, genres and genre stratification of translated literature, and the development, state and modalities of the theoretical discourse on translation. There is also an English version of the text in the publication.*recview&uid=1679182&pageId=resultform&full=0
ID: UK.Bratislava.vtls000331457 ADD : Anton Popovič : between comparative literature and semiotics / Bednárová Katarína, Bratislava: WLS 2017, World Literature Studies. - vol.. 9, n. 2 (2017), p. 21-37*recview&uid=2189601&pageId=resultform&full=0
Anton Popovič: between comparative literature and semioticsLiterary history. The theoretical thinking of Anton Popovič on translation and conception of the discipline of translation studies was formed between two boundary positions: comparative literature and semiotics. Popovič’s early scholarly works published in the late 1950s focused on Russian-Slo-vak literary relations and, at the same time, on the more broadly understood Slovak-Slavonic literary relationship in the 19th century. He completed this linguistic and literary scope with the study of translations from English and the analysis of Slovak translations of Shakespeare. In the 1960s, he already formulated the conceptions of literary translation in the period of Slovak romanticism and in post-romantic poetry. In the work of Anton Popovič, comparative literature and history were increasingly moving towards literary theory (Slovak structuralism, formal method, theory of the verse), history of translation, but first of all theoretical questions of translation. This research finally ended in the book Poetika umeleckého prekladu. Proces a text (Poetics of Artistic Translation. Proces and Text) in 1971. The paper concentrates on the first decades in the scholarly work of Anton Popovič and sums up the starting points leading to Popovič’ s understanding of translation as a semiotic category.3%A1.pdf
ID = 110455; Bib-ID vtls000352072 ABB Anton Vantuch - prekladateľ/Anton Vantuch as Translator: In .Anton Vantuch (1921-2001) : romanista, literárny vedec, kultúrny historik a prekladateľ. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-80-223-4478-4. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, , 2018. - pp. 139-232
The chapter titled “Anton Vantuch as Translator: Introduction and Context” analyzes the translation work of A. Vantuch, who translated important literary works of French literature (fiction, autobiographical work and what can be called reflective literature) and fundamental philosophical works (Montaign's Essays, as well as the works by Descartes, D'Alembert, Bergson, and Sartre) with a focus on the European literary canon. The chapter focuses mainly on translations of philosophical works and on the translation of Montaign's Essays because they are important in the context of the essayist genre, in the context of the Slovak cultural and literary space and with regard to shaping the receptivity of these texts in the target culture. Anton Vantuch perceived translation as an aesthetic, literary and historical problem, considering the author-text relationship, the author's horizon and the horizon of the receiving environment to be key. Multiple reading and interpretation of the translated author in the context of time, work and literature formed a dialogue with the author, which led to the selection of a text for translation and, as a result, to the comprehensive reconstruction of the original. His translations can be described as translation-commentaries or translation-interpretations in the spirit of the explained text with emphasis on the principle of contextualization. The chapter is the first summarizing evaluation of A. Vantuch's translation work.
BEDNÁROVÁ, Katarína: AEC. Auto-narration à deux visages (Annie Ernaux et Rudolf Sloboda). In Kultur im Transfer: Komparatistik in der Slowakei.- Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2016. ISBN 978-3-631-64348-8-. pp. 97-117. [1,79 AH] (Wiener Beiträge zu Komparatistik und Romanistik ; Bd. 19).
ID = 110455; Bib-ID vtls000352072 ABB Anton Vantuch - prekladateľ/Anton Vantuch as Translator: In .Anton Vantuch (1921-2001) : romanista, literárny vedec, kultúrny historik a prekladateľ. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-80-223-4478-4. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, , 2018. - pp. 139-232
The chapter titled “Anton Vantuch as Translator: Introduction and Context” analyzes the translation work of A. Vantuch, who translated important literary works of French literature (fiction, autobiographical work and what can be called reflective literature) and fundamental philosophical works (Montaign's Essays, as well as the works by Descartes, D'Alembert, Bergson, and Sartre) with a focus on the European literary canon. The chapter focuses mainly on translations of philosophical works and on the translation of Montaign's Essays because they are important in the context of the essayist genre, in the context of the Slovak cultural and literary space and with regard to shaping the receptivity of these texts in the target culture. Anton Vantuch perceived translation as an aesthetic, literary and historical problem, considering the author-text relationship, the author's horizon and the horizon of the receiving environment to be key. Multiple reading and interpretation of the translated author in the context of time, work and literature formed a dialogue with the author, which led to the selection of a text for translation and, as a result, to the comprehensive reconstruction of the original. His translations can be described as translation-commentaries or translation-interpretations in the spirit of the explained text with emphasis on the principle of contextualization. The chapter is the first summarizing evaluation of A. Vantuch's translation work.
Bib-ID vtls000360069; ID = 148378
ADD04 Bednárová, Katarína [UKOFIRO] (100%) : Literárny kánon v prekladovom a kultúrnom priestore. = The literary canon and translation in cultural space Bratislava: WLS 2018, vol. 11, n. 1 (2019), p. 15-41,Scopus, WOS
The literary canon and translation in cultural space. The article’s focus is the perception of the literary canon in relation to translation. It analyzes the modes of the canon (text corpus, aesthetic authority, writing modifier, “classic” work) in the history of literary translation on the axis of translation draft → translation → retransla-tion → no translation, while paying attention to the issues of text fixation, text variability and a text’s loss of receptivity and currency in translation. The cultural aspects affecting transla-tion are the institutional selection and instrumentalization of the canon, the influence over selection, and the conditions of translation canon-creation on the axis of the cultural and representative function of translation → literary tradition in translation (at the intersection of the sending and receiving literature) → literary education → translation as an event. The article problematizes the status of the canon from the point of view of selecting texts for translation, the encounter of the local and foreign canon, their synchronization and possible incompati-bility and analyzes the identity of the canonical text and foreign text acting through the prism of the canon with a view to the historicity, interpretation and literary-historical context of a translation. The examples are drawn from the history of literary translation from French in Slovakia.
AEC Bednárová, Katarína UKOFIRO (autor) (100%): La formation universitaire à la traduction littéraire serait-elle paradoxale ?
In Présences du traducteur. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-2-406-11222-8. - Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2021. - pp. 39-54
The contribution analyzes the consequences of the current situation in professional training for literary translators. The survey was done by Training and education working group of CEATL (European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations) and reflects the actual conditions in the domain of translatology programs and university education in Slovakia. The conclusion comments upon the recommendations of the French philosopher Edgar Morin in his essayistic work Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future.
La contribution invite à une réflexion sur les modalités conceptuelles de l’historiographie traductionnelle déterminée par les particularités de la situation géopolitique, linguistique, confessionnelle ainsi que par le geste politique dans un pays au sein de l’Europe centrale, la Slovaquie. La réflexion proposée est centrée sur l’hétérolinguisme dans la littérature ainsi que sur la production des traductions romanesques.
The contribution invites reflection on the conceptual modalities of translational historiography determined by the particularities of the geopolitical, linguistic and confessional situation as well as by the political gesture in a country within Central Europe, Slovakia. The proposed study focuses on heterolingualism in literature and on the production of translations of novels.
AECA01 BEDNÁROVÁ, Katarína. A la croisée des langues : le cas du slovaque en Europe centrale. In Critique et plurilinguisme. - Paris : SFLGC Université de Paris, 2013, s. 91-115. ISBN 978-2-35371-380-6.
[3.1] BANOUN, Bernard - POULIN, Isabelle. Introduction. L´âge de la traduction. In Histoire des traductions en langue française XX-e siècle 1914-2000. Eds. Bernard Banoun, Isabelle Poulin, Yves Chevrel. Lagrasse: Éditions Verdier, 2019, s. 45. ISBN 978-2-37856-019-5.
AAB02 BEDNÁROVÁ, Katarína. Dejiny umeleckého prekladu na Slovensku I. : od sakrálneho k profánnemu = Histoire de la traduction littéraire en Slovaquie - du sacré vers le profane. Vedeckí recenzenti Oľga Kovačičová, Oldřich Richterek. Bratislava : Veda : Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2013. 304 s. ISBN 978-82-224-1348-0
[3.1] AMIR, A. - SHMIHER, T. Stan sučasnoho perekladoznavstva u Slovaččni. In Inozemna philologia [online]. 2021, no. 134, s. 48-58. ISSN 0320-2372. Dostupné na:
AAA01 ÁDÁM, Anikó - BABAMOVA, Irina - BEDNÁROVÁ, Katarína - BERNARD, Antonia - CARAYOL, Martin. Histoire de la traduction littéraire en Europe médiane : des origines à 1989. Sous la direction de Antoine Chalvin, Jean-Léon Muller, Katre Talviste, Marie Vrinat-Nikolov. Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2019. 433 s. ISBN 978-2-7535-7611-7. ISSN 0154-5604
[5] DEVDEREA, Irina. Histoire de la traduction littéraire en Europe médiane de origines à 1989. In Atelier de traduction, 2019, č. 3, s. 305-312. ISSN 1584-1804.
[5] RICHTER, J. Chalvin, Antoine; Muller, Jean-Léon; Talviste, Katre & Vrinat-Nikolov, Marie (eds.) (2019): Histoire de la Traduction Littéraire en Europe Médiane. Des Origines à 1989. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. IN Chronotopos: a Journal of Translation History, 2020, vol. 2, no. 1&2, p. 269-274. ISSN 2617-3441.
ABB01 BEDNÁROVÁ, Katarína. Kontexty slovenského umeleckého prekladu 20. storočia. Contexts of Slovak Literary Translation of the 20th Century = Contexts of Slovak Literary Translations of the 20 Century. In Slovník slovenských prekladateľov umeleckej literatúry 20. storočie. A - K. - Bratislava : Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV : Veda vydavateľstvo SAV, 2015, s. 15-73, 74-92. ISBN 978-80-224-1428-9.
[2.1] KALIVODOVA, Eva. Dictionary of Slovak translators of artistic literature. 20th century A-K. Dictionary of Slovak translators of artistic literature. 20th century. L-Z. In WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES. ISSN 1337-9275, 2019, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 108-111., Registrované v: WOS
[3.1] SPYRKA, L. Wokół słowackich przekładów Lata w Nohant Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza. IN Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich, 2021, t. 11, cz. 1, s. 1—24. ISSN 2353-9763. Dostupné na:
AB01 Bednárová, Katarína [UKOFIRO] (100%) : Dejiny umeleckého prekladu na Slovensku 1 : od sakrálneho k profánnemu. History of Literary Translation in Slovakia I. – From the Sacred to the Profane - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Veda, 2013. - 301 s. [24,26 AH] Lit. 252 zázn. ISBN 978-80-224-1348-0
[o2] 2014 Žitný, M.: World literature studies, roč. 6, č. 4, 2014, s. 79- 85 - AHCI
VEGA, no. 1/0280/16, 2016-2017. Romance scholar Anton Vantuch a his contribution to Slovak culture. FiFUK Bratislava, conducted in 2016-2017, K. Bednárová - Investigator of a Research Project
VEGA 1/0589/14 2014-2016 Slovak Literature in Translation.Faculty of Arts CPU in Nitra, Investigator of a Research Project
VEGA no. 2/0200/15, conducted in 2015-2018. Translation as part of cultural space history II. K. Bednárová was a member of the research team.
VEGA no. 2/0166/19, conducted in 2019-2022 Translation as part of cultural process history III. K. Bednárová is deputy principal investigator.
Prof. PhDr. Katarína Bednárová, CSc., Institute of World Literature SAS - principal researcher
Translation and aspects of reception of social sciences and humanities texts as part of the cultural and literary transfer in the 20th century
The following organizations will participate in the project: Institute of World Literature SAS, Institute of Slovak Literature SAS, Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics SAS, Faculty of Arts CU in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts CPU in Nitra, Faculty of Arts, University of Presov and Faculty of Arts MBU Banská Bystrica.
The primarily literary and translation studies focused project will explore ways and means of disseminating scientific knowledge, research results, theories and concepts in the social sciences and humanities, such as philosophy, literary science and its borderline and interdisciplinary overlaps (literary essay, translation studies, theory, and art history), in broader cultural and sociological contexts through translations (from English, French, German, Russian and partly from Polish, Spanish and Italian) and their reflection in the Slovak cultural space in the 20th century.
It will try to answer the question to what extent the social and scientific valorization of circulating translation texts was / is present in the receiving (Slovak) scientific and socio-cultural environment, to what extent translations saturated the social demand in the 20th century, and whether and how they contributed to the development of the said disciplines, or, alternatively, what role the fact of non-translation or translation of irrelevant texts or the fact of incompetent translation played.
The project will examine the conditions for translations in the historical context as well as the status, function, and roles of translators as mediators, the institutional background and the functions of translations in the wider literary transfer framework with the aim of creating a more comprehensive picture of this type of translation as a scientific and creative activity.
The material (social sciences and humanities translations) will be strictly selective, and the project has no ambition to cover all thematic and linguistic areas.
VII.a - Activity, position | VII.b - Name of the institution, board | VII.c - Duration |
Membre of the Commission No.12 for Sciences of Art, Aesthetics and Linguistics, Scientific Grant Agency VEGA | Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences | 2012-2015, 2016-2019 |
Member of the Doctoral Study Committee for "Literary studies", Philology | Faculty of Arts, Constatine the Philosopher University in Nitra | 2020-2024 |
Chair of the Doctoral Study Committee for "Literary studies", Philology | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava | 2020 →2024 |
Member of the Doctoral Study Committee for "Translation Studies" , Philology | Faculty of Arts, Constatine the Philosopher University in Nitra | 2020 -2024 |
Member of the Council of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for Education and Doctoral Studies | Slovak Academy of Sciences | 2021 (term of office until 2025) |
Member of the Doctoral Study Committee for "Literary studies", Philology | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava | 2024 → |
VIII.a - Name of the institution | VIII.b - Address of the institution | VIII.c - Duration (indicate the duration of stay) | VIII.d - Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe) |
Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 | Université Bordeaux Montaigne Domaine Universitaire F33607 Pessac Cedex, France | 01.03.-31.03.2012 | invited professor, employment contract |
Università degli Studi di Napoli « L’Orientale » | Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" Palazzo Du Mesnil Con accesso da: Via Chiatamone 61/62 - 80121 Napoli, Italia | 12. 05.-16.05. 2013 | Staff Mobility for Teaching |
Université Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux 3 | Université Bordeaux Montaigne Domaine Universitaire F33607 Pessac Cedex, France | 01.07.-12.07.2013 | invited by Université Montaigne Bordeaux for European summer school program |
Centre des Etudes Européennes INALCO | Inalco 65 rue des Grands Moulins 75214 Paris Cedex 13, France | 10.10. 2014 - 17. 10. 2014 | invited by INALCO, working stay |
Université Cergy-Pontoise | Université Cergy-Pontoise Paris 33 Boulevard du Port, 95000 Cergy-Pontoise, France | 08.10.-12.10.2018 | Teaching and Training Mobility Erasmus+ |
Institut d’études slaves | Institut d’études slaves Paris 9, rue Michelet, 75006 Paris, France; Embassy of SR in France, 123, rue de Ranelagh, 75016 Paris, France | 09.12.-14.12.2019 | lecture, invited by IES and Ministry of Foreign and Europeen Affairs of the Slovak Republic and Institut d’études slaves |